Damn. I was listening to Slayer on my ipod, and my boss just walked into my office while I was in the middle of an air guitar solo.
I'm such a tard.
Now that VR is back, I realize that maybe I do have an addiction to the Dark Network. I suppose there are worse things, eh?
Nothing I can't handle...
*bites lip, rocks back and forth*
And I wonder what will happen to the addicts when The Dark Network disappears. :P
O.o Let's never say that again MBK...never.
The dark network ending????? *curls up in a ball and cries* I couldn't do it!
I'd file for short-term disability and stay home until I find another addiction to replace it.
dont worry, a lot of us have the addiction~ lol yes, it could be worse.
Yes I was cussing and my day could NOT start right without my morning fix of VR. Thank goodness I gave up smoking to make room for this latest addiction.
We all should make a secret meeting place in case DarkNetWork dissappears. *wink*
sweetie , don't feel bad OBonewits has been stressing for 4 days because he couldn't get on here.
I missed this what the fuck happened!
Every 9/11 since then, except 1, has been "perfect" days. Blue clear skies, warm and all. Almost as if things are "stuck" on that day.
Well said my friend...........well said.
someone got happy with desatration
It was a day where it became all to easy...no more comfort zone!
When the tossers attacked my country it wasn't that much of a shock because the IRA had been doing it for years!
Happy 40th anniversary, Apollo 11!
It's strange to think that there have been human footprints on the Moon since before I was born.
So, to celebrate; I'll be geeking out & watching clips of the moon landing all day long.
Yep, best year in human history in my opinion. Course this was the year I was born, so that is saying something too...lol. Not sure what, other than it must have been a yin yang thing...~dies~
it's like Bryan Adams says...
it was the summer of '69
I miss watching the moon landings, and the splashdowns in the Atlantic when they return... Yes, I am that old!
Haha, I heard that Brian Adams song today at work.
Did you know that in 1969 Bryan Adams was ten years old?
"Aint no use in complainin
When you got a job to do
Spent my evenins down at the drive-in
And thats when I met you"
yeah you ten year old bum, get a job.
"those were the best days of my life"
ha ha ha... I don't think he was talking about the "year" 69, though he has always denied that the song is about anything sexual.
damn you, Bryan Adams!
just admit it, you bastard!
*shakes a fist in the air*
I always thought it was just some marketing ploy.
That the majority of his fans were of a certain generation, so they made a song they could relate to.
oh and have you seen the Ali G interview Buzz Aldrin.
You heard it right here, the moon *does* exist!
ehh..you has fun with that ;P
*moon gazes*
Up there?
A human?
These makes the moon even more fascinating!
Since I was a kid I was charmed by he Apollo mission.
Thank you for reminding me that!
What a great thing to read!
Lol...did we really go to the moon? lol
20:34 Sep 28 2009
You and your tom foolery!
00:35 Sep 29 2009
A cool boss would have jumped in............or at least held up a lighter
03:11 Sep 29 2009
lol I bet his eyes were like this O_O
04:19 Sep 29 2009
"Can you describe the ruckus, sir?"
21:57 Sep 29 2009
Um. Hey...when you're jamming out to say...Bob Segar's Old Time Rock & Roll...you know...call me! I'm just saying.
08:31 Sep 30 2009
Slayer, huh?
*smirk* A little off topic, but, has anyone ever told you about Slayer Sundays?
15:50 Sep 30 2009
no, but I find the idea quite intriguing.... do tell.
07:14 Oct 07 2009
It's where you get drunk before noon and listen to Slayer. O.o