I just saw The Wolfman with Benicio del Toro, Hugo Weaving, and Anthony Hopkins. And all I can say is:
Complete and total crap.
I'm disappointed in myself for thinking that would be a good movie.
*shakes head*
However, Emily Blunt was great. Like, hit pause and turn the lights down great.
I grossly underestimated the amount of time required to clean up my basement after 6 months of sloth. Four hours wasn't enough. I barely made a dent.
I spent more time cleaning dust off things and organizing stuff into piles. Three trash bags full of garbage; mostly old cardboard boxes, magazines, dead plants, old paint cans, etc.
And I managed to fill an entire garbage bag with aluminum cans & took it to the recycling center. I also filled 3 bags with clothes for various charities. And I have two TV sets, 2 radios, some pots & pans, and a toaster ready to be donated. The TV sets are old, probably from the late 80s -- they have faux wood sides and neither one has a remote control. I think they work. I'll plug them in tonight to see.
A lot of this is stuff I've been dragging around since college. So it doesn't really count as part of my recent experiment.
Again, this was a deliberate attempt to mimic the things I saw on Hoarders to see if I could quantify the amount of time needed to keep things tidy on a regular basis vs putting it off for 6 months. Constant effort vs procrastination/purging. No other parts of my house were affected; just the basement.
I think I need another 3 or 4 hours to get things under control.
So, if that holds true...
It only requires about 15-20 minutes of effort per week, to keep from overwhelming oneself with your own junk.
I don't recommend this experiment for anyone.
Statistically speaking, I think for most the amount of time is ona curve... and eventually flatlines as a relative constant, assuming, all variables remaining constant.
After all, there is just so much junk a basement/garage/attic can contain...
I think for the TV's you should try the whole "throwing them down the wooden stairs" thing... as long as they haven't been plugged in for a few months or years, you won't be risking a fire or explosion...
lol well at least all of your things was put there by you! My attic was fillllllllllllllllled with crap the goblins have collected over the years lol lol
Thanks for starting this entry with "sloth." Now I can't thtop thaying ThlothLethtat :(
This is the reason I fear purging my back pack..
I am unable to break away from Sloth = Thoth!
hehe i never have these issues because i only keep what i use and toss the rest. my mom always told me that, if you haven't used something in over a year, more than likely you aren't going to. a lot of people tend to latch onto material things for sentimental reasons, and that's cool as long as you honor the purpose of having it and it's not in a box in the corner making a nice home for rats and spiders. lol A well organized place makes everything easier on anyone that takes the effort to do it. that's all that it really comes down to, is Effort. :)
I am bad- reading this the only thing I have to say or ask is...
Remember when you had to get up off the couch, out of the chair and TURN the knob to change the channel? Now that... that is old. lol
yes! when I was little we had a set like that with a big ass chrome knob on the front. It turned with a loud clunk-clunk-clunk. And we only had, like, 9 channels.
You really had to plan your TV viewing carefully to avoid any unnecessary walking around the room. Mainly because, as soon as you stood up, a sibling (perhaps an evil little brother) would take your seat.
03:09 Jun 05 2010
Really? I still haven't seen it. But I still want to :P
03:11 Jun 05 2010
Ah, then I shall refrain from giving away key points of the plot. No matter how predictable they are.
*tapes mouth shut*
06:53 Jun 05 2010
I have/had high expectations for it but it went on the back burner.
Then again, it is a remake of a classic.
I have been putting of seeing the newest Alice in Wonderland as well.
There is a lesson in there somewhere I think.
22:21 Jun 05 2010
The effects are good, the acting is superb, and there's plenty of gore... but overall, it just lacks something. I can't quite put my finger on it. I'm left with the feeling that there should have been more of a story.
09:40 Jun 06 2010
I also am still going to watch it, the clips look good. I suppose that's the best bits of the film.
18:57 Jun 07 2010
Funy- I absolutely loved it- it had that same atmospheric dark feel to it that I remember getting from the old movies. Yet there were just enough modern witticisms to get me tickled. Sorry you didn't like it.
13:40 Jun 09 2010
Sir Tony, A Bad Review?
I shall watch it through pirated means, eventually.
Now you have biased me.
Jack, Alice in Wonderland can be viewed through Project Free TV. Though I heard, it is best viewed in I-Max 3 D.