The house seemed awfully quiet without the putter-patter of little paws. So we spent some time at local animal shelters looking for the next addition to our home. We interviewed many, many prospective clients; labradors, retrievers, boxers, terriers, danes, and all sorts of mixed breeds in between.
We weren't looking for a pit bull, dear reader.
But he had the best personality of all the dogs we interviewed. No, really. He was happy and friendly and polite. When I dropped his leash at the shelter, he picked it up and brought it over to me.
It was adorable, but we weren't looking for a pit bull. We kept interviewing other dogs but none were as friendly nor polite as he.
So we went back a second time to interview him. He was very happy to see us. He ran around and gathered up all the tennis balls and dog toys and brought them to us. There, he left them at our feet.
He chose us, you see.
But as I have said; we weren't looking for a pit bull -- so we left. Without him. And I regretted it.
While I was at work the following day, the wife sent me an email which included no words; just the following picture:
04:50 May 19 2012
I haven't seen you here in awhile, and was pleasantly surprised with this journal gem. Kudos for adopting what is obviously a sweetheart!
04:55 May 19 2012
Aww, he looks just as handsome to fit the personality.
05:15 May 19 2012
It brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful gift, for all of you, and a relief for Repete that you guys FINALLY got it figured out. Sheesh.
If you went back one more time I bet he would have pulled out the dry erase board and drawn you a flow chart.
05:21 May 19 2012
Congratulations on the new edition to your family! What a cutie.
14:07 May 19 2012
Glad to see you back, missed your journal.
And what a wonderful dog, waiting for you to see that he can be part of your family if only you would let him be. Waiting and waiting for a loving home to take him.
And PS- Your wife seems super cool. ;)
15:05 May 19 2012
01:50 May 22 2012
One of the few rules I have always lived by- you don't picj the animal, the animal picks you. In your case it was this adorable little one- in my case it's cats and kittens.
00:04 May 23 2012
Awwww (= that is what happened with my lil Luna (all white with freckles, pit) She picked me outside of Walmart (= congratulations to you guys. You should post more pics :D
01:14 May 24 2012
Pit Bulls can make awesome pets. He's so precious! Congrats on the new addition to your family.
It looks like life is very good indeed. ;)
00:30 Jun 10 2012
Wonder if he knew he was looking for a Thoth. Love is lucky for us. :)
11:00 Jun 15 2012
Let's hope he wasn't lulling you into a false sense of security before he rips off your face...Seriously he is a nice looking dog Thoth.