So i realized how much i love broadcasting with my friends , and decided i'm going to do a lot more of those videos :D i'm thinking i should set the time as well , :DD
Has anyone else recently realized that all those "fangs" they sell , are so disabled , it makes me mad , humans can be so stupid , what do they think we are ..freaks? wth , NO fangs aren't suppose to be fat , or HUGE their suppose to me , normal , longer than your normal teeth , but SHARP ..think about it , you want to pierce someones skin EASILY with out too much screams , not fu*king cut their neck open o_O
I personally bite people i don't cut , i hurd somewhere that apparently it is against the law but i mean , what the hell you can't tell someone not to bite people ;]
i sharpen mine :) the sharper the better the easier "entrance " into their body ..
Simple solution to hide the blood stains on your finger nails , i mean when a person sees blood on a mans hand first thing they think ..
"Is his girlfriend on her period?"
the first thing a person thinks when see's blood on a girls finger nails ..
"is she on her period?"
Or "she/he was messing with blood again.."
Simple solution for women .. -wear red nail polish-
and im realizing this is not helping for men ... you'll just have to scrub your hands more often xD
Try washing your hands.That works wonders.;)
My sleeping arrangements are so messed up i can't sleep at night , i take sleeping pills and it doesn't work , i do all sorts of things like go out for a midnight run so i could get tired and perhaps then fall asleep but NOTHING works and since i'm still a teenager it's hard , i have school in the mornings and afternoons , it's hard to explain to the teachers why i fell asleep in their lesson and WHY i can only catch up for that class at NIGHT .. i only fall asleep before dawn , like 4-5 ..
22:34 Apr 16 2012
Just remember dude... breathe more lol !
did you download Jave and FlashPlayer so u can see your chat? x