I only rate profiles 10 if they have been rated over 1oo times.
I only rate profiles 10 that have at least one rating less than 10, I can tell this by your average rating.
I rate this way to give a reason not to rename profiles repeatedly, and benefit those that do keep their names.
"People understand me so poorly that they don't even understand my complaint about them not understanding me."
-Søren Kierkegaard
13:17 Apr 20 2023
I just rate what I think constitutes a good profile layout. I try to be objective when it comes to the 1-10 scale then if it's something of personal note, I'll add plusses and or minuses on the end. All those tens lose their meaning when so many just give them out like a heroin dealer to get them hooked. Seems apt that they also have those stamps with all the glitter that reminds me of drug dealer cars with all the accessories and extravagant detailing.
17:05 Apr 20 2023
Thanks for the rate:)...