Life an death pain and passion cold and warm man and woman share the same feelings and emotions. two hearts that beat as one bonded together by love that unties us. We shall suffer no more set our spirits free and fly in the night sky like a bat or raven. No more pain or hurt just our love and our strong will to power over anything that comes in our way. Fate has brought us together and I will not let anything rip us apart. I decade this too my love you know who you are?
05:05 Jun 30 2011
That was beautiful.
05:12 Jun 30 2011
Why thank you
01:11 Sep 17 2011
Very moving and indeed true.
06:31 Sep 20 2011
I like this
08:13 Sep 22 2012
Awwww how sweet to whom ever this was for
05:19 Feb 25 2013
So very sweet indeed I hope she reads that and comes to you.
06:51 Jun 25 2013
Very beautiful I love your words. They make my heart swell with emotion
15:47 Nov 20 2014
Nothing shall ever come between us.