Oh! Wait, Santa! I know what I want this year for Christmas! I know what I want.
I want a robot.
I want a robot that can kick a ball while holding my martini. And I want a robot that can lean on objects like a human... and can sit at a desk and do my filing & answer the phone. Yeah! YEAH!!
Please please please please please!
Hell with a robot I want a couple clones.
Clones.. yes. A much better idea. I need at least three more of me.
I want a senior citizen that moves like a robot!
Please please please!
Imagine the fun! I can kick the ball at them, hold out martinis while they lean on the table, and...the possibilities are endless here.
Dear Santa...
If it weren't for all the complaining; that would be a swell idea.
Ow, my back! This chair is cold. Where are my slippers? This table wobbles. You call THAT a ball? When I was your age the balls were made of iron, and we had to kick them with steel boots. Without socks. In the snow. All day long....
/senior citizen
Nothing some duct tape can't fix.
I need at least three of birra :)
Your time-waster of the day:
Seriously nerdy.
I wonder if I can make it play a Misfits song... Hmmmm...
*cracks knuckles*
awesome! That kept my attention for ages LOL
Dang, I need to find a way to speed up the tempo.
pretty cool
Ack! Dammit! Nooooooo!
Why did you put this here?! lol.
I'm always impressed by people who can dedicate their free time to worthy causes. I'm even more impressed by people who dedicate their free time for completely ridiculous, yet entertaining endeavors -- like stop-motion animation.
This video just blew my mind.
I wonder if they rendered some of the animations using the Commodore PET on the floor....
Wow! I can't even imagine doing all of that. So much work involved.
That is way to much free time
I found my old diary from my teenage years.
It's an assortment of bad poetry, short stories, and journal entries -- in no apparent order. Some entries have dates, some don't. Some are written in ink, some in dull pencil.
The best thing about my cheesy little journal are the doodles in the margins: skulls, eyes, flaming cars, exploding robots, metallic spheres, guitars, lightning, aliens crawling out of boxes, strange geometric shapes that seem to ooze blood through cracks and pores, etc.
I don't remember drawing these things.
But there they are.
One doodle is a picture of a grinning shark with a little thought-balloon over his head that says:
A complete, and total dork-a-rama.
but I digress...
For the most part, the writing is awful. Just awful. Dreadful, really. I had the attention span of a gnat. And judging by my sketchy handwriting and indiscriminate subject matter; I had mood swings that appear to be borderline bi-polar. With just a whiff of madness.
Of course, that's the opinion of the adult Me who can approach this from a calm, emotionally indifferent perspective. Teenage Me would beg to disagree. Teenage Me thought this was all VERY important stuff.
Teenage Me would throw rocks at Adult Me.
So, I'm going to start posting the horrible poetry I wrote as a teenager. This will make Teenage Me cringe in horror. Adult Me will find pleasure in this.
Teenage Me will sulk and say whatever, man.
lol- I think everybody should keep a journal at that age, and have the opportunity to look back at themselves and giggle.
Course, most people wouldn't think it was so funny.
But they have no sense of humor and are beneath us anyway...lol
Print portions for us to read? Pweaze?
Jeez thinking back on my own teenage ramblings makes me the adult cringe and me the teen want to ramble some more just to p*ss me off and make me cringe.
Please do post :P
Soon... soon...
There are also some entries which appear to be Teenage Thoth's attempts at writing heavy metal lyrics.
I even left little notes to myself like:
The chorus is in F# and A
That's helpful, Teenage Thoth.
lol i think this is quite a find....
Cant wait to see what you wrote! :P
You should try to post the doodles you made. I think it would be neat.
I recently found a journal I had when I was like 8 or 9 and one of the entries was titled when I am 30 o.O odd thing is I found it when I was 30 and I sure as hell am no millionaire with a mansion, a husband, and a butt load of pets... *shrugs... eh youth huh?
You sound like my sis, she looks at her old journal entries and always looks confused. xD
but then she is mostly confused any ways.
.... but shh... don't tell her I said that! 0.0
I know dogs are loyal creatures and all -- that's why we like them. LIKE them. Sometimes I tell my dog that I love her.
Between you and me, dear reader, this isn't true. I know that I don't truly LOVE my dog. I like her an awful lot, though. She is a wonderful companion; respectful, obedient, humorous, eager to please, polite.. she chews with her mouth closed. She respects my personal space.
But it isn't love. Not real love, anyway.
And I could never marry her.
News headline:
Puppy Love: Man marries dog...
What the?? Can someone in Australia please explain this to me? Thanks.
That better be fake. The dog has no say. Nor the mental capacity to understand what's going on. Isn't that a requirement for marriage there, too?
And I loved my puppy to pieces. I would never marry her, but she was just an awesome, awesome friend.
I love Pai. He's my kickass little dog companion. But uh... He's a dog and should be allowed to be a dog, nor do I have any desire to marry him.
