I'm listening to two co-workers argue about the words "media" "medium" and "mediums".
Neither one is willing to look these up in a dictionary. Instead, each one keeps insisting he is right. Neither knows Latin. The argument keeps going in a circle. Each revolution gets louder. Neither side is willing to concede. It's an exercise in stupidity and stubbornness. and it's right outside my office.
It's giving me a headache.
I hope they don't ask me to settle the dispute. I hope one of them accidentally stumbles over the answer.
(Media is the plural of Medium, by the way)
What stupid thing is bothering YOU right now?
Making friends, part 16
(I didn't alter any of the spelling)
Percival: hey whats up my name is percival?!?!?!
ThothLestat: your name is Percival? Wasn't he one of the Knights of the Round Table?
Percival: like id no
ThothLestat: are you a boy?
Percival: no y r u asking??
ThothLestat: 'cos Percival is a boy's name. Like Robert or Jake.
* no response *
I had no idea she was a girl.
This is the problem with choosing a name for your profile based solely on the fact that it sounds cool. It might send the wrong message.
p.s. If i create a 2nd profile here, his name will be Heptaklor. 'Cos it sounds cool.
how could someone NOT know that Percival was a Knight of The Round Table ?!?
lol and i LIKE Heptaklor btw lol
Herpesyphalitus sounds cool too... o.0 well kinda.
Come to think of it, it rather sounds itchy. But it would make a good screen name. *nods*
Heptachlor is a insecticide lol that's cool..
ding ding!
we have a winner. It's a pretty nasty little pesticide that is banned commercially in the US.
She'll grow up and give name her twin girls Placenta and Malaysia... I have met kids with these names.
omg YOU are my FRIEND
*looks at my profile*
yep yep
and hahaha
oh god maybe she is a he too?
I used to tutor a kid named "Octavious Tercel" (I am sooo not kidding) and when no one was listening, I would whisper to him "When you get older, you should pick a really cool name for yourself...seriously...keep that in mind."
I hope he did.
I'm not really trying to be a jerk about this. Percival seems like a funny person (for 15). I thought it was a boy.
My bad.
*gasping for air* LOL! Hey, Percival is the new Blake or Sydney!
I'm eating a banana and an apple for lunch in my office, and someone just walked by & said "I like to watch you eat bananas."
Even though she walked by and didn't stay long, I suddenly feel all self-conscious and uncomfortable eating a banana.
Dammit. I can't do this.
*shakes a fist at the wall*
(from random emails I send to people)
Be glad it wasn't a guy who walked by and said that to ya?
See..there's always a silver lining...sort of.
LOL, like watching you eat a Bannana*Peers thru screen*
but then the sexual innuendo factor would have been obvious. Instead, I have this weird feeling that I'm the punchline to a joke about sexual orientation while simultaneously feeling like I'm being observed.
It's absolutely impossible to eat now.
eat either a kiwi or a peach then ;)
I say screw it.. deep throat that bitch and give em a show if they're going to watch. ;)
Now I want a banana.
If you're not going to eat that banana...can I have it?
GUYS like watching me eat bananas and drink through straws. I get the sucking on the straw thing but when other people are around I cut my bananas into "banana coins"... I just don't know and I'm not sure I want to know. Maybe your next avatar could be you extruding chewed up banana through your teeth? Maybe if you had one that was a close up of you biting a banana it would help with your tumble weed situation.
Goid thing you where not eating tacos..
Very random..
Two great remedys as well.
I smash mine on my thighs , and add whip cream.. ( note to self upgrade inner thought containment)
mmm, tacos....
that's why I like you, Dab.
You're WAY sicker than me, and you hide it well.
I think I just told the client to have a SUPER day.
I am such a dork sometimes.
Now I have to listen to Slayer in my office - LOUDLY - to undo the damage to my reputation.
*shakes head*
HAHAHA as long as you didn't say 'THOOOOPER' cause then I'd have to gender check you and see if you made a sissy noise. ;P
that's just thwell :P
i'm thuper, thankth for athking!
Your Inner Dork Needs to be Flogged.. I told someone they needed some "Me Time" Yesterday.. I can still taste the Soap.
*just sits and laughs*
omg you CRACK ME UP xD
but you ish still my friend you ubber goober xD
Love reading your journal "kid"
you always put a smile on my face hehehe
think of it this way
I work at a place called Spike's Junkyard Dogs and one day I was stupid enough to tell my boss the shift was running "Spike-a-riffic" and to have a "Spike-tacular" night
the next day he yelled from the front of the store
I almost died...
it's now something we train the new guys to say
so yeah I am more of a dork than you!!!
as long as you didn't say "Have an Ubber Day"...
Wow I never knew....*also shakes head*
I've been saying the word Rad lately and each time it comes out my mouth my brain slaps me in the face.
14:36 Mar 27 2009
I'm looking at a poster giving information on Winter Vomiting, I'm sick of people asking me if it only affects people in the Winter....
00:14 Mar 28 2009
The asshole outside of my window 'singing'...
He obviously isn't aware that he is tone deaf... it's just awful. The Horror, the Horror...I so want to bust a cap in him.
18:53 Mar 30 2009
A lady in the library carrying on about a guy who was talking to his friend( not without context) so now she is inciting others that of course want her to shut the Fug up about it. .. Oh great she just stormed out of the library, and "Threatened" to never come again..
19:07 Mar 30 2009
that "threat" never really works as well as people might think, especially at a library.
15:53 Apr 05 2009
And "mediums" is either a wicked cool seance at my crib -- or a bunch of different conveyances of shite. Personally, I think you would have listened in even if this argument was halfway across the office. *grin*