I knew this day was coming.
Late in the day, Friday, a new employee handbook was issued at work. The revised and updated portions of the handbook -- the ONLY parts revised -- were the sections regarding internet usage and social networking.
Specifically, personal usage of workstations and computers for social-networking are going to be monitored and/or restricted. Effective Monday.
So I will no longer be able to lounge around on VR, or keep VR on in the background, all day while at work. I can't blame them for this, as these sorts of policies are becoming commonplace while the popularity of social-networking grows. It begins to imoact employees' work performance and the infrastructure of office equipment.
But it still sucks.
So, unfortunately, I will only be on VR during weekends and some weeknights as time permits.
just sayin.
To be honest, I don't quite understand. Capital letters don't actually cause me to feel physical pain.
It doesn't really do anything...except make it easier to read...um...
And upon further examination, I listened to words on caps lock...they didn't seem to get louder...maybe you can turn the volume down on your eyes?
Top 10 Ways to Destroy the Earth.
[click here]
I like how some of these are described as 'possible' and are then given an estimated time for completion. That's a level of detail only a hard-core nerd would provide.
Nerd rule.
OMG that was GREAT!
I love geeks.
Do you watch Leverage on TNT?
"age of the geek baby"
~grins~ good schtuff mang!
Hurl the Earth into the Sun....lol I am holding on to the dirt but it keeps slipping!
It's the iguana apocalypse! Near-freezing temperatures in Florida are making iguanas fall from trees -- in their sleep!
The non-native lizard was first introduced to Florida by careless pet owners and has become one of the state's most invasive species. While Florida has similar weather to the iguanas' native home of South America, it is clearly not identical.
While the lizards' comatose state provides a perfect opportunity to reign in the invasive species, there is a warning...
"I knew of a gentleman who was collecting them off the street and throwing them in the back of his station wagon, and all of a sudden these things are coming alive, crawling on his back and almost caused a wreck." - Ron Magill of the Miami Metrozoo
sweet.... iguana zombies!
lmao to funny
People are stupid.
Did he not realize they would wake up once the car warmed them?
it makes me wonder what he was GOING TO DO with a car full of iguanas. what a weirdo.
lmao....he said kamikaze iguanas....
Yeah, we used to see them all over the place when we lived in Miami... in the ditches. I took the city bus one day and a guy had a huge-ass one literally folded up in his backpack- he snatched him from the side of the road and was taking him home to be his pet.
Wow a free pet!!
i found one on the street once! Here in Canada, it's a pretty big deal, we haven't got wild iguanas roaming about in the snow. Scared me witless. And boy, did it look out of place. . . .
They are really neat beasties and do okay as pet if you keep up with them... I'd be afraid of the "wild" ones though. Them buggers will whip the bejaysus outa you with that tail! and the tails can come off too! Ninja iguana zombies!
16:57 Jan 30 2010
I bet at least ONE supervisor is in his office playing Farmville on Facebook.
17:02 Jan 30 2010
all of them are on Facebook playing games!
Half the people at work are streaming audio at their desks, which kills the bandwidth for the rest of us.
But I'll admit, I spend more time than I should on non-work-related websites.
04:34 Jan 31 2010
Two words:
PCS Card.
They can't monitor your own data plan...
01:13 Feb 09 2010
Well, at least you'll still be around here!
11:31 Feb 09 2010
Dam that sucks poo!
There must be a way around it Thoth...there is always a way.
02:44 Feb 12 2010
nope, they're monitoring our computers.
I'll have to see if I can log on with my Droid.