ThothLestat's Journal

ThothLestat's Journal


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2 entries this month


15:05 Dec 30 2010
Times Read: 695

Photo: the office holiday party

Looks like fun, eh?

Wait? Where IS everyone?

Why aren't they out on the dance floor? Hmmmm.


Incidentally, THIS is why people hire DJs for office parties. Because, while YOU might like the music on your iPod; you might actually have TERRIBLE taste in music. Or, your idea of "dance hits" might be vastly different than your co-workers, who are 10-20 years younger than you. Including the HOT HOT young interns that EVERYONE wanted to watch dance.

And NOTHING, dear reader, abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING clears a dance floor quicker than you and your shitty music.

Thanks a lot, jerks.



15:43 Dec 30 2010

Death to the office jerks!

what a waste of floor space

and damn no pics of Thoth showing us his stuff lol

15:53 Dec 30 2010

oh, I don't dance.

It's in my contract.

17:38 Dec 30 2010

That's such a shame. Dancing is essential to the well-being of the office party.

Shit, dancing is a vital part of life. When else can people shake their ass vigorously in public without fear of any ramifications? :p

17:59 Dec 30 2010

Ever seen 13 Going On 30? Well, long story short: Jennifer Garner plays a character who as a 13 year old makes a wish to be a fabulous 30 year old. Wish granted--fast forward: 13 year old in a 30 year old's body at a lame office party (much like the one pictured). So what does she do? She requests Michael Jackson's Thriller from the DJ. Result: FUN!

Maybe you should have broken out the Thriller! ;)

18:00 Dec 30 2010

I hear ya. And there are a lot of fun songs that -- while I may not like them, or that I might not dance to them -- I can have a good time listening to, and that LOTS of people like to dance to.

But, who the HELL would think that LIONEL RITCHIE songs would be fun at an office Christmas party?


p.s. the ONLY song I could ever dance to is Brick House. Shh! Don't tell anyone.

23:29 Dec 30 2010


He's a brick house

Mighty might just lettin' it all hang out


08:03 Dec 31 2010

Now see, I would pay good money to see that....lol

And I know JUST what you mean. And the really sad thing is, some of these people throwing christmas parties or wedding receptions hire dj's that are every bit as bad, all in the name of saving money.

Or cousin reject is talked into hooking his iPod into the computer system, and then singing karaoke to it....

And on and on....just one bartender's horror stories, a few among many...

10:21 Jan 15 2011

*cannot stop laughing*




05:01 Dec 22 2010
Times Read: 766

And now; a special holiday rant, er, message from Mr. Thoth, the Marketing Guy..

Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

Look, friend, that ain't just a catchy bumper sticker or a funny Demotivator poster. No, siree. It's one of life's truest axioms.

Here's another:

You will never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator.

Combine these two tropes, and you have a foolproof path to success in the entertainment industry! Guaranteed!

How else can one explain the popularity and relative success of such terrible ideas as:

1. The band GWAR

2. Larry the Cable Guy

3. anything on FOX Television or the USA Network

4. the demon-spawn known as Justin Bieber

5. everything touched by Tyler Perry (yes, I went there)

6. and the show; Two and a Half Men -- towards which I shall direct most of my ire, forthwith.

(this is, by no means, a complete list)

Each one of these things listed above is a perfect example of everything that is wrong with a particular aspect of American pop culture & entertainment. In other words: it's CRAP.

I beg of you, dear reader, to explain these things to me in a way that elevates fart humor, mediocrity, cliche, ham-fisted stupidity, knuckle-dragging predictability, and lameness to a level worthy of Mankind's stature. You can't. It cannot be done!

I know what you're gonna say. I can hear you already... "But, Thoth, man.. that stuff's not THAT bad" or "No way, man, Larry The Cable Guy is REAL!" or "But, I kinda like Two and a Half Men.." and I can hear some of you saying "Oh yeah, THIS coming from a guy who likes 80s metal and can't be bothered to read a book?" Look, dear reader, I hear you. I do. Don't make me hurt you. Listen to me. It's crap.

And these things are designed to be crap. And not "crap" in a good way, like fried Twinkies or action movies starring Vin Diesel. Oh no, not at all. I mean "crap" quite literally.

Dammit, we humans conquered the land, defeated the elements, explored the world, built pyramids, and sent rockets into the heavens! And then -- to congratulate ourselves for our achievements -- we sit down and watch crap on tv. We tune in to watch Charlie Sheen pretend to be a full-grown womanizing ManBoy with an IQ just north of room temperature.

Except; he isn't acting. He is just being himself. He really is a a full-grown womanizing ManBoy with a room-temperature IQ. He's the world's oldest adolescent, the Eternal Twenty-Something. He mugs his way through 22 insufferable minutes of predictable low-brow humor and predictably sexist punchlines. This isn't entertainment; it's self-abuse. It's bad for us. We deserve better.

Now, one of the perks of working in advertising -- besides free coffee, office supplies, and internet access -- is the endless supply of trade magazines and business journals to which I subscribe (see picture).

The ad above appeared in several advertising publications. It's what we call a 4-color Full Page Spread. And it was expensive. Somebody paid a lot to advertise this. This is serious business, see? If that ad for Two and a Half Men doesn't fill you with dread; then you're not truly alive.

It proudly states:

#1 SITCOM, 164 WEEKS IN A ROW! -- but that's not the scary part. That is merely the depressing part. The part that makes me fear for the future is the part that says:

Renewed by Tribune and Sinclair through 2021.

