It was so cold recently that the little pond behind the house had a thin, glassy layer of ice on it. The ice on the shallow side was thick enough to appear frosty. Would it support my weight?
There was only one way to find out.
"Watch this!", I said to my dog as I moved closer.
And as I stepped out onto the ice, I began to calculate the relative strength of ice as it relates to its thickness, and the way it floats on the water beneath. I thought about how cold the water might be. And as the cracks radiated out like a spiderweb, I began to have second thoughts.
Ya know, in movies, how they make the ice sound like glass when it breaks? Yeah. It doesn't sound like that. At all. It squeaks and groans. It whines. It pops. And then it's just not there anymore.
I'm typing this, so you know I'm not dead.
*embarrassed grin*
There is, perhaps, no greater humility than that found in cold, wet mud.
But only my wet boots and a slightly amused dog were witness.
*sorry for the terrible pun. I couldn't resist.
Um, no.
You cannot claim to be a vegetarian if you drink animal blood as part of your diet.
*shakes head*
Seriously. This makes my head hurt.
What? No blood? Woe is me! LMAO, idiots abound. Guess they will have to make a hard choice...ummm, become 'normal' or give up the blood.
It made me
But what if they only drink the blood of herbavoirs?
I would switch to beet juice, with any luck fellow blood drinkers wouldn't notice.
beet juice would be acceptable. (blecchh!)
of course, that would mean that they aren't a vampire -- so I can see the conundrum they find themselves in.
*folds in half laughing and choking on orange skittles*
It's one of those days.
Too much on my mind and I can't pay attention to any one thing. There isn't enough coffee to keep my mind focused. Off it goes, to wander away to some other thing, or to play with a forgotten memory, or to dwell on something intangible and worrisome. And there's always something important that gets overlooked...
Like this morning when I realized -- halfway to meet my friends at the gym -- that I forgot to bring my clothes with me. So I turned around to get them and got stuck in traffic, and hit every red light, and never made it to the gym, and suffered the embarrassment of calling my friends to explain it to them, and then I was late to work, and I missed a meeting, and still can't seem to get caught up...
and it all sounds so lame.
I forgot...
It's as if I'm 7 years old today.
What the hell?
I should have stayed in bed today.
Ohh have had a few of these days.. in fact yesterday was one of them~
You need a do-over. *runs off to find Tinkerbell*
A redbull maybe? Or six?
Nah, I can't stand Red Bull.
i wish Tropicana would put caffeine in their orange juice... I'd buy that by the gallon.
Secret weapon:
Google it- it's godly and has B vitamins- way better than Coffee :)'ll have some really good days too..
oh my...
I have one of those days...
just about every other day :(
Caffeinated orange juice… With pulp? Might have something there. I mean why not? They add other stuff. As far as your day... Man, that sucks.
Now I know:
Don't dogs don't care about (or even notice) foggy mornings. At all. Ever.
regarding Christmas lights...
prepare for an update.
*evil snicker*
Dogs think: Oh boy WALK!!!
Humans think: ugg it's cold.
Dogs think: Oh boy WALK!!!
Humans think: eww it's wet
Dog's think: Oh boy WALK!!!
Humans think: Learn to use the toliet already!
true story:
I have trained my dogs to understand what "wait for the commercial break" means.
oh wow, when I write it out like that it seems really pathetic.
OMG Hahahaha! Why didn't I do that?? Mine know "treat, cookie, walkies, park" Damn... hahahaha
you. rack. me. up.
how are you doing?
It's oddly warm and foggy today, about 50 degrees F. The fog is hanging low, the way smoke does. It looks artificial, like something out of a movie. I'm reminded of the final scene in Silent Hill... everything is shades of grey, but it's peaceful. Quiet.
So, I'm taking the dogs out for a long walk to see if they enjoy it as much as I do.
It's a perfectly grey day to start taking down all the Christmas lights. I'm always the last house on the street to do so. My neighbors are overachievers.
I hate them.
(not really)
No, you're the over-achiever. I don't put up christmas light and I've never taken down the ones left hanging by the previous owner of this house...
Did not put any up this year, guess I am an Under acheiver.
Bring a gun...heh. Never know what goes bump in the fog ;)
I was also wondering about that fog...
My lights are in a tidy wad hanging from one of the screws on my portch light. I was pestered.
16:14 Jan 18 2009
And still yet when another time shall present itself once again shall it be tried again right.. well at least it was for me~giggles~
16:15 Jan 18 2009
No ice doesn't sound like glass--unless it is actually smashed against something hard. Opening the door and knocking all the ice-cicles sounds like you just dropped a massive box of fragile china.
Good that no one witnessed your embarrassment. Next time you wonder if something will hold you remember "curiousity killed the cat."
And the pun is hilarious. Whole thing is hilarious.
19:57 Jan 18 2009
Heh, at least it was a puddle and not a lake!
22:03 Jan 18 2009
mwuhahaahha you sound like me xD
sooo something i would do lol and keep doing lol
till i got it right
01:47 Jan 19 2009
Now...let me stick my wet finger into this socket...
14:18 Jan 19 2009
no, no, no... use this fork....
22:46 Jan 19 2009
Aluminum crochet hooks or brass keys work well with the 120v US sockets. Tweezers have a fascinating effect as well.
Thin ice? Really now. That’s why I have a dog. They don't tell anyone.
17:27 Feb 01 2009
Well a muddy bottom is better than hypothermia. Lol.
18:21 Feb 01 2009
This reminds me of a little verse from "Ruthless Rhymes" by Harry Graham.
The ice upon the pond's so thin,
That poor mamma has fallen in!
We cannot reach her from the shore
Until the ice hardens some more.
Ah, me! My heart grows weary, waiting..
Besides, I want to have some skating.
21:00 Feb 13 2009
Write something eeeeeeeeelse. *whine* When I get to where I can recite your last post, it's been up too long. Feed me, Seymour!
14:09 Mar 27 2009
I'm pretty sure that we were all taught in science class that ice really isn't ever "safe" or thick enough to walk on, but the idea is still fun and the "what if" factor is still instilled in our brains. Kudos to you dear. Now the next time you try this, please let me be there :)