TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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66 entries this month

15:26 May 31 2012
Times Read: 505

Good god, so itchy. Last day, fuuuuuuuuuuu.

I bet this is from the trees or something. I don't know. x_x Time to go.




07:23 May 31 2012
Times Read: 512

I know this will sound stupid and takes away from normal journal entries but I could still use a few more votes. It's the last day before the winners are picked. All you've got to do is simply click the link and using your face book account, vote. Thanks. :)

VOTE link




02:44 May 31 2012
Times Read: 515

We were making up iced coffees at a store. My sister added a lot of cinnamon in hers. She tasted it and said it was spicy. I go to add just a drop in mine, klutzed out and spilled it on my chest. :x Does that make me spicy? xD

Heh, today was sort of sucky. The doctor was a retard who asked dumb questions and didn't take care of my problems. (Just my luck. Ughh fucking leg, why do you hurt?) My allergist did a better job. Going to see him again in a week.

Also going to a be in some sort of parade this Sunday. I don't know the details yet. All I know is that I'll quit work by then.




07:17 May 30 2012
Times Read: 528

I haven't payed attention to this movie, The Woman. I was wondering if there was a novel it was based on. If there is, I'd love to get my hands on it. Also would like to watch the movie when it shows up on TV, again.




I felt like crying this morning

17:28 May 29 2012
Times Read: 548

And I'm more of a screamer. Took today off and going to the doctor's to get checked. Thinking about quitting because someone was rude on the phone. I don't need this.



20:37 May 29 2012

*Hugs tight*

06:38 May 30 2012

Tell her you'll shove your spike covered fist up her ass.

That's bound to make her shut up.

Or at least, make her raise an eyebrow.


10:18 May 29 2012
Times Read: 553

I wish you'd word your sentences better. I'm doing everything but chillin' with you. Inconsiderate, prick. "You doing anything this Friday, my love?" Yeah, no, I've moved on.




03:18 May 28 2012
Times Read: 556

I regret wasting today for "rest". There is so much more that I want to do. Especially when I have this need/want to socialize. Why is it that all my energy comes out at night and during the day I'm all snores?

I have to wait 2 weeks till I do something sneaky. It's going to be hard when the person I'd give anything to, keeps track of all my stuff. Making it not mine even if it is and threatening to boot. I have been greedy these past few days, it irks me to never feel like I have enough, but understandable to not look forward to much. I don't hate you, I dislike your controlling shit and it does make me happy to break away. :)




13:53 May 27 2012
Times Read: 560

It starts in the arch. Then, down to heel and all the way up the hip. Staggering, moving on, walking. Holding in little whines. Grasping the pole if there are no seats in public transportation, hoping someone will leave their seat.

Getting home, resting with a twitch. Rest is key, caring isn't in my time.




05:26 May 26 2012
Times Read: 576

Can only pump iron to the song that's stuck in my head tonight, it seems. o.O Which is ELO's Mr.Blue sky. lol



20:18 May 26 2012

Decent choice...very upbeat.


22:54 May 25 2012
Times Read: 590

Odd, the number of people who do that thing with their hands to cross over their body in a Christian prayer. Why is it always around me? I'm not a vampire, you guys.

The attention can be fun though. The number of honks from cars is creepy, though it makes me laugh. Seedy drivers.

I love being me. >.>



00:29 May 26 2012

o.0 do you spit blood at their children or something?

00:58 May 26 2012

Real Christians will just compliment your makeup and jewelry and ask you where you shop.

The sign of the cross is just as showy and superstitious as the crucifix or pentacle. eh symbols.

05:26 May 26 2012

Nope, they do the same when I'm not wearing all my stuff. :P


15:58 May 25 2012
Times Read: 591

So many things to do.

-Pay that retarded bill.

-Come back home to return something.

-Print shit out at the library.

-Try to make it to see hiring people or fail in doing so but pass out lots of resume'.

-Plan out secrets.

Yeah, all in a day's work.

Pass the coffee! >:




14:11 May 24 2012
Times Read: 599

Omg, lmfao.

