Happy Thanksgiving!
or, as my family calls it: Turkey and an Argument.
The sooner I get this over, the better.
My plan this year:
1. go to my parents' house
2. avoid my siblings
3. eat
4. drink
5. get the hell out
That's the plan, anyway.
To the jerk in the BMW that was tailgating me at 80mph this morning & almost rear-ended me on the interstate:
YOU are the reason why people hate BMW drivers so much. Jerk.
(saw it in someone elses journal)
BMW: bitch, moan, whine LOL
~rubs your shoulders~
123 and breath...
wonder what will happen tomorrow?
next on the Thoth daily show....
Just wait... it will be a full moon soon.
Can't you tell?
Hence, I go with Volkswagen.
I know, right? But on some level I feel like I'm supposed to aspire to a BMW-level of quality, power, luxury, and pedigree. If not now, then some day.
but I don't want to be associated with the jerky jerks.
Most of the BMW owners I know are big fucking pricks. And the few who aren't jerks are always apologizing for the rest of the Bimmer scheisskopfs.
I have never owned a VW, but I like the new CC. Being a Honda guy, I thought I could be happy as an Acura driver, but I think the other Acura drivers are slightly retarded.
I'm a Honda gal too. BMW drivers can kiss my ass.
See, I drive this nice big SUV. If someone in a BMW car really feels the need to tick me off, they need to remember: My car is a LOT bigger than their car and I've always wanted to play "Monster Truck" like Jim Carrey in Pet Detective.
Ditto- I have a Jeep Cherokee, and all it takes is for me to slow down enough to piss them off. Mine's paid for, and they would be at fault. Like I always say, if you don't like the way I drive go around me
They make me want to go out and buy a 1977 Chevy Caprice wagon with crooked bumpers and mismatched hubcaps. And rust. Lots of rust.
I'd put a sign on the back end that says:
Hit me. I fucking dare you.
I dont know Thoth. It might bust into iron oxide dust.
On a side note, a good friend of mine owns a BMW and posted this the other am:
My knight in shunning BMW is taking me to work today ♥
So I had to ask... how exactly does a BMW shun?
15:48 Nov 25 2010
Happy Festivus.
15:51 Nov 25 2010
for the rest of us!
17:02 Nov 25 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Thoth.
You could always
1. drink
2. drink
3. drink
4. drink
5. go to the parents
...argument or not, you will be drunk, have had something to eat, and can leave knowing that you at least made the effort.
18:30 Nov 25 2010
You know what? Screw you and the horse you rode in on.
I want Thanksgiving again. Getting together with the family (we argue, too) and eating (i love roast meals, mash potatoes and gravy, mmmnn), and drinking of course (you could even play a drinking game, take a shot every time I use parenthesis).
Pagan's idea is good. I'd use her advice.
19:44 Nov 25 2010
Same here with the fiancee's family.
08:39 Nov 26 2010
I love the title to this entry rofl...
21:04 Nov 26 2010
Your family and my family must know each other......
Hope you got out safely!
22:33 Dec 20 2010
Belated Thanksgiving wishes, but then you American's are fond of turkey and you get to eat it all over again at Christmas! So, in that respect those turkey lurkey wishes are still valid!