The eighteen people you're scared of on FaceBook.
( linky )
Only eighteen??
I tried to be witty and clever.
I wanted to say to her "you make me smile" in French. Babelfish suggested:
Vous me faites la boue!
Which re-translates as:
"you make me mud"
*shakes fist at computer*
Try something in latin. By the 10th re-translation it has absolutely no resemblance to the original atatemnt. Yahoo Babel = FAIL
Hee hee...!
Chercez la femme...merde. :D
Lmfao. You're not alone. Translators suck, but they can be fun. We used to type in passages from Roch Carrier's works, just to see what it would say. It was like Mad Libs or something. A treasured memory. smiles.
"you make me mud" WOW... Now that could convey some WRONG things right off...
I know, right?
There's not even an emoticon for that!
Only you Thoth...only you lol!
Yes, elevator people.
It IS cold enough for me. Thanks for asking.
I'm going to start punching people in the neck if they insist on asking this question.
i know people are always talking about the cold all the time. Hello. Welcome to Winter :D
don't the summer you get to look forward to..."is it hot enough for you?"
Ironically, though, I compulsively hug strangers when they ask me that. It's very awkward.
For everyone.
Just fart, I would ^^
...Is it smelly enough in here for ya'?
It's time like this -- while taking the Daybreakers Contest -- that I wish my profile name was "Hey Dumbass" so I'd be greeted thusly:
Hey Dumbass, here's the part where we make sure you didn't lie on your application....
*feeling pretty 'short-bus' right now*
Sugar I missed the short bus and was left in the bus stop completely! lol
Me too..I got stuck on level 2
I made it to level 14 and looked on the standings page only to see Hex had one. *sighs*. She plowed through it like crazy. Good for her! I am glad to have made it as far as I did, but still feeling short bussy too.
At least you guys did it...I am not brave enough!
I am going to kidnap a professor, or collage student to have at it.
I have to confess, that I was completely bored within moments of starting. How bad does that sound?
Not only dumb, but shallow?
But seriously, I do not find wading through these particular historical facts to be overly interesting. I have enough material of my own to wade through at the moment, to add that to the pile. :(
The lifetime premium membership would have been nice though.
oh btw...what did happen after level 1?
aw man, AA, you missed the SWIMSUIT competition!
Only the cool people ride the short bus! The cooler one's wear helmets.
I love the historical shit, but I keep missing the contests/buses!
We should see if they flavor the windows.
I just watched The Messengers featuring Kristen Stweart, Dylan McDermott, and Penelope Ann Miller.
And all I can say is UGH.
I predicted the major plot points in the first 10 minutes. But I sat here and watched the whole damn thing anyway just to see if I was right.
And I was.
I suppose it can be considered a warning when the movie has a tag line like this "There is evidence to suggest that children are highly susceptible to paranormal phenomena. They see what adults cannot. They believe what adults deny. And they are trying to warn us"
double ugh.
Kristen Stewart plays essentially the same character as she does in Twilight. That's some dynamic range there.
Does the strange obsessive blinking continue?
I never did care for her acting, it leaves a lot to be desired.
ya know, I didn't think to watch for the blinking, but I did notice that she kinda slouches around the sets and she squints a lot like Bella. She spends a lot of time glaring out windows and staring blankly at walls. It gives the impression that there's a lot of non-existent depth and angst to the character.
No comment...about the
lol she plays the same part in all her movies, SCUKY! so ya guess the joke is on you! LOL
i'm with pandorasbx. She takes something away from the films she's in. . . . With her wide emotional range, as you noted.
she's no Jennifer Connelly (rowr!)
18:04 Jan 20 2010
I dislike this, because rainy days and Mondays always get me down. :(
18:09 Jan 20 2010
Are you saying that you're NOT a Protein Berry Razzmatazz?
I don't know who you are anymore.
: (
00:27 Jan 24 2010
Misery lady...I want her...Ooopss I forgot this is a public site!
Oh yeah and I'm old enough to be her father...I have sweets and a puppie dog though ^^