Theban's Journal

Theban's Journal


Honor: 0    [ Give / Take ]


5 entries this month


09:37 Apr 30 2009
Times Read: 728

It never ceases to amaze me, the strange. I just had to write about it because it tickled me quite a lot. As soon as I got the first message I thought, here we go!

It is after all just a stupid number....

I find that people here have more issues with the rating system than any other thing here!

On 21:54:44 Apr 26 2009 (-0 GMT) ********* wrote:

HMMM ... I see you rated me a 5 and I rated you a 10.

How nice of you.

No problem, If it works for you then it works for me.

On 08:44:56 Apr 27 2009 (-0 GMT) Theban wrote:

Ummmm Sir

“How nice of you”

It always fascinates me with the type of response I receive when someone upgrades and goes premium.

As I see you have visited my profile and I presume that you have read, then you will know why you were rated what you were rated. It's as simple as.....

Your name ******** is very good and I remember the music as being also very good. I would of rated you less if the music had been pants. However you have no information about you! Unless of course you consider yourself to actually be ********.

No journal and no portfolio.....

"The artist is nothing without the gift, but the gift is nothing without work...."

If you had these it would have been a very much higher rate. If you choose to add more then please let me know as I enjoy reading about people and looking at where they live and what they enjoy.

You will also be aware that if I rate you any lower than a nine your rate will drop further....please understand I do not want this to happen any more than you do.

The rules of the Rave are using the number from 1-10, how we use these numbers is up to us. If you need any help with your profile then there are many people here who can offer you help.

Thank you for your rate

"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a


On 11:37:10 Apr 27 2009 (-0 GMT) ********* wrote:

How lovely,

No journal and no portfolio..... NO WHERE in the rules of membership does it state you must have these items you mentioned.

Those items are by choice!!

I can live with your rating. I didn't check your profile as I clecked military recruits rack's and footlocker's for 10 years in the US Army. I just simply showed respect and gave a 10 to a fellow member of a site in which we have something in common with. Artist and Art? Ever really been to a Artist show, auction, or gallery??? Ever heard of the famous "UNKNOWN" Artist? There have been plenty in the past, present, and future. My profile is just that.

No need to write me back as I will not disturb you anymore.

I accept your rating as you gladly accepted mine.


On Apr 27 2009 (-0 GMT) Theban wrote

Lol, you are a funny bloke......I'm not being a tosser over this I'm attempting to explain this in the nicest way possible.

No need to write me back as I will not disturb you anymore....(so you sent your message three times!!)

Smiles This has really niggled you hasn't it?

First of all It's my choice as it is yours.....Please read what I write and don't read what you want to read...I hope that you can understand this comment!

That's it, take a deep breath, breath in and digest.

It's my choice that I rate by what someone puts on there profile...it's my choice if I rate it higher if they have a journal or a portfolio.

I never stated that it was in the rules...where did I state that in my message please? I only stated that the rules are, we can use the numbers from 1-10 when we rate! I then mentioned that I rate higher if the person has a port and a journal...

I thank you for showing me respect by rating me a ten without reading my profile, however if you had read it then you may of decided to give me no rate or a lower one...you can change it to a five or what ever if you choose. I wont down rate you from your five to a one.

We don't know each other at the moment and we have nothing in common apart from we are on the same site. That being said I'm slowly learning about you from your messages and choice of words, also by how you perceive written information.

As for art, I know a lot about it and I'm a artist of sorts...I'm a piss artist on a Saturday night...lol...Seriously I do like art and I'm pleased for you that your profile in your mind is a piece of art, I guess you now know that in my eyes it wasn't.

Which leads me to the past, present and future...we've done the past, were on the present...and lets hope we both can get something from the future.

Now would be a good time for you to reflect on my words if you choose, because that's correct. We all have a choice in what we say and do, don't we.

On 22:01:50 Apr 27 2009 (-0 GMT********wrote:

If my message was sent 3 times it must have been a site server error because I sure did not send it 3 times on purpose.

As I said before no need to discuss this any futher.

I will not be visiting your profile anymore or commenting on any of your art on the site.