We were joking about dead people, or at least I was. Then I said, yeah, you're getting a call from the dead! So my mom picks up the phone because her friend called. He asks "Is your mother home?", she says, "No, she's dead.". Him- "Oh.", and he hangs up.

Lolol He must have thought I picked up. :x




04:51 May 23 2012
Times Read: 608

I am envious and jealous of Katie right now. >.>

I wanna get new bod mods! D:



07:02 May 23 2012

I can't help iiiiiit. I can't believe they didn't hurt more. o.o


05:03 May 22 2012
Times Read: 624

Is it wrong to laugh at stupid people? I'm sure everyone had a bad habit or two. I check back to see if there are any new episodes of 1,000 ways to die but there aren't.

Someone posted a video on strange addictions and to see how dumb people can be with issues. O.o o.O Makes you think regular freaks are normal! Geez.



08:03 May 22 2012

I saw a few of those episodes of strange addictions. The chic that was eating the stuffing from couch cushions was pretty strange.


04:02 May 22 2012
Times Read: 628

I didn't know in the new pokemon games that a Ditto could breed with anyone. That whore! Lmao! I also found out that Skitty and Wailord can breed. I don't know if that's true. O.o

The link explains more though.

Not that I play it though, it's in my sister's game. Game hog.




14:50 May 21 2012
Times Read: 640

Dislike that the foreign guy got hurt but I still can't stand him. Cut himself on a box somehow and I was the first one to ask him if he was okay, only because no one gives a fuck if you're hurt there and I can't stand the sight of injured, pain-filled people. He asked if I was mad at him earlier, I told him no. Kind of reminds you of those messages you get on here asking if you hate a person. All you want to do is say yes because they had to ask. I can't do that when I'm going to be nice to everyone.

I have a ring that's stuck on my hand. It's not on the left. Why he had to ask me if I was married only makes me not want to talk to him more. I will keep pushing him away because he doesn't interest me. He brings up odd things like kids and it creeps me out. He should pretend I hate him and fuck off.



21:33 May 21 2012

I think you worked your voodoo on him :P


13:36 May 21 2012
Times Read: 641

Yesterday, that same person who yelled at me kept me past my lunch hour and then told me about a half an hour after, that they didn't need me. I see that she can tell everyone else and fight with them but she can't talk to me. Why? Maybe she knows I won't talk back and she'll be the one looking like a bitch.

I hope I can get a new job. I'm going to send in an application to one place. ._. Otherwise, I'll be on the hunt again. It sucks to see these people being verbally abused. Makes you think twice about ordering food at a place I once loved.



21:33 May 21 2012



10:49 May 20 2012
Times Read: 651

I know I'm always able to get up without an alarm clock but waking up a whole two and a half hours early is not funny.



12:44 May 20 2012

Nyquil, a little drowsy but full nights sleep lol


03:16 May 20 2012
Times Read: 657

It's funny, I wrote about friends on my face book and only one noticed because he wants attention. He's not going to get it from me. He can kiss what's-her-name's ass. Plus I question what he's into, heh. They are nothing but little kids, who will never grow up, or pass high school.

I need new friends. All the old ones suck. >.> I'm not hanging out with him this Friday, or any Friday.




02:32 May 20 2012
Times Read: 659

I got yelled at. Just when I clocked out. I'm utterly exhausted and I kept up well enough to get so much phrase. :/ I walked out and didn't say anything till I was away from there. I wanted to leave tonight and find something better, however, I looked at the weather; I'll surely have off the day after tomorrow. I can leave then for a job hunt.




15:34 May 19 2012
Times Read: 666

I'm off to feel like I'll get fucked over again. Wait, it's the weekend, I might actuality have a full day. Well, fuck. That's both good and bad, because I want to go job hunting again. Luckily enough, I don't give a damn. I want fun and I will have it, even if I hate myself in the morning. I want a night out in the village.




07:04 May 19 2012
Times Read: 681

Haha. I almost forgot how stupid some people could be. After that laugh, I think I can fall asleep.




05:24 May 19 2012
Times Read: 683

I shouldn't complain about what I have. What gets me is that it's not steady. Enjoy what is today and not of the future. Heh.

