Well today I joined my new Coven and it has been quiet an interesting day to say the least! I am really looking forward to finding out some more information about some of the topics that I am interested in and I expected to be welcomed with open arms as one normally is when they join a new Coven.
What I didn't expect was to receive a message (no names) warning me.
This isn't the sort of way that I expect a grown man to behave though I appreciate that he has insecurites and feels intimidated and overwhelmed by my superior nature *chuckles*. I know that he will read this and I hope that he FULLY understands the message that I sent him back.
~Herman Goering Nazi Party~
Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders.
That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
So there you have it people....
What makes me smile is that we ALL have opinions if you don't like them then simply (and I use that term loosley) don't read them! It's as simple as that really.
Remember that these people pay for the service that you provide, not the other way around!
Why Homer would be so proud you!
Get the dam story right!
The next thing which appears to be making British headline news now is as I mentioned earlier in the post, our rules of engagement are different to American rules of engagement, we believe in fair play. Which is most probably why we are not an Empire any more lol!
His wife wasn't being used as a shield.
She was shot even though she wasn't armed while attempting to rush the special forces soldiers
He was shot and also wasn't armed..
Only one person fired at the special forces.
4 people ended up dead.
The British news are reporting it as an assassination
Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has criticised the White House over Osama bin Laden's death, saying that killing an unarmed man meant justice was not "seen to be done"....
The United Nations’ top human rights official has called on the United States to give the U.N. details about Osama bin Laden’s killing and said that all counter-terrorism operations must respect international law.
Ken Roth, the executive director of Human Rights tweeted, “Ban Ki-moon wrong on Osama Bin Laden: It’s not ‘justice’ for him to be killed even if justified; no trial, conviction.”
Now this morning the American government have stated that “OSAMA Bin Laden was shot as he went to grab two guns in bedroom, US sources say...”
So my point is STOP changing the story...that is where the American government has failed. They failed to release the correct information at the right time and this has resulted in the mess that they find themselves in now concerning the United Nations and Human Rights.
Now I am not saying that he didn't deserve to die, what I am saying is that there is a legal way to do it.
But 'fair play' to the yanks, they did get the jobs done. We'd have done it too but because of the bank holidays we wern't sure when to take the 'Bin' out!!!
Actually we most probably would have given him benefits up to 100 grand a year and political asylum!!
Here comes my redneck side but I could care less about his "rights". If we're going to insist on playing by our rules of fairness with people who play by no rules then we'll lose every time. The people he caused the death of had rights too and he sure wasn't bothered by them.
It's like everyone wants the bully taken care of but whoever does it becomes hated as the new bully. We're used to being hated and made fun of anyway. :)
“The fastest way to succeed is to look as if you're playing by somebody else's rules, while quietly playing by your own.”
~Michael Konda~
Yes Nightgame it's a catch 22 situation, however does one not become as bad as the other if one changes the rules to suit ones own needs?
I am playing devils advocate..
I find myself doubting his death, and think America made some kind of a deal. We haven't seen the bin dead and everything has been shrouded. If America was so proud that they discovered his hide hole, why didn't they capture him and take him back to America to be tried and executed in the gas chamber? I can't believe the President gave a shoot to kill order, when all good American citizens wanted his blood. Was it a trigger happy seal that shot him as a citizen of the world, I feel cheated.. I wanted to see the bin swing! *shakes fist*
I'm with Nightgame on this one...although I am not a 'redneck' - lol!
Bin Laden's death was better than what he dished out...he didn't get blown to bits; he wasn't buried alive for hours/days in agony; his body was reportedly buried at sea with a little decency, following Muslim rules. He didn't worry about or think of legal issues when he caused the death of thousands all over the globe.
Wether he went for guns, a bazooka, whatever - dude got capped, and deservedly so.
15:53 May 19 2011
I am really sure his fiancé wouldn't be impressed by his Behaviour
15:58 May 19 2011
Well then! People are starange but you're right. You are superior LOL
18:58 May 19 2011
As I state in my profile, I am a happily married man with 2 children and I live in the UK.
Perhaps he isn't able to read, though I know he looked and keeps looking at my profile.
What possible threat could I be *chuckles*
Oddly while chatting to Mrs ban about it, she said that my response was rather rude and I was being intolerant to the poor fella.
I showed her his message and mine and explained to her that if I was in the same shoes as him I would have writen the message in a different manner...... HONEST!! Lol
19:58 May 19 2011
Gotta luv the way they react as it makes for 'good' drama and journal reading!!lol
I hope you mentioned the English Posse who teleport into their homes and teleport out with their women and corn dogs!
08:45 May 20 2011
Lol Bloodlife you are a star, I love that!
07:36 May 22 2011
Some people take vr far too seriously. It is good to have you with us Theban.
15:48 May 22 2011
Good luck and happy dramas in your new Coven Mr. Ban :) * waves to Mrs. Ban.. I'll look after him for you heh, and it's okay I am married since '92*