Cook, is a verb, noun, and many other terms.
I cook breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and apps. I can Boil, sautee, broil, bake, fry, pan fry, grill, deep fry, poach, and baste. All terms that go along with cooking. Yet people refer to me as a chef, well I'm not. I'm not wise beyond my years when it comes to the things I know as far as cooking.
I'm a simple cook, who learns just a little more every day that I can. But I fail to see the magnificence in a chef, he has a big hat, he went to a school, and he has an arrogance that if you pulled from the neck you'd realize his head is up the ass of every chef before him.
I like my job, so if you'd please refer to me as a cook, cause thats what I am.
The ladies in my life.
Dawn, I give up you don't answer a phone, reply to a text, or call me back. Three months ago I would have still said we are friends. Now I'm just a guy who knows your name and number thats about it.
Mandi, why have you become the same as every damn girl i've ever known? I call to talk to ya and see how things are, and its about 30 minutes before I can get a word in just to tell you I have to go and ask you to call me back. You don't call back, even if you say you will. We will always be friends, but don't make the sacrifices for the friendship to survive meaningless.
Kelly, I'm sorry you're going through heartbreak right now. Get over it, its been what? 6 months and you are still too hesitant to try and move along. Lifes short, stop living in regret, stop ignoring your friends who reach out. P.S. NASCAR
Misti, you are a frosty self centered cunt cake drizzling with the secretions of 80 other guys. I shouldn't have ever dated you, too many nights uncontentedly laying by your side. As a friend you are on that sub par line. You helped me shop for some new threads... lahdy fuckin dah.
Calling me up only cause you wanna go drink and ignoring me the other 6 days of the week is such a great friendship. I don't owe you shit, you don't owe me shit, you just keep thinking you're awesome cause when it comes down to it having big boobs and liking guys stuff doesn't make you perfect.
Shariya, love ya but ditto about the boobs and being a nerd. You have this tendency of feeling owed some things, a general complete lack of understanding how other people don't live on stoner time. When you say you're going to do shit, do it within that time frame. You and Beau both need to understand that. Lifes tough, get a helmet. Oh yeah, don't live life thinking that just because guys do like you that means you can just brush off the good ones, guys have dicks, that generally means we'll fuck just about anything. Remember that when your cute art school boys are smiling at you while their scene girlfriends are in the bathroom. You're Beautiful, but you let it go to your head sometimes.
Skye, you are the mother of our son. I wouldn't trade him for anything. I'm sorry your family is going through hard times, but i'm not an atm, i'll pay the child support that I am required to. Once in a while I'll give you extra cash for things like milk and what not. I'll buy Ryan gifts but don't hit me up because yall are just bad at managing money. I'm sorry you lost your job, but really how many days have you spent moseying over to brants instead of looking for a job, hell any job. How much money have you spent on gas just driving when you should have been managing that cash better? I'm not making fourty hours a week right now, i'm making less than that, claiming 0 on my taxes so I don't get raped as a single 22 year old male on my return.
I love Ryan the thought of him is about the only feeling of pure love i've ever had. His laugh makes me smile like nothing before, I want to see him somewhere other than a church or at a park around your home. If that means I gotta cover gas then so be it.
For the Fellas...
Bert, Love ya but grow up. Its time to put some of that childish attitude and thought processing behind you. Just cause white guys in suits market black "musical artists" to every race of the past 2 and next god knows how many generations saying words like "nigga" doesn't mean its okay for you to say Nigger, its not cool. Period. Colin is a lazy douche who doesn't appreciate how good he's got it, he's got no applicable life skills other than being a leech, similar to your brother except he plays d&d and wow, really is that all you wanted in a brother?
Devon, Stop being so flakey, unaware to your real responsibilities, and call a bro once in a while.
I bust out an eggs/crab benedict in 4-8 minutes time because i'm the shit at being a cook, but when I screw up what bread somebody wants during the middle of lunch all of the sudden i'm not so great.
Cause I have it so easy in the back of a 100 degree kitchen in a heavy white jacket, jeans and my purple bandana absorbing all the sweat so my eyes don't burn a stinging burn impeding my job. when its one cook, and a prep cook busting out 8 tops, and lots of 2 tops with less than a 20 minute wait time in the middle of a lunch rush you know you are good at what you do, yet servers still manage to belittle that achievement.... so servers.... FUCK YOU.
I'm going to come, order food, and complain a bunch.
I want a ham and cheese omlette with no ham and extra ham. Figure THAT out!
Ohhh.. I remember those days... first job I started as a bus and dish washer... making $2.25/hr. and getting 18 hour weeks.
Within three weeks they discovered I actually knew how to cook so I became a prep cook... without a raise.
A month later I became a chef... because all they hired for chefs were old druggies who had the munchies, burned meals and ate constantly...
No, it's not a good idea to dip the plastic bag the frozen food is packaged with into the fryer until it melts and releases the food into the grease.
I always wanted to be a really, really, really good chef... I think i need to install a stove in my office...
You tell me you care about me and we talk so rarely now. Give me a call, send a message, tell me something. We only get older, and our chances become fewer and far between.
I will be in the arms of someone else, but it is not someone I love, and so the emptyness continues to grow. I lack the drive for this anymore. I don't want to play these games.
I don't want to be an unreciprocating lover to those who deserve so much better. I don't want my love to go unreciprocated and yet it will.
Most likely you won't read this, or if you do it'll be a bit too late. ... why can't you be a woman who actually uses her phone?
I'm so tired of struggling just.... don't keep disappearing on me cause I won't always be around when you feel like coming back.
Seriously more and more everyday i'm feeling it is necessary to take away peoples breeding rights and other rights to do everday HAVE CANDLES LIT!!!
Does common sense not apply to anything in survivalism anymore? Of course not, we slowly let machines, and other people do more and more for us as we grow complacent with our lethargic lifestyles.
Worst thing of all, when someone calls you out on your stupid actions you try to rationalize your lack of sense with ignorance. Stop being so fucking stupid.
FUCK fucking fucking fuck fuck.
its there, its all there in my damned brain and I can't put any of it out in words......
I just... feel empty, lacking, without, I've lost something within myself and I don't even have a clue as to what...................