I think I just had the most awesomely lazy day.
I didn't do anything productive today, at all.
And it felt great.
I'm an awesome chef. No, really.
Ya know that low-fat, low-sodium turkey bacon they sell at the store? Yeah, the stuff that LOOKS like bacon. Sure, it's healthier than real pork bacon, but something about it just isn't right. It is made in such a way to fool you into thinking it's like the real thing, but it isn't. It's colored to look like bacon. And it's cut into uniform little bacon shapes. But it's not bacon. It's NOT bacon.
Not even close, dear reader.
Not. Even. Close.
It's not real bacon if you can cook it in the microwave without an explosion. Then there's the texture of it. Then, assuming you can tolerate THAT, there's the taste. I describe the flavor as crispy blandness with an aftertaste of baconesque smoke. That's if you're lucky.
But I digress.
As I was saying; I am an awesome chef. Even when handicapped with nothing but low-fat, low-sodium turkey bacon and liquid egg whites; I can create a work of art.
See, dear reader, the girlfriend and I are on a diet, and all the really good food has been replaced with -- shall we say -- counterfeit items. I won't tell you what passes for butter these days. Or milk. *kack*
This morning I made scrambled eggs and bacon and it was surprisingly good.
But I must confess, dear reader. Because, what good is a sin if you can't make a confession later? There's redemption in the confession. I need this.
See, when she wasn't looking, I cooked the turkey bacon in lard and covered it with salt.
And it was pretty awesome.
Lmao! That's amazing. You cheater.
Cheater, cheater, pumpkin-eater. Had a wife and couldn't keep her. . . . on the diet.
It is WAY too early in the morning to be journal comenting. . . .
Nah, you're doing fine.
I have actually cursed myself with this behavior. Because now, she will try to cook this bacon in the near future, and it won't be as good. She'll be convinced that she cooked it wrong. She'll demand to know how I did it... and I'll pray to Gawd that she doesn't discover my secret.
*shifty eyes*
When you get tired of not eating a diet you can maintain- talk to me- as there are ways to loose the weight, eat what you like and still enjoy going out to eat even ;)
Well, turkey bacon may not be a huge hit. But do you know what is? Turkey, and bacon! The best of both worlds.
And now i have a massive craving for a turkey bacon subway sandwich. . . . So, thanks. smiles.
Heh, might I lend a helping hand to your sin? Just go buy some seasoning and say you used that to make it sooo good. That will keep her guessing for a looong time before you have to fess up. Heck who know, maybe she will give up after a bit ;)
O_O oooooooooo I'm going to tellllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!
ya better not!
Have I told you about the infamous Homemade Marinara Incident? Perhaps that is destined for its own journal entry.
No you haven't, but now you have to write about it :D
I lost a stalker this week.
This makes me sad.
Why, God, why?!?!
wait...when did I stop stalking you?
hm...well you know how I stopped stalking you?
*bats eyelashes*
that was you??
oooh, I'mma get you for that!
I don't even click that link to see who's stalking me.
I just like having you around.
Sorry, stalkers.
It was because your hands were stinky!!!
I lost a journal reader. Pfft. They come and go like farts in the wind!
no...silly...I did that ages ago. Wait if you don't check, maybe it *was* me???
Anyway, check now.
lol you lost a stalker..
A few people took me off their friends list but those who did I got added as new journal favorites that make up for those that removed my "friendship"...
I am still stalking you.. my turkey bacon friend....
Do blokes stalk blokes?...ummm
05:30 Oct 26 2009
Should we start calling you Peter Gibbons?
06:54 Oct 26 2009
oooo lazy thoth? Did you at least destroy a beer can??? Oh this is not good. Not good.
11:50 Oct 26 2009
There is an art to doing nothing all day, I'm damn good at it myelf.
22:47 Oct 26 2009
I think we all need days like that.
13:44 Oct 27 2009
I didn't even have to use my AK.