TEN fucking years! Long after the show has disappeared from the major network, the show will live on for at least 10 more years on TV stations (and cable networks) around the country. Coast to coast. I expect the global syndication rights to be similar. Look out, France! Heads up, New Zealand!

Why is that? The answer is as obvious as it is depressing: Because millions of people keep watching this shit.

If we learned anything from According to Jim and Wings and Married with Children; it's that bad scripts never die easily. They linger on, like zombies. Forever shuffling their rotting feet and stumbling into our homes until every last one of us is infected. I say it's time to take a stand.

Dear reader, this holiday season I offer you some Christmas cheer, I raise a stein of stout eggy nog in your honor, and I beg of you: tell your friends, text your children, call your parents.. tell them to destroy their Justin Bieber CDs, burn their GWAR albums, stay away from anything created or produced by Tyler Perry -- but more importantly -- stop watching Two and a Half Men. Do this, and the world will be a better place.

Even if it's just a little, hardly-noticeable, tiny bit better.

I'll notice. Believe you me, I will.



05:40 Dec 22 2010

I do feel your pain in so many levels and ways.

Cheers thou with you in eggie nog.

06:27 Dec 22 2010




08:25 Dec 22 2010

I can't believe Sheen still has a network career with all of the BS he pulls.

10:00 Dec 22 2010

dammit man you're right! I'm forthwith liberating myself from all the mindless crap and burning my TV, cancelling my subscriptions, and taking a stand against Tyler Perry, long may it all rot in the dungeons of my mind!

P H E W! thats better. I feel free :)

14:20 Dec 22 2010

I hate television...

Thank god for Red Dwarf and Netflix.

22:15 Dec 22 2010

This may be startling. It may be hard to believe, but here goes:

I don't know what GWAR is.

I don't know who Tyler Bieber is.

I have no idea what Two and a Half Men is, other than what I extrapolated from your lovely rant. (I do know who Charlie Sheen is. Nuff said right there.)

I read a lot.

Stabb and I watch Myth Busters, some Top Gear, some Sci Fi, and movies. I don't even know what time anything on tv comes on anymore. Not one show.

We listen to audio books and podcasts.

We play games. Our favorite right now is a card version of Monopoly that the girls and their friends like.

I used to think soap operas were a scourge. Ladies would exchange a few stories at work about them and we'd roll our eyes a bit. But not now...now it's crap like this. Or worse, the reality tv.

I don't watch American Idol. I never watched Survivor (is that still on?) I don't care how the stars dance. I find that I am sort of shut out of conversations because of it. EVERYONE follows that stuff and if you don't know the character names, you're a pariah. When did this happen? Somebody tap me on the shoulder when it's over; I'll be the old chick in the corner with a good book.

I feel like Andy Rooney in a skirt :(

13:42 Dec 23 2010

J'ever notice that everything on TV is either confusing, or just crap? And everyone runs around in their underwear! Call me 'old-fashioned' but in My Day...


14:19 Dec 23 2010

This... made me drool.

Two and a Half Men has been aired here for what I thought was a ridiculously long time. Ugh.

It's hard to find someone that will stand out against Charlie Sheen.

Power to you, Mr. Thoth. Heh.

19:32 Dec 27 2010

Ummmm FOX TV has some good showes....... like Bones....

*shifty eyes*

04:13 Dec 28 2010

Some guy on here said that Beiber fever sounded like a social disease.

I must agree.

I fail to see how a 15 year old wannabe is entitled to a movie and book about his so called life, when he isn't old enough to have had one yet. How can a trip to the salon rate a single page, much less an entire chapter, I ask? It galls me.

And I refuse to watch things that feature people such as Charlie Sheen, Tom Cruise, or any of the thousands of other stars (so to speak) who think showing their ass and running off at the mouth gives them any sort of credibility.

And Tyler Perry? African Americans should be ashamed at the portrait he portrays of them. I certainly would be. But then again, I get mad whenever anyone up here in the wilds of Pacific Northwest Canada compares the fact that I grew up in Georgia to the aforementioned Larry the Cable guy. It's insulting....

I read. ALOT. So does Scott.

Mythbusters rules around here. We do tend to take our intelligent tv seriously, such as it is.

We have no HBO or Skinamax, or whatever.

I have a weakness for the food channel, but only in so far as it pertains to actual cooking, and intelligence. I tend to shy away from reality-type cooking shows, because that defeats the purpose.

I do love ma horror movies though. But I also tend to stick to ones from "way back when" if you'll pardon the phrasing, when movies made you think and imagine. Not the ones where they expect you to allow them to ram crap down your throat with cheesy special effects, an overabundance of gore, and the only point to the movie is to see just how much you can stand in 3-D.

Having said that, the original "House of Wax" with Vincent Price is a classic.

*raising a goblet* Rant on, dear sir, I say. RANT ON!

16:12 Dec 30 2010

I'm saddened that I missed this a week ago. This is my kind of rant.

The crap that is on TV is depressing and sickening. When my nieces start talking incessantly about the latest episode of "Survivor" I think, this is why you're both in remedial classes.

Well, that and their father’s terrible genetics.

But I digress. My TV is never turned on to watch… TV. Ask Morri – this lovely High-Def, 47in LCD is mainly a jukebox for music off of our music library and where we stream Netflix from for a brief evening on the couch with a dachshund and a bowl of popcorn. Sure I’ll grab the weekly football game and occasional hockey game – but sitcoms? Reality TV? Anything CSI? It’s all crap. Unadulterated, undisputable crap.

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