ThexDarkness's Journal

ThexDarkness's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


5 entries this month

Just the beginning.

22:41 Jan 25 2013
Times Read: 428

Dear Diary.

I drowned my pet cat today....ha! That would have been funny if I did but sadly no, this entry is about the nature of people and the mistakes they make.

Today was a good day because I finally remembered why I was truly here and because certain people needed a lesson to learn, maybe now they will heed the warnings.

I have no respect for those who have no respect themselves and I really hate hypocrites. I actually hate everyone but hypocrites and disrespectful people have a special place when it comes to my hate. Very few people earn my respect, trust and even slight fondness.

There was trouble here on vr not long ago, it concerned the numerous blockers which has been resolved but I won't ever forget the member of the "bad timing" award ceremony.

Really, that member should have chosen another time to slander me and be disrespectful of TheCharismaticEnigma. The member had the gall to call me disrespectful, ha! how very droll. Hypocrite much?

I was in middle of helping someone who helped me in the past, so I figured I owed him one, so I was helping him by finding his friends and getting them to help by asking others they may know to help etc and in the middle of this I ended up getting bitched at which really was not a smart move, you see I never forget, ever.

Every single person on this earth who has ever in some way or another, wronged me, is never forgotten about and sooner or later I catch up with them.

So I played nice for a few days, but today....well I would say the score was settled and pretty much even but I went beyond it, not far enough for my liking though. I am a patient type, I can seem like I have forgiven and forgotten while I secretly hold the knife.

Unlike some on vr who roleplay or pretend to be someone they are not, I am who I say I am and sometimes I have to remind people of that, they don't like it of course but I am not here to coddle them or spare feelings, That is the white hat's job.

I never chose to be who I am but it is who I am its never going to change and if people have a problem with it then I have a problem with them and I can wait.

So a lesson was learned today. I hope they decide to pay attention to it because I have no problem doing it again at a grander scale, I really have no moral line to cross, best thing about having no conscience I guess.

I am through being civil, funny and polite, this was how I showed my respect on vr, I worked with the rules, I kept civil and polite when needed, I payed my debts to others who helped me, I was affable etc.

No more. I will continue to work within the rules but no more Mr. affably evil, just plain bad guy from now on. Unless anyone has business or serious topics to talk about then I will rarely be interesting in what you say. Still, I have a few loose ends to tie up first before reverting to my original goal.

I am going to go back to my original purpose for being here. Against my nature and better judgement, I was roped up into trust and friendship, it had resulted in me being betrayed a few years ago, sadly I cannot get even yet since the location of the culprit is still far away though I know where "it" is.

I am still winning by the way and sd666, keep up the good jokes, they are very droll.

Side note...Do you really know someone?

A lot of people find out that they never really knew someone at all. >:)

I enjoyed myself in that cam, they were so easy , I now know why the anons invade their cams all the time.

No challenge though but still fun, worth putting here as another victory journal, my last ones were about the anons I believe. They still have not upped their game and the wannabeII still has not got any new material. tut tut. Come on already, its going to get boring fast at this rate >:)




The Mask of Power.

15:25 Jan 12 2013
Times Read: 470

In cams and pretty much all the time, I wear masks. Masks can be powerful in their own right, whether the mask is scary or not is irrelevant because when a man cannot see who their enemy is...they become terrified, mankind always fears what it does not understand.

In cam I just grab one of my latest ones, it is just something I made quickly with no care or detail, yet it has the power to draw a lot of folk into my cam and make them curious whether they know it or not.

Remember, curiosity killed the cat....well, actually it was me but the cat was curious.

The anons are so dumbfounded and freaked out, they either try futilely guessing my identity or start making one up haha. Its amusing, I like it so much that I even play mind games with those in my cams, even friends. I say I will take my mask off which I do...Only to reveal another mask underneath lol

Last cam session was fun, I was drunk again and still a winner, poor anons must be reeling after another loss, hell hours earlier I handed two anons their assess by myself. Two against one and they still can't successively troll me XD. Never go up against a troll eating winner because you will always lose, I ain't just awesome...I am made of it.

