(from emails I send to people...)
Hey, speaking of annoyances... you know who I'm fucking tired of fucking hearing about?
tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods tiger woods ZOMG tiger woods
holy fucking hell.
Every news cast. Every channel. Every radio station. Tiger. Tiger. Tiger! I can't get away from this jerk.
I have always thought that there is NOTHING dumber than sports-talk radio, mainly because it elevates people with a very narrow talent to a higher echelon of respect than they deserve. Especially golfers. Everyone is treating him like he is a survivor of some tragedy. No. He's not. He's a fucking loser who couldn't keep his pants on. HE did this.
I'm so fucking tired of him.
I'm so fucking tired of golf. GOLF.
Ya know, it should be against the law to reheat leftover salmon in the office for lunch. And I like salmon. I really do. But I try not to crawl inside the oven when I cook it.
And that's what this feels like.
Who the hell did this??
My office is right. next. to. the. kitchen.
I can't get away from the smell.
*shakes fist at the wall*
I will have my revenge.
Mark. My. Words.
Mark them.
If I need to reheat any salmon, I know where I'm going ;]
That's strange. Whenever we reheat the salmon here it doesn't smell like poo. Maybe it's because Birra can actually cook food...
Note individual trash bins, anyone that reheats salmon, is lazy enough to drop the container in a close bin.. then narrow out the potential odur offender.
*peeks in trash*
*holds up empty Lean Cuisine package*
Behold, Watson! I believe I have found an klew!
I only have three words:
Burnt. Microwave. Popcorn
/end rant
mmmm salmon sammitches cooked by rusty old stove is the best!!
Lean Cuisine, salmon?
Please... tell me it ain't so!
04:01 Apr 10 2010
Everytime one of those guys or girls cheat its like omg there the first and last to do it
04:06 Apr 10 2010
I just had the strangest feeling of déjà vu....
04:13 Apr 10 2010
Even in NZ we have to listen to the media prattle on about this. It is non-news, completely unrelated to his proffession (as usual.)
If this was some regular drop kick dude, would anyone give a fuck?
I am also utterly over it (not that I was ever into it.)
04:34 Apr 10 2010
And he talks so damn slow in press conferences... Hurry up and spit the shit out Tiger.
14:25 Apr 10 2010
To me it's more annoying how the media is obsessed with the private lives of famous people. As if they need to be perfect because of their career.
Of course we only have the rest of society to blame for it in the first place.
03:36 Apr 11 2010
operation mind control now in full alert! :)
22:37 Apr 11 2010
In the convenience store where i work, i have to tear the dates off unsold newspapers and shove inserts in and such. And his face, is on the cover, of every goddamn one. And i couldn't care less. No one could. We're selling less than usual. lmao.
Sandra Bullock, too. She's on the cover of all the magazines. Which lie! One promised i'd see a photo of what's-his-face dressed as Hitler. And curious, i looked through it. Once, twice, thrice. Nothing. If it isn't that bizarre, i don't care.
01:32 Apr 18 2010
It is not just all Tiger, what about Jesse?
Damn you Thoth, I figured this for my last refuge from the Tigar based stories, and blogs.
01:33 Apr 18 2010
Chyrs beat me to the Sandra, Jesse "issue".
12:01 Jun 04 2010
And it's still in the bloody news over here as well.