He'll only break your heart and cheat on you, Morri.
well...I honestly could never marry anyone (thing) that didn't have the capacity to teach me, challenge me, inspire me, nor appreciate things like music, art or humour amongst other things. NEVER.
Marriage isnt about having just adoration or obedience from your partner, surely its an equal partnership with mutual respect for wants and wishes and things like that?
Dunno what else to say except for gawds sake, the civillised world has just sanctioned same-sex marriages, surely its not that easy for a human to marry their animal. Incidently, if the dog was adopted, isnt that incest as well?
As an Aussie... just... no comment. o_O
I mean, that's gross, even for us.
I hope to God that they didn't consummate their marriage. O_o
Nope. The husband claims that it isn't a sexual relationship. I just hope the wife doesn't leave him and take the house in the divorce.
That would be awkward.
um.... seriously ?
Hah! Yeah, we were lolling over that one yesterday.
All I can say is, he's from Toowoomba. (apologies to anyone from Toowoomba). Small country town, not much to do. You know how it goes.
And also, the civilised world may have legalised same sex marriages, but we're obviously not civilised. The Christian component should be cheering. After all, at least it's a girl dog.
uh uh...speechless, huh?
Am I the only one who thinks this is Cute?
srsly guys...lighten up :)
Good for the gene pool though. Darwin in action.
poor dog
*sings* And they call it puppy love...
To me, this is the best part of the whole article:
"She didn’t say anything so I took that as a yes."
Let that one sink in for a while....
02:50 Dec 28 2010
Happy Belated Birthday hunny.
03:13 Dec 28 2010
"Mary and Joseph and baby Jee.
And all the calendar people came and said,
"Oh, Mary, Joseph, thank you. Good timing.
"Six days early, actually, so, er.
"But it's Christmas so... Spirit of goodwill."
Baby Jee was there and the three wise men
came from the Old Testament with big fuck-off beards.
"Baby Jee, we have followed the star, "which was a lamppost for a while
and we went in circles but now we are here.
"We got a bit pissed somewhere near Birmingham
"and now we are here with presents!
"Baby Jee, we bring you gold! Ah.
"We bring you frankincense. Ah.
"And we bring you myrrh. Er...
"Yes, I think if you rub it on the back of a duck, it goes quite fast.
"That's what... Or maybe it's a small banjo?
"If you can spell it you can have it,
how about that?"
Baby Jee was very happy.
"Thank you for my Christmas presents.
"And for my birthday presents?"
"What? Christmas and birthday, isn't it?
"You were born and it's Christmas.
Two presents. Ah, you're the first...
"Are there any shops open?"
Mary and Joseph -
"Er, late-night petrol station, try that."
"Brilliant, good idea. We'll be right back.
"Get out, get out of it.
Get the beard out the way."
minutes later they came back.
"Sorry, we're here.
"Baby Jee, we bring you cigarettes.
"A Diet Coke. And a sack of charcoal!"
- compliments of Eddie Izzard and me *mwa*
03:44 Dec 28 2010
happy birthday thoth! sorry about the drool, I made you cookies but then I my zombie army got hungry and well left drool on the floor. Next year I promise to make sure you get at least one cookie!!
03:49 Dec 28 2010
The best I can (will) do is get drunk on webcam while you watch. Happy birthday.
04:00 Dec 28 2010
Just remember that we love you. Happy Birthday sugar- I hope you got your robot at least...lol
I have a birthday in July- the 26th to be precise.
My brother's was on the 25th. Of July. And he was 2 years younger.
For years I had to put up with the ubiquitus shared party, because it made things easier on the parental units.
I'm widja.....
04:16 Dec 28 2010
Well, mine isn't really eclipsed by any holidays, but it's still during the winter. I didn't have birthday parties because none of my friends could ever come due to inclement weather. :( So I was always envious of summer birthdays.
06:02 Dec 28 2010
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
17:58 Dec 29 2010
Me and mine are also in December. Happily, neither of us really give a fig about our birthday. I tend to get annoyed when people DO bring it up. Switching to June sounds like a fine idea! I mean, it is YOUR day, after all.
But I do completely agree that our technology has made us ridiculously lazy about such things. I'll take a "Hey man, happy birthday" by phone over an email/card/facebook post any day!
02:08 Dec 30 2010
Of course you realize that if you lived in the other hemisphere your birthday would be in the summer.....still near Christmas but in the summer.
15:38 Dec 30 2010
Ooooh, I hadn't considered that. I think I may have to move to Australia or New Zealand, then!
17:52 Dec 30 2010
Aaww! Well look on the brighter side of things it could of been the 1st of January! Weren't you a lucky man!
18:03 Dec 30 2010
Well then Happy Birth Day!
03:51 Jan 04 2011
awww Happy belated birthday!!! I know your pain mine is Dec. 21st... sucks... especially because not only do we celebrate Christmas but Yule as well which falls on my birthday. :/ no one remembers except my mother... but even my father forgets lol but he can't remember what he ate for breakfast the day before so i do not fault him. I say we protest and celebrate our birthdays this summer :D