Damn you, SUBWAY! Damn you to hell!
Strong words, I know.
They put cucumbers on my sandwich again. Fuckers.
What's the point of saying "Everything on it, but no cucumbers, please." when ordering a sandwich? Seriously. What's the point if no one is listening?
I understand that some people love these damn things. I'm happy for such people. Really. I envy them. But cucumbers taste like freshly cut grass to me. (somehow I just know this, trust me)
*adds cucumbers to list of pet peeves*
No, it won't kill me to pull these damn things out of my sandwich myself. And yeah, I should probably pay attention while they're assembling my turkey-on-wheat to make sure they're following a simple request. But you'd think that a specification like "no cucumbers, please" would be pretty easy to follow without close supervision.
Crazy, I know.
If this is the worst thing that I have to endure today, then I truly live a charmed life. It's petty, and I know it is. But still. ICK to the ICK.
getitoff getitioff getitoff getitoff.
*wipes hands on pants*
Don't put 'em up your butt.
Like this guy did.
Think once.
Think twice.
Think: Don't put hammers up your butt.
Just a helpful tip from your ol' pal, ThothLestat.
Wow. i know i'd rather shove a hammer or two up my ass, than take a laxative. It's just to much easier, you know?
Oh hell. Alcohol makes some people, quiet, some too talkative, some give away money or just buy everyone drinks, and now... makes some people put hammers up their butts.
Where do you find this stuff????
im just amazed that he could actually put them up his butt....o.O
No, I'm not looking.....lmao
I thought this was going to be a video of him doing it like the one (then stikki, now trikki) did about the glass jar breaking inside that guy...lol. Glad it was not, that still give me nightmares.
"Boy I'd like to poop right now. I know what would fix that! Two hammers up my butt! Why didn't I think of it before?"
When the phrase: That's just crazy enough to work! Does NOT apply...
I don't even know what to say to this one....
Oh the stupidity of some people....
Some just shouldn't be allowed to breed....
I don't care HOW drunk this guy was... ONE hammer would be painful.
What the HELL man?
How is that even possible?
Romania... isn't that where you find Vampires?
Drunk, anal-hammering Vampires?
I need to not eat while reading your journal. WC started in with the jokes of being ass hammered and ass pounded... and my monitor almost got a good coating of cheerios.
Why a hammer? Well at least he didn't use draino to remove the clog.
I can`t open the link! I think it`s better this way!
I think the story got so popular it melted their server. It's the story of a dutch man who felt constipated, ate a lot of cherries, and drank some alcohol, and then -- because he still felt constipated -- shoved two hammers up his rectum.
The only picture shown is a pic of the x-ray which shows two hammers surrounded by internal organs.
it's not gross, just... disturbing.
No....sorry no...just no..Sick lol
wow... that is disturbing....
It's just not summer unless I'm stung by bees while kicking their little bee hive.
Okay, so technically, it's my fault for doing that but they're still little bastards for stinging me.
3 times.
I will have my revenge. Mark my words.
Mark them.
And marking them...........now..
Hey...give a bee a break, go for the wasps for a change.
oh.. Must YouTube Bee Stings Newsreporter.
I think I've seen that. I was stung by three bees simultaneously. It was awesome.
My back yard was filled with a litany of loud expletives for a good 5 minutes.
New mentorship!
I'm looking for pupils to corrupt, er, I mean instruct.
The Bad Apples -- Rotten to the Core!
Inquire within...
Aww I wish I could join :(
You do realise your going to get all those...biatches now don't you ? lmao.
I've had my shots.
lol, id go for it :3
Moms are complicated.
I just got back from being out of town for a week and there's 3 voicemails from my mother. OY VEY. You'd think I was out of the country for a year.
I love my mother dearly, but I'm glad she doesn't text me. I think it would go like this:
Thoth's Mom: Hi ya! When R U going 2 visit us?
Thoth's Mom: Did U send a thank-you note 2 ur grandmother yet?
Thoth's Mom: ZOMG! Dad sez 'hi'
Thoth's Mom: oh, U left ur book here.
Thoth's Mom: should we mail it 2 u?
Thoth's Mom: Your brother is here with his kids! OMG! cRaZy!
Thoth's Mom: When R U going 2 visit us?
Thoth's Mom: Call soon, ok?
Rinse. Repeat.
[hat-tip to Audrey]
Is she on Facebook yet? My mom got on Facebook and she's... Learning...
I made a MySpace page in honor of my mom. I hope to god she never finds it.
*tips hat and nods back* I love you SO much for not putting up what my mother would say!
oh wowz 0.0;
Here's my mom. Well, it's not REALLY her, but it's based on her. I haven't done much with this MySpace profile in a few years.
She can be your mom too.
lol yes but at least she cares! facebook.....im coming to find out just how crazy my family is on that site o.O
My mom hasn't discovered texting yet either...
...my phone would probably kill itself if it had to deal with all that guilt...
And I just thought it was me who had an over protective mother.
She's been known to ring 6 times in the space of 30 mins AND leave voice mail each time. Then she rings my mobile, and my husband's mobile and leaves more messages. Then she lectures me for not ringing her back sooner!!
Seriously - WHAT?!?!
Bless her!
That profile is awesome.
I took lessons in sailing today. It's something I always wanted to learn.
Lesson # 1: Stay in the boat.
Failure to do so may result in wet clothes.
Lesson # 2: Getting back into the boat.
(repeat as necessary)
I learn everything the hard way.
More updates as I get 'em...
We have something in common and I'm not talking about the sailing lol
Fantastic, this solid foundation of education in sailing will no doubt last you a lifetime. Next you should learn when to get out of the boat.
