ITS CREEPY!!! Ok, i'm not some crazy SOB that gets my rocks off when you call me Daddy. I find it very very creepy when a grown woman wants to get all hot and heavy or even just flirting decides to call me daddy.
I'm not your daddy, this aint arkansas and I'm not into that shit.
These wasabi peas are hotter than I remember them being. I should stop eating them before I fly to the moon with fire coming out of my ass.
I love those things~
I've never heard of a wasabi pea lol *goes off to google*
They be deliciously addicting.
"Im Obsessed With Music..Its The Only Thing That Keeps Me Living.."
No, the only things keeping you alive are your respitory system, the food your family gives you and the liquids you consume. Music is a bonus you get to have in this free old country of ours. *slap*
Seriously, i'm going to have to start revoking breeding rights soon. I mean the people can have sex, but i'm ripping out their ovaries and testicles first.
I know you're lacking a life. Cause when I first see you on the rave about two weeks ago and now when I login you are either at the level I am, or you have passed that. Which means your life outside of the computer is probably non existing, or really quite sad.
I was just making an observation, which can so sadly be incooperated with how anal you fucktards are about your ratings, how seriously I "should" take you and how much i'm not, as well as the point I will go to just not acknowladge your self interested self.
This really isn't pointed at anyone in particular, just the many people who bug me for no reason other than their rating and how awesome and supernatural they believe themselves to be over the months.
I have awesome and supernatural noodles.
It's the voodoo spirit of VR that make them do it!
boo health problems. New job. 10-12 hours a day from 5am-3/4 pm. I'm in bed by nine. Up by 3:50. Weekends off normally. Fuck!
I'm sick of being this person.
I manage to drag myself into the stupidity. I don't understand how I do it though. Yeah i'm giving you "a stern talking to." Obviously none of your friends or family care enough to. But don't fucking call me Dad just cause i'm trying to get you to do what common sense calls for.
I have a son, and since you have a vagina you obviously aren't him. And I won't let him be anything like what i've been. Cause no one needs to destroy themselves with worry over people that could care less about themselves let alone the friends that show actual concern.
Though i'm a bit set in that way, how about you start giving a shit about your future, your well being, the life you will live till you die. Cause i'm reaching the breaking point of my mind and heart. This cold person I desired is nothing I imagined, and I think i'll send him away. Don't ever mistake that for weakness though, because i'll be done with you in a moment if its what'll be best for me in the long run.
You've all come and gone at your own leisure taking what you've wanted from me using my care, using my compassion and leaving without a word. You claim my side of the species are users and pigs yet you stay blind to your own selfish actions.
I was there, continue to own up to my promises of friendship to faulty friends. Where are any of you when I'm truly down, when i'm on the brink of tears without an answer. Fuck when I don't even know what the question is.
I'm so fucked up right now, its easy to grin and make quips. So hard to have a hold anymore, don't have the balls to call me an asshole when you were only listening to yourself speak. Things are hard, trust me I know, but i've been here listening and advising to the best of my ability.
When I look back and remember I have to ask. Where the fuck were you when I was struggling?
23:07 Jun 29 2008
00:04 Jun 30 2008
haha yeah incest lol some women are feaks like that
00:36 Jul 04 2008 is pretty creepy...