Life goes on...and on. I have hope and a plan! Rome wasn't built in a day after all....It's just time which I dislike. It creeps up and sedates.
So my Xmas this year is going to be pants! I have to work a 12 night shift on Xmas eve, I have to work New Years eve as well. No day in lieu, found out I get an extra £1 an hour after midnight...I thought it was more! Private companies are all about profit. They don't care about the staff or the service's just about making the dosh!
It will be my first Xmas and New Year for 42 years that I have had to work! Yeah...I'm an old git before anyone says anything *chuckles* So I am not the best person in the world right now to talk with....not because I'm an old git lol!
I keep getting bad news...Sinora has left he's interesting because I defended myself against things like this by lurking and not communicating....I never wanted friendships when I first joined the Rave over 3 and a half years ago....never wanted to play the game....just wanted to read.
I remember when saying I was coming out...Some thought that I was admitting to being Gay. When in fact I meant that I wasn't going to lurk and I was actually going to become more active!
I love woman to much to be Gay...although I would kiss Thoth and Bloodlife *no tongues*lol, you are a cool couple of guys!
There are still many cool people in the Rave and the House I am in, who perhaps I should write to more.
I know people change and move just hurts like hell when one allows people in! : (
Now I raise the bottle to you guys...I was never one for drinking wine from a glass “to friends lost and friends new I wish you joy and happiness for Xmas and the New year.”
oh no :(
bloody hell!
Yeah, I hate this :(
She may come back ... one day :-s
Aww...damn, I am gonna miss her...why are all the fun people leaving?
*Sobs* how terrible, I loved her too...she is an awesome person, damn!
I had a message which pushed for a rant....well the shops were packed, everyone was saying 'Merry Christmas' When all I wanted to say was 'Fuck Off you cunts stop chatting, and cunting well serve me....GRaaaaa!
Right back to my other rant!
This is part of life....the people are blinded and unable to see that it is infact they who are not being open minded...they write that they call for truth, when infact they have no justification, imagination or spirit, let alone adventure. Open your eyes jerks!
They then for some reason have to write in such a way that they appear they want to sound superior when infact they, in my mind, sound fucking stupid!....
It is not a Crown Court or Parliament...Please lighten up...this is a site where Berti Bassettes are every where...Hmmm perhaps it should be me who should lighten up a little...
I have noticed that this is becoming a trend in the forums now....this is why I like to infuse humour with my responses...
I am not a Cunt
No....don't say it.....ok ok...sometimes I may be, just a little ; )
Yeah ok I am a Cunt...!
Yes you are, where has my comment gone?
I like the way ya combine rants dear lmao
We need some humor in the forums!
Never post in the Forum while under the influence of alcohol.....*chuckles* my head feels like I have done ten rounds with Tyson. I feel sick, fragile, and stupid!
On a brighter note I have one can of Stella in the fridge and half a bottle of vodka.....
Awwww, poor mister pointyhead!
I was drinking vodka and scotch all night, and I'm feeling fine today. Ms Thoth has a hangover, though. I'll put some tea on for both of you.
Lol I can't do that I don't think Cancer would be happy to have a drunken Dominar but I hardly ever get drunk, or drink alcohol anyway lol.
I think you might have had enough Hon,LOL
Kids of today ... you need to get dowm here. lol
Oh Really :p
So, to hell with the Forums...enjoy the Stella and vodka.
Been there, done that ugggh.
methinx you have been in my fridge? only the stella has gone did you drink it perhaps??
Just got back from my night out...oh my god I am so friend was sick over my arm...yuck and I chatterd up my manager who is 24...I could be old enough to be her father lol...
AcTually not just her ^^
Sorry I just love woman...I love what they say and what they think..I love it when they can hold there own...if one knows what I mean!
She thought I was crude and's a start!...I can be.
Most of the people there were interested in my tats at one point of the conversation because of the lanuage they are in...chuckles.
I was just interested in the booze and being a flirt!...
There were a few tumble weed moments.. lol
God I dislike straight, serious borring people!