No, I will not go and change my 10 I left you ( that is childish and immature ).

I rated you a 10 and stand by it.

You have a nice day.

On 10:34:38 Apr 28 2009 Theban wrote

Ok *********, Smiles of course you consciously didn't send it three times on purpose.

As you have said before, 'No need for you to discuss this further,' as for me...well, I like to write.

(I will not be visiting your profile anymore or commenting on any of your art on the site.)

Sorry what was that I read about being childish and immature.....lol

Oh one more thing, on a positive note, you appear to be honorable

Good day to you Sir

On 10:34:38 Apr 28 2009 ********* wrote

I am very honorable, that is why I have chosen not to visit or rate your profile anymore.

Why would I ? I already rated you a 10 remember?

You may keep writing me back (to get the last word) if you must that is fine by me.

Good luck in life and your success on the site.

Well that's it so far folks. this is word for word as messaged...

Am I being a twat over this? Should I just give him a ten anyway in case this causes drama? I THINK THAT IT ALREADY HAS!! Do you think that my response was a little harsh? What would you do?



09:50 Apr 30 2009

tell him to grow up a 5 is not going to kill him

10:47 Apr 30 2009

lol...depends what mood I was in at the time.

11:09 Apr 30 2009

Well I did in the end send another message but he hasn't sent one back...I was attempting to find out more about him.

12:51 Apr 30 2009

OMG .. go rate the guy a ten dammit .. lol



08:28 Apr 29 2009
Times Read: 740

Hello journal

I feel like a grumpy old man today.. : (

Had a disagreement with my other half and as normal I was a wanker....What made it worse was she was 100% in the bloody right.

Need to build up energy levels and buy a present to say sorry!

Got lots to do in the house and garden today, I also have applications to fill in. I wanted to go fishing!



10:40 Apr 29 2009

It's great to actually hear someone owning up to making a mistake. It shows good integrity.

13:48 Apr 29 2009

ha ha ha!

buy her some flowers and a fishing pole!



11:12 Apr 23 2009
Times Read: 748

Something other than me was in the church yard last night.....

I had decided to take a short or I should say long cut on the way home. I had been to a friends house and had two beers...Only two and Yes...Bah I'm not going to have anymore for 90 days thanks to ThothLestat...grumbles. Anyway I didn't have any equipment on me so I was going in there blind and just relying on my senses. Now there is this one part of the graveyard which is really dark....usual scene, trees in a group keep this part in constant shadow. So at night it is almost pitch black in this area and very hard to see. This is the part where I normally have a snooze in, not tonight though!

As I approached this part I felt really cold *it was 2315hrs* so I stopped and looked. I then got out my phone and attempted to use the light off the phone to peer inside the darkness...nothing as I turned to skirt around the area in the corner of my eye I saw movement. This is where I add that most things I see on any investigation are when I'm not looking lol

I stopped dead in my tracks and listened for noise because the movement had been parallel to the direction I was now headed. I then thought I heard a sigh, now this could have been the wind or any other noise so I walked on. All my senses were now screaming for me to run and run fast so I stopped and looked around...still nothing.

I carried on through the grave yard and towards home when bang went gate in the graveyard! Now I wanted to run..well hobble away at this point. It wasn't windy it wasn't another person I saw something like a ball of light four foot off the ground moving towards the wall for about 3 seconds and then it disappeared behind this wall. When I looked behind the wall of course there was nothing.

I don't know if this was a trick of the light, the noise and the sighting has given me zest and I hunger for the comfort of the darkness of night. Tonight I want to go on a walk armed to the teeth with my equipment...where I will end up lol maybe the graveyard I may even have a snooze in the graveyard as I've been missing doing this.





11:54 Apr 22 2009
Times Read: 766

It's been a while journal,

Doing a sleep study tonight and I'm the subject! I have this uncanny habit of stopping breathing while I'm asleep..perhaps this is why I have bazaar dreams when I'm sleeping....or being sort of dead! lol. Apparently I've been told that I snore like a pig, talk in my sleep and stop breathing, not of course all at the same time! Now I have a machine to plug into to study me while I sleep from 2300hrs till 0800hrs

It doesn't matter what way I sleep in bed, it just happens, and I still need to lose weight as I'm still getting rather large around the arse and hips...Still I've not got man boobs yet luckily for me, however if I don't lose the weight they may rear their ugly heads. Having bigger boobs than the Mrs would be an embarrassment. So the diet is going crap and I need to be stricter with me!

