AN UPDATE13:38 Feb 18 2012
Times Read: 689
I'm not very good at being depressed. But when my dog passed away suddenly in October I took it pretty hard. It just seemed so unfair.
Janey 2004-2011
she loved that damned sofa.
She was only seven years old but had the heart of a much larger, much older dog. One day she was a little slower and seemed to be a little more tired than the day before. There were visits to vets, x-rays, and medications. Two days later she was gone.
I just wanted more time with her. I miss her. Especially on days like this when my first inclination in the morning is to get up, make coffee, and walk the dog.
She passed away in her sleep, on her blanket on the floor next to the bed. I suppose, dear reader, that this is the prefered way to go -- all peaceful and comfortable. But I wasn't ready for it. I never got to say good bye.
I think there is a photo of her in my portfolio where I describe her as "pure evil". It was a joke, of course. She was never evil. She was a sweet dog who loved everyone; every person and every dog she met.
Now the house feels
So, Mrs Thothy and I are going to the animal shelter today to look -- just to LOOK, mind you -- at the new arrivals. Maybe we'll interview a dog or two. See, dear reader, it is my belief that the right dog will choose US.
We're just looking... maybe.
p.s. Sorry for my absence. Did I miss anything?
and what the fug is this
honor stuff?
13:45 Feb 18 2012
The honor stuff is nothing. Really you missed nothing crucial.
I am so sorry about Janey. These things are so hard. I hope that the right dog will find you and leap to your rescue by allowing you to be a hero.
I was gone for a while myself.
14:55 Feb 18 2012
I'm sorry for your loss. It is the most difficult part, always, of loving our furry companions. Their lives are so much more brief than our own... usually.
I lost my Alex much the same way. He was a mutt, but he was my mutt. He died suddenly, far too young and I have no idea why.
I can't even tell the story of that day without crying... and it was 6 years ago.
The right new companion will pick you, and again, your life will be richer for it.
14:57 Feb 18 2012
*hug* Losing a pet is as hard as losing a family member because they are family.
With enough time- you will find a new buddy.
Just looking? Uh huh. Wishing you the best on finding another soul mate.
15:03 Feb 18 2012
Missing them never stops. I'm glad to hear from you but of course this news is heartbreaking. I hope both of you are found by a special furry someone some day.
15:17 Feb 18 2012
We've missed you oodles. That's what you missed. Janey was a gift to your life; I'm so sorry your time with her was cut short. I'm glad to hear that there is room enough beside that love in your heart for another furry gift to find a blanket and warm snuggles in your home. No doubt about it...Janey was a wise girl to have chosen you. Bet she nuzzles just the right ball of mischief your way.
15:29 Feb 18 2012
Sending you much love, and hope that the right one wags their tail in your direction.
21:50 Feb 18 2012
AWWW! I am sorry! The worst thing is to lose a beloved pet. I still miss my dog LOADS - I think I'd miss some of my relations less :(
08:22 Feb 19 2012
Oh thank goodness you are alive I thought you got married and the wife ATE you!!!!
09:56 Mar 02 2012
*hugs* so sorry Thothy :(
No, you haven't really missed anything. Honour is nothing exciting.
We're glad you're back though :)
00:02 Mar 23 2012
I'm so sorry. :(