For example:
The boat is on fire. Get out.
don't get ahead of the class, Morri.
If you go naked your clothes might not get as wet. Just remember: SUNSCREEN! SUNSCREEN! SUNSCREEN!
And watch out for fishies.
My dearest Wogsley,
Lash your self to a cleat with a double Matthew Walker. This should ensure your keeping out of Davy Jone's locker. You may also want to ask Audrey to make you some port and starboard pants. Don't make the boatswain get the cat out of the bag.
Take care
I just spoke to my sailing instructor. With the exception of that knot, that was complete gibberish. Thanks, ass.
But but but... Her pants are real. She really does have "port and starboard" pants.
ha ha ha
Actually I do... I made them.
Remind me to NEVER teach you how to row...
also just so you can REALLY be confused... to a rower- starboard is left and port is right.
because the bow of the boat is behind the rower and they look out over the stern
See, that's just wrong. I'd have to write on my shoes:
and I'd still get it wrong half the time.
Wow the comments here are great! Bloody hell did you up your insurance.
Yay! Free wi-fi at the beach!
Bwa ha ha ha!
And I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get my VR fix for a whole week!
*taps arm, tightens the tourniquet*
VR is a hell of a drug.
you have got it bad
saying that
i used to complain
when my bf was on here all the time
now it is the other way around lol
can not get enough!!!!!
Don't get sand in any of your ports.
I think he's talking about like... Your butt?
wooowz, it is aint it??
Bugger! I had to pay a pound for 15 mins!
I used 'mesmerizingly' yesterday in an email, and Spell-Check told me it wasn't a word.
- spell check
Thanks, Spell-Check. Thanks, but no.
I need this in an adverb form, but thanks for helping.
*kicks spell-check in the groin*
perhaps Mesmerizer?
Mesmerizing was probably the word you were looking for :-)
I think the right form is mesmerically.
Kick it in the groin again. Is this the same one that told you to use entrails? Just keep kicking.
feh, I just like to make up words.
damn you, Spell-check! DAMN YOU!
*shakes fist at Spell-check*
You know, if there were more rap songs like this, I might not hate the genre quite as much...
Word man!
Invest in a genre called nerdcore.
It is amazing :P
omg that was awesome lmao
I checked it and checked out hommie LOL
Hey - where is DR. Dre?? Isn't it a rule that he has to be in every rap video?????
Now he's gonna go pop a cap in yo a$$...
ooooh, Birra, you FRONTIN' ?
I like that, but thats more hip hop then rap, I tend to enjoy hip hop more then Rap.
Wow I like it
Ooooh, I just found the body mod I'm gonna get!
You know you're gonna be jealous.
Bring on the cream cheese!
LOL that's really weird
...just the thing you need for the important job interview or sales meeting tomorrow!
People pay good money to have stuff like that removed don't they? I've heard of things like that... just not in those locations. I tend to think of myself as kind of an open person but I'm not sure I could talk to a guy with a donut boob job on his forehead.
If people will pay good money to have that done, and then pay good money to have it removed, SURELY they will allow me to talk them out of it for 1/2 the price.
I'm available.
That's made me feel ill...yuk
It says you can mold and dent it however...why stop with bagels? :)
I wonder if I could do an Acura logo...
I feel sick........
Drugs are bad Mmmmkaaay
Horrific. Really. Ugh. . . .
Every time i see something like this, i wonder who the loving genius that thought it up was. . . .
It's the invasion of the Booby Snatchers!!! *faints*
I guess they feared the fact that they won`t be a part of the Coven!
They won`t, anyway!
I`m gonna have nightmares again!
Well I thought Cheerio Heads was going to catch on.. I would give it a month or two before having the procedure.
19:33 Jul 31 2009
Thank you for demonstrating with cucumbers how I feel when people ask, "Can't you just pick the meat out?"
No. No, I can't because now it has cross-pollinated. Bastards.
20:25 Jul 31 2009
Pickles are one thing but cucumbers are a different story altogether.
Stick to banana peppers instead ;)
20:36 Jul 31 2009
oh yeah... that and jalapenos.
(it was delicious, btw, even if it did have a slight cucumbery aura to it)
03:54 Aug 01 2009
Hypothetically speaking, had we been graced closer geographical proximity, the purpose of this abomination would merely be to pick them out to give to me...
It is just not the same unless it has been picked out of anothers sandwich...oh the joys of unexpected intimacies with friends.
14:57 Aug 01 2009
If that were the case, I would order EXTRA cucumbers & let you take them out of my sandwich, and then I'd watch as you patiently wiped the mustard off them.
14:35 Aug 02 2009
Cucumbers are freakin nasty..
And thank you, you just totally made my morning, lol. I love waking up to a random rant about Subway (EAT FRESH!)
This is exactly why I stick to normal sandwhiches at home..this way I know EXACTLY what to put on it, and nothing else!
19:40 Aug 04 2009
OMG....I love them, more than picking my nose ^^
(I am keeping this clean...I could of said arse...oops!)
They do have a slight grass taste, however one will find that they are a refined taste.
Peasant ; )
23:27 Aug 04 2009
Yes, pay attention to what they're doing. If you're putting everything but something on, you go through everything like habit, and might miss the "but."
And go easy--not everyone can be a perfect sandwich artist like me. Brushes off shoulder.
07:22 Aug 06 2009
Cucumbers are NOT food and you ate a contaminated sandwich.
13:31 Aug 06 2009
I hate when that happens............but Thoth... CUCUMBERS ARE THE SHIT.