i drove out into the country yesterday to watch a Civil War re-enactment. If you ever get the chance to see one of these, make sure you see it in the South. We take them pretty seriously here in Georgia. It's part festival, part history lesson, and perhaps just a little wishful thinking.
Like, maybe this time...we'll win it.
the day was perfect; it started out gray and cold with a depressing drizzly rain.
the weather matched the mood perfectly on the battlefield; gray, quiet and somber.
when the sun finally came out it gave everything a misty dream-like quality. Somewhere between the honeysuckle, the ashy smell of campfires, and the bird songs it was easy to get the impression that we had traveled back to 1863.
My father and I are putting together our family history. So far, we have traced our ancestors back to the mid-18th century. That's it.
We have come to a frustrating dead-end due to poor record-keeping and inconsistent census data. This doesn't really surprise me.
In a selfish way, I was secretly hoping there would be some cool, shocking discovery... like my ancestors were horse thieves or witch burners. Or that they were patriots in the Revolutionary War. or perhaps, they were Tories.
Hell, anything.
See, our family has no great legends nor any oral history which has been passed from generation to generation. There were rumors that we were related to former presidents and signers of the Declaration of Independence, but no evidence of this has surfaced.
So, naturally, we decided it was due to some dark conspiracy.
No such luck.
As it turns out, we are descendants of Scottish apple farmers and carpenters who were too busy to write things down.
I'm being generous with that conclusion... I am fairly certain that most of them were illiterate.
No witches, no witch hunters, no horse thieves, no inventors, no captains of industry, no slave-owners (fortunately) --- just hard working people who built farms, roads, and schools.
...which might explain why i like tools so much.
and overalls.
(shhh! don't tell anyone that last part...it is so NOT METAL.)
** sigh **
Well...Why don't you make some history for people to look back on in a few years? :P
Just hard working people huh ?.....you mean the kind of people who built communities and countries ....yea boring....lmao
Did you find a clan with that? There was that one guy who had spandex overalls... *gags* I'll respect you much more in denim.
15:49 Sep 21 2008
I have always wanted to see one
22:18 Jan 02 2009
Here in California, we have Wild West Gun Shows, I would so like to see a re-enactment in the southland.