You and me both! Off with their heads! lol
I can take 8 tequila shots and never throw it out, it all stays in lol then again I end up staying in after lol it seems the stairs and doors disapear after the 8th shot lol
No comment haha ;)
wow a manager at 24!
Uh oh...what did you say or do, exactly?
"What is considered fatal love?"
Come would help if I could open the thread!!! How can it be unavalable?
Cooked in a slow oven with gravy...hmmm bisto gravy...Now that could be fatal for someone!
Lol! Indeed.
My daughters boyfriends will understand the meaning of fatal love if they so much as look at her before she reaches 40!!
fatal love.?
love that makes you put yourself in risks near fatality.
faerie because the word fata means faerie in Italian.
ok ignore my bad inside joke.
So tonight I have to work, shouldn't of gone swimming last night! I have chilled myself to the bone....I have man flue! It is not fair. I am ill, very ill.
I have a blocked nose a sore throat and a headache....Did I say I was ill very ill....I am dizzy. I have to work tonight...I have flue, man flue, did I say I was ill, very ill....Dam it I have man flue!! I am going to lie down...I feel tired.
Helllllpppp meeeeee!!!!
Overslept this morning because I am ill, so I was late taking the beasts to school. Couldn't find a place to park so parked in an area where I am not supposed to!!! Fell over on the footpath to school and messed up my jeans, people saw me!!! Beasts thought it was funny...they had pulled me over with their messing around!
People in the playground said I was being dull and looked Pale! *there were no sparkles coming from me* I am ill dam it! Normally I would play tag with the beasts in school while we wait for the bell.
Got back to the car just as the local Rozer was going to slap a ticket on the car...I told him I was ill! I told him I wouldn't do it again....
I told him I was going to bed.... I told him I have man flue!
I think he thought I was a little demented, anyway he didn't give me a ticket...
So I am going to bed feeling sorry for myself...Did I mention I am ill, very ill, I have man flue!
*shakes head*
oh dear :(
Have some nice hot chicken soup - stay in bed......hug
Thank you but I have to go to work...even though I feel like poo...hmmm poo yum!!
So are you ill or what?!! Typical guy!! giving us a bad name with your whining .. **OUCH**. I just stubbed my toe ... I think it's broken ... I think my foot will fall off ....
Get well ;-)
"Man flue" huh, lol, can't say as I have ever heard that one before, get better soon man...
DAMN IT! Now I have to heal your ass! FUCK! Thanks for making my day longer in the lab!! :P
So Monday and Tuesday was a crappy day for me. The
Rain Machine blew up...smoke coming from the top and the pressure switch howling like a horny angel. There was nothing I could do with the fuming, stinking, fishy, burning plastic smelling a little like fish, piece of junk.
Actually, it had become a little up close and personal...Me and the shower go way back! Wednesday I declared war!
I realised that now there was now no going back. I would have to go on an adventure to seek another Rain which would fit hopefully into the now dead, older machines place.
Unfortunately it wasn't to be, £86 pounds later and I was home. I opened the box with anticipation and took out this sleek white Rain Machine. I knew it wasn't the same size, the realisation of a few hours work quickly dawned on me.
I had a list as long as my leg, thank the gods my arms are longer! Paint the porch and finish it!! Plane down the garage door. Finish painting the hall stars and landing....I was going to go swimming as well!
So after a couple of seconds as I stepped back from the carnage, the battle was over...again. I was the victor of sorts....
It was not quite finished, however I could at least have a dam shower! I stunk!
I have not been to sleep since my night shift and have been awake for over 24 hours. *sighs*
That was all I did today...
You know machines wouldn't break if you would stop chewing on them!
I like the pic of the whatchamacallit smashed on the ground.
01:26 Dec 24 2009
Merry Christmas to you as well dear :)
17:10 Dec 24 2009
Sorry i missed you online :(
much love and best wishes to you and your family
23:27 Dec 25 2009
*raises a glass of rum*
Here here!!!....oh and when the kissing of Thoth and Bloodlife begins you better come get me cause that is something I just have to see