Dear Insane Bluetooth Woman,
You know, pacing the hallway in front of my office and SHRIEKING to your assistant on your Bluetooth thingy makes you appear CRAZY. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were shouting at the walls -- or at the potted plants.
You have reached THAT level of crazy.
I don't know who you are or why you are in our office. Why can't you take your conversation into the lobby or into an empty office? You're loud. LOUD! And that's me being charitable. The word "shrill" comes to mind, as does the word "disruptive".
And I haven't even addressed your stomping feet, or your frantic cat-lady gait. Or your flailing arms. Or the Edvard Munch-esque expression on your face. You're either about to laugh or scream. Or both.
See? It's disruptive. Since I am the only one who can see you, I'm assuming you are doing this for MY benefit.
Let me just say:
Please, don't.
And... there's some Decaf in the kitchen. Try some.
Technology is turning everyone into psychopaths.
For the record, the office manager's mass email about "free sandwiches" in the kitchen DID NOT say there was a one-per-employee limit. I read it, like, three times.
It's not MY fault if someone -- who shall remain nameless -- had more than one.
All I'm saying is: where I come from "first come, first served" actually MEANS something. You stupid bastards. You poor, stupid, hungry bastards.
*hides plate behind file cabinet*
*wipes crumbs off shirt*
Man, I'm so full.
lmao! Seriously man...
Hahahaha.... got to be faster then that or you lose. ;)
such deliciously evilly acquired sammiches!
If anyone understand me; it's you Jaws.
You never want to get between me and a free sammich.
that's a good way to lose an arm.
Keep a well worded definition of the term mass stored in your head if the need ever arises for you to defend "this" person. :P
*Sighs* hero.
lol you didn't see the first come first served? It's the fine print at the very very very bottom! *hands over some bottle cap glasses* see???
Just be glad it wasn't free pizza, you put that out and it's gone in a millisecond from when you announced it. People come from cubicles far away just to get a slice only to find out all 4 boxes of pizza are empty.
...but... but... the last time I didn't get any cake and they said I would get cake and...
Just pass the cake.
Lol...hold on you fatty!
18:51 Mar 15 2010
Sometimes we need bluetooth. Ok who am I kidding I dislike phones all together.
20:26 Mar 15 2010
Steamy in Seattle comes to mind... if it's you she is trying to attract. Hmm, but that could attract more *shrilling* ;)
20:44 Mar 15 2010
nah, I think that technology allows people to behave in rudely disruptive ways. Most people aren't even aware that they're being jerks. And most aren't as extreme as Crazy Bluetooth Woman. She's just a symptom.
I see it when my friends check their email while we're hanging out watching a basketball game, or when their Blackberry buzzes while we're having lunch and they just HAVE to play around with it.
Gotta return this email, dude... gimme a minute... uh hang on.... just another minute....
20:00 Mar 16 2010
*dies laughing* Don't you know that's the only way to contact her home planet?? geez!
15:15 Mar 18 2010
I don't think technology is turning anyone into anything other than their true selves. Technology just allows us to show everyone else what shrill disruptive assholes we really are.
18:34 Mar 22 2010
A portable jamming device would be such a fine gift for you, in europe I am told, the cell etiquette is more evident then here in the states.
In isreal they actually have jammers in most buildings.
I have actually had people stop dead in their tracks on sidewalks to engage in a cell conversation.. I vow to no longer break my stride to avoid colliding with said individuals..
Natural selection is also present with mobile technology.
ERs report riding numbers in head specific injuries from people walking into poles while pacing with devices, often into traffic as well, as door jams, benches, and trash cans..
19:01 Mar 22 2010
No doubt.
There was a news story last year about a teenage girl in Atlanta who fell down an open manhole. She was texting and walking and didn't see the orange cones and "DANGER!" signs all around it.
Her family is trying to sue the city for not roping off the open manhole, or setting up some kind of barricade. My thinking is this: if you're so distracted that you don't see orange cones, a sign, and a big open hole in front of you, you're beyond hope. You aren't going to notice anything.
And you deserve to fall down a hole.
We call this "learning".
(she wasn't seriously injured)
19:50 Mar 31 2010
Warning Labels On Portable Texting devices?
I say, more power to Natural Selection!