Sad, you really are quite sad. Grow up, get over yourselves, yeah my e-dick is bigger than yours.
I'm not surprised that so many have jumped at the cracks to get what they want. I am disgusted and amused that the majority of you are such idiots to think your tactics would work. It only proves how little you know this woman, especially when you claim to love her.
IF, this is a huge if, Jadee and I were to part ways permanently and you guys did the same thing you've just tried, you would fail.
I respect her, I love her, for many reasons. Mainly for her respect for herself, she's not like the online sluts you're used to. She's not going to let you into her e-pants. She definitely won't do it after breaking up. If anything it'll disgust her and if she had respect for you, it'll be gone for good. No matter how much you call her baby, tell her how in love with her you are, and continue lusting after the challenge. So, stop. Seriously, it's insulting to her and I both.
At the end of the day you'll either be looking at your porn, or talking to a dude who wants to show you his junk on chat roulette. I'll still have my wonderful girlfriend. We may not always agree, but in this world who the hell wants a stepford wife?
When going into a battle of wits with a mad person, make sure you're twice as mad as they otherwise defeat is always assured.
Bottom up.
My friend, you won this round.
That way I could truly claim it as something I love. :) (defeat, I had no more come backs)
On 22:06:12 Dec 09 2010 (-0 GMT) ThePinja wrote:
no, you probably "le blue girl'd" everything you love. (haza! victory was in sight)
On 22:04:34 Dec 09 2010 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:
Who says I haven't already buttsex'd suprised everything I love? :P (I was wrong)
On 22:03:55 Dec 09 2010 (-0 GMT) ThePinja wrote:
I will Buttsex surprise everything you love!!!!!
(I thought this was a fairly hilarious, and un retort-able response.)
On 22:03:10 Dec 09 2010 (-0 GMT) MooniePie wrote:
-sinister laugh-
On 22:02:02 Dec 09 2010 (-0 GMT) ThePinja wrote:
You wouldn't dare ruin Super Troopers, or anything Leslie Nielson!!!
That's right! I was the MASTA of this round!
How dare you try to defeat me in a war of twistedness!
SYSTEM says: LOL Moonie rocks!
Daddy always said, never go into a battle of wits unarmed. But you held your own to the bitter end.
Ok... hearing your roommate and his girl have sex... so not cool. I think I may go hang myself now. They knew I had walked back out to the living room.. text a guy to put on some headphones... seriously uncool. Now if I do get back to sleep imma have some bad nightmares.
Its a horrible tragedy I can't help but laugh about in the sad way.
Wicked, totally wicked!
You could make loud noises and mock them?
There's always room for revenge...
Yes Birra, there is room for revenge... hopefully soon.
Sex happens. . . ?
I've never been on your end. But the other one, perhaps.
At the risk of landing on the other end of this argument, I used to love to be very vocal about that kind of thing when Scott and I lived in our apartment- made the married couple who lived over us (and were our landlords, I might add) pea green with envy...
They of course retaliated by letting their daughter practice the piano right over our heads at 8
As you guys said, revenge is sweet- I suggest playing something really loud that throws off his rhythm. But Ima bitch that
03:11 Dec 28 2010
I love your errrrrr e-dick ;)