Hate that I wasted today. I could have done more, I'm only worn out from not sleeping. I want to sleep. It's a hot, sticky night. The kind that makes a person toss and turn.

I wish I had the nerve to walk out whenever I pleased. I have responsibility to waste what had on helping and I know that. Yearning for people is what gets me. I give up! Loathe the thought of it.




18:03 May 18 2012
Times Read: 687

I hate the flying bug season. For some reason, 5 creepy outside flying insects tried biting me but I killed them before they could. I need OFF spray for the beach.

Also, the world is a very bright place. I miss having my tinted glasses. My eyes are not used to the sun. I'll sneeze every time. Least I have a cap.




04:09 May 18 2012
Times Read: 691

I feel really happy. Happier than I've been in the last two fucked up years. Life may not be "perfect" but it's getting there and I have hope that one day I'll climb my way up to where I want to be. Faith in strength.

I need new paints. There are so many other works I need to create. So many dreams to follow.



01:38 May 19 2012

So nice to see you in a "good" place, you deserve good things :D


02:36 May 18 2012
Times Read: 692


LEO [July 23–August 22] It's Oxymoron Season for you. That means you're likely to encounter more than your usual share of sweet-and-sour paradoxes. The logic-loving areas of your brain will almost certainly have to seek assistance from your non-rational wisdom. I'll give you a heads-up on some of the lucid riddles you should be ready to embrace: 1. a humbling triumph; 2. a tender rivalry; 3. a selfish blessing. For best results, Leo, memorize these lines from Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass and recite them periodically: "Do I contradict myself?/Very well then I contradict myself./(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"




03:55 May 16 2012
Times Read: 697

I love this song! LOL




03:44 May 16 2012
Times Read: 699

Slept 14 hours last night. Knew I wasn't going to work because I could smell the rain. Might go see Dark Shadows tomorrow if I'm not being lazy.

I should be spending this time drawing for more contests, but I need my rest. Odd dream last night. My cat had gotten into my room because my mother tried waking me up. Bitch kept kissing my feet when they hurt. >: Made me wake up inbetween and the dream was that my cat had a septum piercing. xD That is what happens when I'm googling shit before bed.

Had a fun time today watching Foamy cartoons and googling some of their music. I love this song. haha




15:26 May 14 2012
Times Read: 709

"I spent 5 minutes trying to open that container of salt, don't bother with it."

"What? You mean this?" I had opened it. "And they won't let me work with anything that the men can do, heh."

I hate that. I may not be tall as some men there, but I'm damn well strong. I'm not a skinny little girl. I'm a woman who wishes there wasn't sexist discrimination.



18:12 May 14 2012

Sometimes it's a matter of strength. Sometimes it's a matter of finesse. Sometimes it's a matter of being smarter than the salt container.

Many times I don't hit the mark in any of the three.


04:57 May 13 2012
Times Read: 714

I like horoscopes. This weeks from the Village Voice, I think it means I shouldn't be full of myself but I am. :)


LEO [July 23–August 22] The moon's pale glow shimmers on your face as you run your fingers through your hair. In your imagination, 90 violins play with sublime fury, rising toward a climax. You part your lips and open your eyes wide, searching for the words that could change everything. And then suddenly you remember you have to contact the plumber tomorrow, and find the right little white lie to appease you-know-who, and run out to the store to get that gadget you saw advertised. Cut! Cut! Let's do this scene again. It's possible that your tendency to overdramatize is causing you to lose focus. Let's trim the 90 violins down to 10."




02:50 May 13 2012
Times Read: 721

Usually you get that one entry where some dumb bitch will "hate all men". That's not where this is going. I think till the middle of summer, when I can hang out to meet people... I'm going to be a Femme fatale. Use 'em, abuse 'em, lose 'em. Just a few months of fuck you, I do what I want, never hurt me, other's I can't account for.



03:35 May 13 2012



15:27 May 12 2012
Times Read: 723

Note to self- The 14th! I NEED to be online for the 14th or 15th. I want to enter that art contest and get people to vote for me after. >.> Voting is after the 25th. It's a FB vote thing and I wanna win!




