The more I read people's journals the more I feel alive.
I have to say that I was kicked up the bum by if you read this young lady then I take my hat off to you.
History is, one of my favorite subjects. I know that you visited my pitifull journal and I honestly felt embarressed....Your words are a life of there own. (they make mine look like poo)
A few people on this site I respect, you are one of them.
Just by talking with you and reading your journal has ignited that flame again....thanks
Yikes I hit the wrong button again.....God I like to lurk.
But the problem with going on a prems site is that they know your on it!....So if you dont log in you can still look and they dont know your looking....LOL, the only thing is your stats dont go up!!!!
The word PAIN covers many things...You know... people feel pain in different ways. It may be in the body, or emotional pain. There are many treatments with hypnotherapy that will help.
My back problems for instance....I have tried to stop my new pain but ended up getting a nerve block in my hip.
Only the other day this woman came to me to help her because she was afraid of the know she just didn't like the pain she MIGHT be in (her word*Might*)..Bingo she said might, for me that ment she had doubt anyway that she would feel the pain. Something for me to work on.
But for me The dentist has never given me a problem...Dont get me wrong it's not nice having someone probe your mouth with fingers and drills and ........yes sometimes I feel pain, but all you need to do is tell them and they give you more pain relief.
Where was I ..oh yes this woman wanted me to help her have no pain relief and have a tooth out. She had a few weeks till the big day so I told her to see me for four/five sessions. Sometimes it can be more or less, it depends on the client.
So I went to see this therapist, you know about my back/hip...another hypnotherapist just like me. I asked about hypnotherapy not letting on who I was. We got on great and she sold herself very well.....
So I asked this woman, as I do with all my clients "have you seen any other therapists for help with pain management"? And she responds "No" So I talk with her about her teeth and issues for around twenty minutes and she decides to sign the consultation form. I ask her if she wants to try hypnosis now and she says "yes"
Here I am with the consultation form in my hand which I now find myself signing, and the therapist is asking me if I want to go into hypnosis now. Oh course I say "yes"
So I start with relaxing the have to gain trust and build rapport. I do a simple test to see how easy she will be to guide into a trance. It's called the arm levitation. Briefly you ask them to stand up, close their eyes with both arms outstretched, level with their shoulders. Then I tell them that they have a balloon in one hand and a heavy book in the other hand repeating this a number of times and also telling them to think it.
So I saw my therapist about four times...It helped me alot. When the pain starts to return I listen to her CD and it helps block it out as well as any drug.....Well they do amputations with the patient in hypnosis. The sript was great and I wanted to use it after tweeking it to talior make it for the clients.
I somehow find myself forty minutes later opening my eyes to a smiling face, asking me if I have enjoyed the hypnosis for pain relief. The woman is not angry at all as this should of cost her forty pounds. I didn't charge her because Iam not sure what happened. But I didn't tell her that was the reason lol
The woman said it was great music and that she felt that she heard every word that I spoke and wants to come back as soon as possible.......
I forgot how the script and music I was using, was so much like the cd that I listen to. I should of known the danger of me going into a trance as well!!!!!
Ok call me small me me an me me but this made me smile.
Sep 08 2007
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hold on im must ask him
On 17:05:22 Sep 08 2007 Theban wrote:
Lol, well thankyou...I dont know what to say apart from that I feel honoured that the fat man will answer my I am a man however, does the fat man want to caress and have hookah time with me??
I am sorry but I only look at woman , not men. Thanks for the offer though lol
On 16:59:25 Sep 08 2007 YourMom wrote:
when life gives you many dificult questions ask the fatman, for he knows how solve your problem, with caressing or more importantly hookah time
On 16:56:28 Sep 08 2007 Theban wrote:
Hello and thankyou for the message, was it ment for me?
It was quite funny but lost in the fact that I dont know you*smiles*But I like what you have written in your profile.
However, I feel that I must fall into the people who you dont rate category as you visited and not rated!
You know strange that I come across your site as Iam trying to build a website for my work...and dont have much of a clue about it.....*smiles*I wish I was as educated in that field as you!
Thankyou for the message
Sep 08 2007
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when life gives you many dificult questions ask the fatman, for he knows how solve your problem, with caressing or more importantly hookah time
On 16:56:28 Sep 08 2007 Theban wrote:
Hello and thankyou for the message, was it ment for me?
