I finally finished wrapping the last few presents. Everyone in my family is getting books, liquor, socks, and iTunes gift cards from me. Or some combination of that. Nieces and nephews are getting toys -- and I'm amazed at how much cooler their toys are compared to what I received as a child. That reminds me; I need to buy some effin' LEGOs for myself. They kick ass.
It's late & I'm exhausted, and the rain outside doesn't make it feel much like Christmas. It feels more like... Flag Day, or something. Maybe it's my own bad brain chemistry but I feel like I'm burned out on Christmas. I wish retailers wouldn't start promoting Christmas in October. The holiday seems to drag on forever -- I've grown weary of it at a time when I should be happy and cheerful.
Speaking of which... I finally put up a Christmas tree today. It's huge, and since it's the 24th, I got a great deal on it. I don't have enough lights on it so it's pretty pathetic looking. But it's mine, and it's spectacular in its own way, and it makes the whole house smell like... a home. I like the way the sap smells on my hands.
*mental note: wear gloves next time*
Tomorrow is going to be a busy day, so I'm off to bed. I hope I get LEGOs for Christmas.
Just sayin'.
Legos rock! And I agree the season is too long, but we are a consumer society...
I got LEGOs. :).
We have a Piso Mojado sign down in the parking garage by a puddle that never seems to dry. No one knows where this puddle comes from. It's just there. Every day. Rather than fix whatever needs to be fixed; the maintenance people put out this little yellow sign.
Do you think the sign has a way to smile when we do slip!! lol
Dude...I have some pills that can help you with this problem and soon you won't care about the little falling guy in yellow prison. LOL
Thank you I will now look at the little man with more respect...but wait..is he trying to get away with the fall before he falls...and how do you know he is falling and not already fallen and trying to get up?
Wow I know that this will cause a conversation with my friends down the pub because I will make it one!
LOL! I guess I'll forever see that sign in a new light now...
I want to draw a beanbag chair beneath him, or a pillow. Or maybe he's breakdancing. Or he's sliding into 3rd base on a hit. Anything but his mundane slip on a wet floor.
you are INTERESTING...
next time we are on at the same time... we must have the Lunch Break Talk again xD
there's a pretty good chance that I'm insane.
: D
He's in a never ending state of 'almost fallen down and can't get up'. Dude, you should definately draw him a massage table.
Maybe you have a maintenance guy like I had in California... Broken Stove. It was only broken while I was trying to use it. When it was not being used there was no problem so why fix it when it isn't broken?
When it rains or snows they know it is a problem and can't fix it- conditions are all wrong. Then it dries up and the conditions are good for fixing it isn't a problem.
In the end You need to look on Ebay for plastic falling sign guy's cousin sign: "Law suit in progress" with the little guy laying sprawled on his back...
What about the little man in the cross walk boxes? How's that eternal for community service?
I was goofing off yesterday at work; reading journals on VR -- as my inner slacker is wont to do -- when my boss came into my office and closed the door behind him.
"You're in big trouble," he said, "we need to talk."
"ULP! I swear... I'm not looking at pornography. I uh... uh... (closes firefox) I'm almost done with that big project, boss... I'll have it done by the deadline..." I stammered.
He laughed and said "what are you talking about? you're such a goof ball... I'm here to give you your Christmas bonus. So, Merry Christmas!"
And then he shook my hand and handed me an envelope with a check in it.
A big check.
*instant guilt*
You see, for the past year I have been convinced that he's a sociopathic curmudgeon. I have dozens of rants prepared as journal entries, but I never added them to my journal. Just writing them down was cathartic enough.
And it's not his generosity that has redeemed him. In the recent months he has shown signs of being a competent manager and a reliable source of knowledge. Even a fair-minded, likable person.
For example; I wasn't supposed to have my own office, but he had the architects squeeze one into the floor plan so that everyone on our team would have an office. It's a level of fairness and generosity that I didn't expect from him. And I'm not entirely sure that I deserve it.
Maybe I've changed.
And of course, I'm right back to goofing off on VR today.
See what happens when you reward bad behavior??
*guilty grin*
p.s. I'm donating a portion of my bonus to charity. and i'm going to give cash to every department store Santa I see. Every one of them. More importantly, I'm going to be the generous person I should be.
Awww donating is a very generous thing, maybe it'll cure your 'guilt' =P
You get a Christmas bonus??
I get a ....wait...I get nothing. So much for me feeling guilty for slacking off and checking out VR while at work.
You, are quite cool :)
wow... thats sweet ;p
*puts on my Santa suit*
That's so great. And don't forget to spank your favorite elf! :P
And where do you work?
Bettie Page has passed away.
I had no idea who she was so went to youtube. Sad indeed, she was a looker back when.
Im crying in my corset. Shes God's Pin-up Girl now.
Yup. :(
Too bad!
Rest well, beauty!
She is immortalized by photo.. But that is an understatement.
Do you suppose that becoming a born-again Christian might have saved her life?
Sometimes, I think it did.
and it makes me wonder what might have been.
such a terrible thing too.
16:46 Dec 31 2008
Who whudda thought?
If someone went around like that at a party....ugh...
20:24 Dec 31 2008
it's the poking with a stick i particularly like
i imagined the party scene that Morrigon mentioned
when i got to that bit i cracked up!
happy new year :)
20:44 Dec 31 2008
Can you imagine someone walking up to you in a library or at the video store and asking Wassup?
Do people really start conversations this way?
I've provided a few hints on my profile about topics that are kinda fun to talk about. Thai food. Music. Movies. Fire. Sarcasm. The apostrophe. Satanic haiku.
*points at profile*
This is called 'a clue'.
No one has even dared to ask for my opinion on the misuse of the apostrophe. Ever.
Don't ask me about it NOW, because now I'm expecting it.
But I really do love the apostrophe. A lot. -- Almost as much as I love pokin' people with a stick.
Ask me 'wassup' and I will bore the hell out of you.
21:56 Dec 31 2008
Wassup: Venacular for " What is Up?
Dabblers Common reply: Up is a direction, that goes ^ that way.
Thank you, I'm here all week, tip you journal writer..
21:58 Dec 31 2008
yup, my favorite answer is:
"UP? Up is about 200 miles, then it becomes OUT.
02:24 Jan 01 2009
And just think...more will come in 2009...wassup!