Have a joyous & mirthful Saturnalia, everyone!
Io Saturnalia!
Why, yes, I AM interested in that...
For some reason, an ad network has started serving me online ads for corsets.
Not that I'm complaining, mind you. Because I'm not. I'm merely trying to figure out why I'm seeing these ads instead of the usual banner ads for Goodyear tires and Dodge Darts. I haven't searched for corsets nor have I done any online shopping for them.
and yet; here they are.
Again. Not complaining.
It's just... distracting me....
Maybe you have been staring at the Timeless Trends ad on VR a little bit too much and it knew it! :P
Could be Mrs. Thothy is trying to send you a hint for her christmas present?
There's no way in HELL I'll ever get her into a corset.
Already lost that battle!
See, this is why we just can't get you onto the Good List. I guess it's Naughty again this year. On the up side, you probably have a good share in the coal market now. So, you've got that going for you!
Merry Christmas.
I used to receive spam email regarding viagra ~_~
I ran into a department store Santa today. And we weren't in a department store - we were at a gas station.
But that's beside the point.
He let out a hearty HO HO HO and a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and asked me if I have been good this year.
I laughed and said "No"
Love it...lol!
I just realised your journal sections are default now.
I was slightly confused for a moment.
You, Sir Thothy-Thoth, have been missed.
Yep, I'm all default'ed now! *sadness*
18:37 Dec 21 2012
00:02 Dec 22 2012
The cosmos liked Saturn... and put a ring on it.
They liked Uranus too, but the ring isn't nearly as impressive...
13:30 Dec 22 2012
ha ha ha... ew.
00:40 Dec 29 2012
Io Saturnalia! :)