I'm confused... How am I a pussy that hides? And so called.... Well I'm 25, I have a penis always have, always will unless the unforeseen and god forsaken happens, so yeah I'm a man. I don't hide, I'm here calling you out. Calling out a lot of people in fact, telling them to stop being pussies, telling YOU to stop being a pussy. So bring it, bring it to me. Don't relay your hate through someone else. Do not live your sad lonely lives vicariously through others. Don't try to bring others into shit you are starting. Don't be a hiding little cantankerous thunder cunt and make people who aren't involved pay for your sad failings.
On a higher note My rendition of today's events involving the bathroom.
I have my constitutionals one of two different times normally. When I wake up in the morning, or when I get home from work. It didn't happen when I got up, so it was going to happen when I got home. It didn't happen right away, but I come home to see the lovely Jadee cleaning, nothing gets me hotter than seeing my woman do womans work :D. (will be headed out the door when she reads this.) We sit, and talk, do what we do, she cleans a little more, I make her the filling for her sammich..(where's my sammich?) and while she is making her sammich I apologize because my body says it is time. Unfortunately I could not predict that it was a plunger required. Luckily this is not my first time in a bathroom rodeo, and a clean bathroom floor crisis is completely averted. We go on about our day, and I hear mutterings about my hair everywhere.... I can't help it if I'm a cholo sasquatch.
Because when I watch this video It makes me think of the general dating scene here on VR. Please watch and laugh, unless you don't want to hear the word Vagina over fifty times.
God I love what people do with legos' these days.
A few years back when living the man life with a roomate we had a jello salad bowl left over from Thanksgiving that grew a beard and mustache, we called it bob. We did not disturb bob because we were certain he was alive and capable of moving. That apartment made many an odd noise at odd times. Never again shall I grow my own life farm in a fridge. Not cause I don't want to, Jadee won't let me :( lol.
Hey, that is how they found the cure for scurvy was one of those "experiments" lol
Amazing how such words catch your attention. "we had a jello salad bowl...that grew a beard and mustache..."
Oops, I misspelled... oh well. Such is life. I believe the point is made none the less.
"View more Fun moments with Adele..brought to you by Viagra"
This is only hilarious because Sixty Minutes didn't think out the pauses in those lines very well.
Just don't tell them they owe you a job and call them a bitch too. :D Pity the ones who would actually suffer to employ you. There is karma in this world, I'm just making sure it actually gets appointed.
Cause if you don't whip the bad ones, they end up being most of the people I write about here.
03:35 Feb 29 2012
"my woman do womans work" Oh you are so gonna get it when you get home. Better yet, I'm going to lock you out of my pristine bathroom. Better yet, you get to clean the plunger :P
04:39 Feb 29 2012
Does she get on her hands and knees to scrub the floor?