I can smell the god-complex in your sweat, I can see it by the way you tilt your head at people, fawning over your beggars smile-- coy, untrustworthy-- you call yourself an alpha, though you are not even worthy to be the snake in the grass or the earth neath its belly.
You are ash n ember;
I admit, what a sight you are, a boy of summer and heat. Forged of perhaps a woman who spent too much time scolding you; is that why you look down upon the girls who offer themselves to you, i wonder... Is that why you blush with disgust at my objections, why you find yourself flustered and ready to argue my wisps of wisdom.
Oh boy of summer, you know not of life and abuse.
Do not tempt me to show you true heat.
Why do you pity them?
Are you not fascinated? Infatuated, with the living?
Humans are breathing saviors that know not where they walk with calloused feet and for this I envy them--
Thier innocence, ignorance, their self-awareness despite the ecosystem that collapses and rebuilds around them.
and yet you call them sheep, scum, unworthy of adoration. But I rail! You know not of the love of the breathing.
They possess life and light.
and you are empty.
I cannot tell you why I feel at home in my aloneness as i, an un-thing gaze from afar-- a lowly spector--
Why I seek distance away from all the others while you,clever boy, you shine so bright it burns those who linger close by.
You envelope them, entrap them with a few words or with a knowing sigh of endearment.
and for this I both hate and adore you dearly.
I mourn the rise and fall of your chest already, the beat of your heart
Alas, you are my only saviour
and you will bleed.
A sovereign gone and dead.
I'm sure you've seen me in passing, somewhere, sometime when the crowds were dense and overflowing with the sound of the living-- I thought I saw your face once, that young, beautiful face. The round eyes of innocence silently cursing me, your cupids bow placed by the devil himself to wound all the soft places in my heart.
But you went as fast as you appeared, just out of my reach.
Always out of my reach.
Don't ever stop.. love these episodes.
I like the suspense
when crowds are dense
I forget the way new age music can make you feel.
Just as young when I first put bow to strings on the cello in the common hall in Matre; back then the tongue was unusual, sultry.
Like the sound waves that bounced off the strings and echoed down the halls-- I still remember how my bare feet felt against the marble hallways.
This song makes me think of things that will never be
There's something about time that's alluring to me.
How fast it passes, how it drags on when you count the seconds.
Some days i forget that I haven't seen you in ages, that it's tempting to travel to you, when you've been running all along.
I feel you
I miss you
come back
00:45 Jun 06 2016
I can so for sure two things about this, you wrote"you are not even worthy to be the snake in the grass or the earth neath its belly." what fantastic imagery and wow someone pissed you off tremendously.....But, wow you really do have a gift or just a very talented writer...either way I enjoyed and you are a very good read