It was quite funny but lost in the fact that I dont know you*smiles*But I like what you have written in your profile.
However, I feel that I must fall into the people who you dont rate category as you visited and not rated!
You know strange that I come across your site as Iam trying to build a website for my work...and dont have much of a clue about it.....*smiles*I wish I was as educated in that field as you!
Thankyou for the message
Sep 08 2007
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The Fatman's Commandments
#1: Chuck thy douche ever monday and friday, and not on wednesday, for it is humpday and we have better things to do on humpday.
#2: thou shalt not shove strange dogs in thy pants for fear that they might bite.
#3: While chucking thy douche beware not to hit thy small dog, for not only will thy small dog be stinky but also will be pissed.
#4: Thou shalt not scratch any of thy cracks in public, unless at thy strip club.
#5: While the fatman is in thy house of slumber. he takes over any bed he wishes.
#6: Thou shalt alway refer to another fatman as, "the other fatman".
#7: The muffin man makes good cupcakes. Because the fatman deems it so.
#8: Thou shalt buy out Krispy Cream Dough nuts, so that no other man becomes as fat as you.
#9: What ever thy fatman eats may become a commandment.
#10: Thou shalt not abuse the fatman, he shall be cur rested.
#11: Thou shalt whaft after thy farts, for whafting while farting causes hand to be stinky. Also whafting before farting is useless.
#12: Thou shalt always dance while the fatman sing "Dont you wish your girl friend was hot like me?"
#13: Thou shall alway shake your little tush on the cat walk, YES ON THE CAT WALK.
These people heve left the Rave who I knew and would of liked to get to know better.
drabardi: She has just today deleted her profile. She told great stories about a warrior and his inner battle against the darkness.
anais: she told great stories about her life, whisky and rail road cars...when ever I smell whisky I always think of her
LoneFoxAndCub ...: Great artist and nice bloke. He made a few enemys here but I enjoyed talking with him.
Ok today is the day the computer man comes to fix this heap of poo I call a computer.
I had better make sure I am not on the Rave when he comes in!
It's strange really that subjects are still held in the occult or Vampires..ect.
However I can see why people HAVE TO hide things away! If you had to see your doctor and he was wearing a VAMPIRES ARE ALIVE t-shirt/or if he had a witches bible on his desk, would that make you feel slightly worried!!!
LOL, as a therapist I cannot see the problem as long as they can do their job.
So I find myself in a position where I cannot even talk about my interests or hobbies for fear of losing all my clients and future for my name....well....that will have to be kept secret. Only a few on here know it, and although I have never met them in person I like them, and trust them.
When my website is up and running I will show these people my site. What I want them to do is tell me if I can improve it anywhere.
Right, now I am a member of the NCH, and the NGH which you have to pay for to be listed!!Bah it's not enough that you pay for the course.....then they charge you for being listed with them!!
(I managed to get this stupid computer to work tonight, at last, for a change.)
I still have so much to learn and want to be taught it all NOW!
However it seems to me to be like trying to join a coven....What I mean to say is that you don't ask to join, they seek you out, and if your good enough for what they wish to use you for, then your in. (oh, and I dont mean a coven on the rave, lol)
Now they will always tell you the same thing .."What you have to learn, can only be learned by you"..the classic *coughs*which I admit I have used "I cannot teach you what you already know"...oh I almost forgot this one..""You know what you need to do ,and you don't need me to do it for you, so just do it"
Dam it ok..... I know I know, but your lips move and I cant hear what your saying...what was that?.. Self belief.
So then I ask myself "You want someone to teach you, because you cant be bothered to find out yourself. And then put the TIME in."
Is it really about me understanding?or is it about me being lazy with my mind.
But I have always said that I find things hard to understand know maths, english, lol. God I was such a twat...just because I couldn't understand.....
When you can do what I can do,(which you can all do) and help people like me help themselves, then why the hell cant I help me?
Ok, I want to sit and to watch and to learn about the magick of life and people. I so thirst for that knowledge now, that it rips me inside.
You see it pains me of when I think of what I had and what I chucked away.
Sometimes, people need direction because they cant find it. They need great people to show them how to gain this wisdom.
And you know what when you ask these people what do they say..."I charge fifty quid an hour."..or "Join my course for sixteen hundred quid!!!
Bloody wankers...