MY, is spelled with M and Y, not fucking M and I, MY, not Mi, MY!!!!! Of all the fucking retarded things to wait, a retard could actually spell the word right the first time. didn't mean to insult the retards.
Different topic.
At what point, did modesty, humility, honor, hell Pride in being a decent person just go way the fuck out the window down the gorge and into the bowels of "progress?!"
What happened to having Pride in working 8 hours a day, or not being a whore? I'm sorry, but those who weekly, sell their plasma, or sign up for drug trials to get 2500 bucks for 6 days of trying a drug need to be fucking shot. GET A GODDAMNED JOB, contribute something to the world other than promoting the sales of booze and prescription medications.
And you...all of you here, you whiney sad little fucktards! "my own personal hell" thats where you reside really?! MAKE IT BETTER THAN BITCH otherwise shut the fuck up.
Honestly, I dont' care if george bush came to your house one day, raped you then wiped it on your tickle me elmo and left. We've all got bad shit going on in our lives so shut the fuck up, and put the razor to your throat if you're going to do something with it. otherwise put it down, stop wasting my taxes on federal mandated treatment cause you can't deal with daddy not being around, or mommy telling you to stop being lazy, and wear some pants that don't constrain your testicles or ovaries.
..Okay, back to humilty, and honor..and pride.
Humility, when did people start thinking they are the greatest fucking person in the world on a daily basis? There is a difference between self confidence and delusion. You aren't a rockstar, you aren't a gangster, and as far as being the shit...go ahead, yeah you do stink, and should be tossed out in the trash.
Honor, ...its dead. Period.
Pride, there are healthy levels of this. I take pride in knowing I actually WORK when I go into work. I cook people food, I provide something that they want, and pay for. Its not necessarily always exactly how they want it, but I try my best.
Why, how do so many people get away with just fucking sitting at bus stations, doing jack shit all day. Probably living off their girlfriends, or boyfriends who are too fucking stupid to get rid of their mooching ass and let em learn what going hungry is really about. Parents, they aren't in your loins anymore, CUT YOUR KIDS OFF. stop paying for their ability to just fucking slack off. Your kid has no money but wears a hat and a shirt with weed leafs all over it and has the nerve to ask to use my cell phone "for just a minute" Fuck that shit. I should take your kid, give him to the correctional facility and let them prostitute him out in the jails so he could at least be doing some sort of service with his time. GAHGaljsd;lkajsgdal;sgdjk;alskdgj
Oh..i'm sure there will be more to come about subjects such as these at a later date.
Craigs List
Cause if you want a fuck buddy there. Know you're getting one where the tread is gone, and the break pads haven't been in years.