There are people who are nice, willing to help, all around a good harted person. They strugle on every turn weather it be money, jobs, cars everyday crises. Then there a people who are just plan mean and hatefull with no compassion for anyone. You see them with new cars, job permitions and money in there pockets..
I ask you, is it wrong to think in you head. Can't wait for karma to kick his ass or he better be going to hell..
My aunt always said your just the better person. Well there are days when being the better person is just not enuff
So last week I decided that it was a good week for a new start. I bought a amethyst hart pendent, to give me strength and wisdom. I'm not going to sit around and stair into space, I'm not going to waste my time thinking about the past, I'm not going to feel sorry for my self anymore... I'm done with all of that..
It's time for a new me. A better one, my strong, I'm smart, and I'm going to do it all on my own....
You go Girl!
YAY for fresh starts! I wish you all the luck in the world in finding all the things you feel are missing,learing all the things you want to know and experiencing all the parts of you that you have never touched as of yet. Dont be afraid to be yourself and never stop exploring not matter what you find when you start to look inside. Whatever you find be it dark,strange,scary,bizarre is a part of you and as such will be wonderful. Dont forget that there are people that love you because of all your contrasting facets not in spite of them. :-) Good luck on your journey!
thank you.. I swear your the only person I know who understands me.
Hey what are abnormal freinds for ?
DAMN looks like my typing/spelling still has not improved. It would seem that all those hits to the head did have some lasting effects after all. Oh well life as a simple mind does have it 's rewards :-D
18:28 Sep 29 2010