To be totally honest. I didn't believe that anything that was deemed "fantasy" could ever be real. I thought that it was more like an escape from that of the real world. But, as I continue to run into this other side. I begin to see that I had it all wrong. Think with me for a second and let's say that in all actuality. The world that everyone lives and walks in both Mundane and otherwise. Say that, the Government and your Jobs are merely a means to blind you from the real truth? Now, if you knew this. Would you want to know what you were missing out on and go back to a time when you first wished you could fly? I know I do, but... Maybe not in a sense that I could physically fly but, more a sense that my mind soars into a different state of consciousness and I see the world that lays just that extra bit further. Ever since my awakening, I've had some pretty outrageous ideas and wasn't sure as to what to think of them but. I will say that the more you think about it. The more you begin to understand. Some topics I've delved myself into lately have been Philosophy, Science, Chakras, Metaphysics, Vampirism (this was the most extensive out of all that I have looked into) and last but by all means not least. Life-Force Energy and how to use it to your will. Altho, I have looked into these... There are pieces to the puzzle that still remain hidden to me but, as with all things. Those too, shall come. All I can do is just be patient and wait it through.
Were to start...? Ah. Well, I am new to the whole scene of Vampirism and that it happened in the most interesting way. I believe I stumbled upon it one night just sifting through youtube when... Suddenly came upon a very well known face. Don, watched a few videos and started to learn bit by bit. Researching everything I was thinking about of and what I was feeling. I guess you could say that I was reborn on Sunday, March 14th. Not a lot of time has passed but, really... With all I've taken in. It feels as though it has been a lifetime. As I still learn about what makes me tick with this newfound sight. I continue to strip away the veil, learning things that only those who walk it shall know. I do find it somewhat strange that whenever I am in need of something. It just seems to fall into my lap... Lucky me, I guess.