Had the wolf pack in the last cam too, nice surprise since I have not spoken to the alpha in awhile, we also had a possessed lady in there too since pea soup vomit was non-stop >;P

I think only one person ended up taped to the wall that session but still, it happened and it was fun as usual.

So us "shadow" team are still winning by flawless victory, no wins on the anon "anthony" team yet though to be fair, I am a troll eater, I can't get angry on here so there is nothing they can do but feed me and my gang and we fed well last night.

Anons and jay fail to realize that we are waiting for them, expecting them as they are our animals. we are the ones coming to the zoo to look at the captives for amusement. My cam is the Roman empire and also the Colosseum, we are the mighty Romans, the anons are our slaves. >:) Our words are the lions that tear at them, their words are the screams that give us pleasure.

Ignore trolls? fuck that, I play along so I can feed and have fun. Ignoring a troll does indeed work but its too boring, I prefer making sure they fail in what they do. Anyone want to have fun? just find my cam and you have my permission to let rip at the anons if watching is not amusing enough.

I look forward to the next cam. My viewers are always higher because of them, like I said...they feed me and my cam, any publicity is good publicity and I always win. I am winning as I am typing this and yes my ego is big. >;P

Speaking of egos, one of the anon on cam recently was a eunuch, His mother must be very disappointed lmao.

Now for my next session I need to do something a little different, hmm toga parties!!! what do you guys think?



15:33 Jan 12 2013

That cam session was epic Mort, or eh Anthony Oneill was it? Though, I was there under my other profile and I was the one taped to the wall, thank you very much for that. :)

You are a sly devil with that mask trick of yours. LOL! But you know, the knights wore armor that included helmets which covered their faces. I guess it provoked a similar response a mask does.

I look forward to the next session of ThexDarkness cam!

15:48 Jan 12 2013

LOL Anthony neil is the identity that they either made up out of thin air or simply think I am him, its kinda funny. So they are now dubbed "team anthony" XD.

We are team "shadow!"

16:00 Jan 12 2013

I look very much forward to the next session Mort

16:02 Jan 12 2013

Thanks slip, here have a drink.

20:30 Jan 12 2013

I just happened to be one of the anons when you removed your mask to reveal another.

Highly amusing stuff....You never know who your anons are. Not all of them are "trolls."

Who says anons can not be entertained? *laughs*

15:57 Jan 14 2013

Indeed but the ones who are "trolls" know they are and are my bitches. Regardless, you all feed me and my cam. XD


New years resolution.

15:28 Jan 03 2013
Times Read: 487

I have been drinking pretty much for nearly three days straight, I am very disappointed in myself, I thought I was better than that.

So for new year now I am going to:


Three days? not good enough, I need to go back to the days when a week was something I could barely remember yet again there is a disadvantage to that, I still can't remember the name of the stripper, nice looking lass though. Now I ain't an alcoholic, that implies I am addicted when in fact I am simply choosing to get drunk and who wouldn't? the world is much better when you are wasted and I'm a winner, its my duty to be drunk.

I suppose another disadvantage is soberness, ever hear the saying about drinking yourself sober? Might be true as there have been plenty of nights when I hit the drinks hard and find myself with more awareness and control than what I did hours ago.

Pity that some friends on here could not get drunk on new years eve/day! haha I think I will get a pint so I can gloat ...ooh! pears! *eats one* XD

Seriously though I need to make some plans now, a new year should be taken advantage of and I lots of plans to put into action. I got a coven a build, recruiting to do and more training.

Maybe if dear Alice gets her wish, we will have a zombie apocalypse lol In a way that would solve a lot of problems and it will bring freedom, no more law and order.



17:05 Jan 03 2013

Pears! I want one too :D

20:36 Jan 03 2013

Ah a zombie apocalypse, just think, we could kill all the people who either piss you off or annoy you and you would never feel one ounce of guilt over it. >:)

00:07 Jan 04 2013

Indeed alice, we need a kind of world like that. Freedom is a rarity these days, people just have the illusion of it.