My main issue is beer...lol, I love it so much. I'm not an alcoholic but I do like a skinful every weekend...with mainly the odd three or four cans a night. I can go weeks without a drink of alcohol and when I don't have it I don't really miss it...and yet...Bah it's the choice thing again...I have this thing about choice, choose, chose!

Always with me what cannot be done, while pondering on what may be and not what must be done!

Always in motion the future is holding great expectations.



13:15 Apr 22 2009

Good luck in the study. Let us know what happens.

13:38 Apr 22 2009

ha ha ha.. man boobs... I'm gonna go on a diet, and part of it will mean giving up beer until I reach my goal. I'm going to go 100 days without beer.

Care to join me?

22:03 Apr 22 2009

Good luck with the sleep stuy - hopefully you can get some help with your strange sleep patterns.

Thank God I hate beer...I have enough things to worry about while losing weight! Good luck with that too!

00:42 Apr 23 2009

good luck on you study Theban, hope it comes out good.

09:26 Apr 23 2009

ThothLestat your on!

Sounds like a great plan my friend...does that include wine and spirits lol



08:23 Apr 02 2009
Times Read: 809

I came across this profile the other day, what was interesting was what they had to mention about the system. Me being me I decided to read the journal because the profile was just piss poor. Below is what they had written on their profile.

:And fair warning I rate the same as people rate me, you give me a 10 you will get a 10 back, you give me a 1 you will get a 1 back.

Seems i need to add more to this, if you are going to cry about me returning the rating you gave me, don't bother, move on and rate someone else.

One day i will get to add more to my profile, but seems i have to add more to this section. Why are there a bunch of babies crying about getting a low score... ? And then my favorite part is they bitch to you then block you from saying anything back, Cowardice much? I have no intentions of blocking anyone, I am not scared of what others say or weak. To all the cry baby , weakling , blockers, grow up, get a life, and learn how the world works before you come back to bother me.

I will get back to this later:

Well I came across this after I had noticed that he had indeed rated me a 5 as I had rated him

:He wrote in his journal:

:What is evil? To act selfishly without thinking? To cause harm to other people, be it with intent or not? To hurt others? To hate? Anger? Rage? Bitterness? Acts of sin? So the basic break down seems to be add love and a little happiness and you have your normal relationship, well normal for some of us, Or you have someone who is selfish, full of spite, thoughtless, without morals, deprived/depraved, or maybe it is just a stupidity thing, maybe evil people are just to stupid to be good??? To stop and think, or know right from wrong, To have morals, Honor..., A dead word, for a dead world:

So I left a comment in his journal for all to see “You show your true colours when you bully and intimidate people and by doing so your intentions cause harm and hurt others. This entry into your journal shows all how you are evil and full of spite. You have no honour or morals and your living in your own little dead world with your petty dead words. So I guess you wrote this for your self.”

Anyway I noticed that he had returned and taken a look at my profile, he sent no message just deleted my comment from his journal. What does that tell me about him now...lol SJF!

Hey he actually touched a nerve....*cracks nuckles*



08:32 Apr 02 2009

I don't know if I should cry, laugh my ass off or pray for some virus that resolves such problems from society. *sighs*

Great entry and comments. Care to say who our little guardian of justice is? lmao

09:22 Apr 02 2009

Perhaps after that one *points to the one you mentioned in your entry* completes his soul searching... he should also learn to write proper English as well?


09:34 Apr 02 2009

I guess he just needs to search on the bottom of my shoe..lol

12:09 Apr 02 2009

In the words of Catherine Tate..." What a ******* liberty" lmao

08:49 Apr 03 2009

On reflection I decided to take the name off. This shouldn't of resulted in me naming and shaming.

22:08 Apr 22 2009

Um...okay. So much for his dead words in a dead world.

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