And yes VB, we all know you like pears!! XD


Cam amusment

17:06 Jan 02 2013
Times Read: 518

Had a very funny day recently, I got really drunk and got on cam to support a friend. Everything normal as usual until a bunch of anons decided to troll it, it was really funny though one member was accidentally feeding them by getting angry. Never could get me angry though XD Hell I was lucky I was only drinking my cider a few times because if I had it in hand and drank more frequently, I would have ended up spitting it on the screen in sheer laughter.

I might go on cam again, soon. I need more laughs and to see more stupidity and hypocrisy from them. Trolls like to think their being entertained when in fact they are entertaining me, they were simply amusing us lot, not themselves.

Seeing people fail on an epic scale is just so sweet and no matter what, its always amusing.

They seem to be color blind too, which is quite

interesting. Who ever this "anthony" is, I would say he has my sympathies but that would be a lie since I don't really care and he might not be real lol but said name was dropped a lot by the anons. At first I thought they were talking about another anon or another member in the cam but then as it turned out, they were calling me it. I did not even realize it until like half an hour later. whether they truly believe what they were saying is irrelevant, it was quite droll and I was fully entertained.

I find them very interesting, no doubt trolls were the fat spotted bullied geeks at school and yet they become what they hated..."the bully", amusing isn't it? They can't have power in the real world so they try and get it online. They need some balls and a spine but even then that won't save them, they were the weak links in school and will be until they die of old age. XD

Anyway, I had a good laugh and it made news year's day even better, I really couldn't ask for more, well I could but there is always the next time.

Best thing about the trolling anons as well? they gave me more viewers lmao

What can I say? Infamy and controversy gives good publicity, so thank you *sheds a tear while holding an award* you must really love me! *wipes tear* >:)

Side note, I hope the others that were in the cam enjoyed their time, pity some of them could not get drunk or have any drinks but if you can't buy drinks, mug someone for it since you need it more than them. Thing is as well, you don't a special occasion to get drunk, a friday will do.

As I said, might do another cam soon. So watch out world XD



17:25 Jan 02 2013

I was an anon for a while... then it got ridiculous and I signed in. Typical really. Hope I wasn't one of the trolls. Meh who knows. lol

17:27 Jan 02 2013

I'm guessing you were the anon who was calling the other ones stupid lol, you were the 876 one right?

20:35 Jan 02 2013

LOL yeah... more often than not... I troll while signed in. More fun that way.



01:38 Jan 02 2013
Times Read: 560

I love how vr has got a lot of cowards, hypocrites and whinging bitches.

Someone took honor from me recently and posted this.

"You are the most annoying "vampire" wannabe on here. Go make out with a fake crackhead lycan. Star in a nonsense Twilight porno gone horribly wrong."

I had a good laugh about it because of the hilarity and error of the message and its desperation.

Its no secret I hate vampire wannabes lol, of course the real victim here is the anonymous chicken, sorry I meant coward lol as if I care about honor on this expendable profile, on my main one, I got over a 1,000 honor lmao, so what a colossal waste of time he/she or both did XD.

I am unable to get angry when online which only infuriates the trolls even more. >;P

A few weeks ago, a anon came onto my cam and started bitching about anonymity when it was him/her who was an anon at the time. Hypocrites are the lowest maggots there is, I so enjoy their feeble attempts at making themselves noticed because when you ignore them, it is even sweeter because you deny them what they want hmm mmm. I need more cider, be back later.



02:27 Jan 02 2013

"... when you ignore them, it is even sweeter because you deny them what they want..."

And yet, you're giving them exactly what they want with this entry. I think this classifies as the exact opposite of ignoring them.

03:44 Jan 02 2013

It is what it is, even thou, some live with there heads in the sand of how some things are on vr. we can still speck our minds in our journal. your journal entry is kinda like mine is some days. I don't give a hoot about points, blocks, one ratings. It's the retarded comments that happen that I point out.

04:17 Jan 02 2013

This journal was not about ignoring them, it was about laughing at their stupidity and cowardice, saying it as a member is one thing, being anon while doing it = cowardice. Plus I am drunk, I can do as I please and I can't get angry by a troll or anyone online. XD

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