14:55 May 12 2012
Times Read: 725

Heaven is having a cannoli from Bensonhurst and a can of Thai iced coffee for breakfast. ♥

I could live off of that. SO GOOD! :3




04:51 May 12 2012
Times Read: 737

I decided to get the Siamese fighting fish after all. We called up a few stores and they ran out at the place I was going to get it at. The thing is, I wanted something and I wanted it now. Now!

Wait, what's this, only a hour to get there? Times like this I wish I knew how to ride a bike. I wish I could even afford one.. why am I whining!? I can do this. I can walk... all the way to that shop with no bus, while battling time? I haven't got a shot; it's worth taking the chance of disappointment. Off to the store I go! I fast walk, hoping that maybe a bus would come, counting my change for a bus pass. Tying my shoes as they come undone in travel. Still no bus, heh, good thing I'm not waiting. I left at 8:09PM and got there just by 9pm, in time.

"Your total is 13.34." The register says my change is "6.66" Change from a 20. It was then I realized it wasn't a miracle but a time to praise Satan!

Satan, my new fishy. :3 He's blue with a red split tail. We think he's a boy because he's making bubbles. Not only do I have a crappy camera but he's a fast swimmer. o.O Sorry for the crappy pictures.


This is the best one I could get of him. The light is from a TV in the background. lol


Top of the bowl.




05:15 May 12 2012

I read your first sentence as "I decided that I am a Siamese fighting fish after all.".

Opps. Heh

Congratulations on the fish. I have a male red and blue betta. ;)



22:24 May 11 2012
Times Read: 740



21:52 May 11 2012
Times Read: 742

How did I know you'd cancel on me? :| I should keep playing along till the day comes. lol Funny shit 'cause I wasn't there, bitch. Heh.

This Friday, hahaha! Fuck! Shit, fuck. Can't stop cursing.




04:25 May 11 2012
Times Read: 752

She said I shouldn't stoop to his level. I could care less. Two wrongs make a right because it FEELS right. Justice is mine. He'll be the one left waiting like a prick. He's lucky I can't bare to do more. He got off easy in my opinion.

I want the red tailed black shark, hopefully by tomorrow. I was thinking of naming it Jaws. It'll be Jaws 2. My mom said she named her's Jaws years ago. xD Goes to show how much her and I think alike.



12:13 May 11 2012


I think it was a pretty shitty thing for him to do in the first place - he should have called or... something. Something, anything. Not telling you was beyond rudeness .


00:05 May 11 2012
Times Read: 757

Set match, and now to wait and see if the fly will get caught in my web. Let the lulz for tomorrow begin. >:D




15:13 May 10 2012
Times Read: 765

That was a cryptic entry. I plan to do something to make me feel better. I can't say what, though it has nothing to do with vr. VR is my safe place to write it. No one to know what it means. No one to warn off. All mine to toy with.



15:59 May 10 2012

Cryptic entries are good for the mind.

Because then you'll know who's really insane by who freaks out and starts questioning if it's about them.



15:06 May 10 2012
Times Read: 768

The black widow, lone wolf, soul sucking vampire, no matter how you look at the different names, she remains the same. Bent on revenge, it ain't pretty. Laying out a web, luring false hope for him. She wins every time. Stuck, wanting, needing, how does it feel?

It shouldn't be done, morally. It taste like sweet candy. Come here, come play with me. Here, out in the ocean. Little boy, climb into my web by the sand.

"Alexander Anderson: You monster.

Alucard: I get that a lot. But then what does that make you? A man? A dog? Or a monster?" "That dog is neither man nor monster. Only a man can truly hope to kill a monster."
" -Hellsing

That's right, only a man, as she waits for the next one, a lonely fate.




14:09 May 10 2012
Times Read: 770

They don't have the skirt I want. Nor the right size straight jacket. Something that's too small wouldn't fit and I know I'd never have a chance. Bust outta there, pun intended. Wouldn't want to break it when it came to the upper half. xD

I want to go back to the Village soon. Look at more of the piercing shops and pick up a few things. I didn't even make it to the army store there that has awesome shirts. I want an insane asylum shirt. xD For the lulz.




03:20 May 10 2012
Times Read: 772

I love my new gloves. I also got to wear my new Tripps today. I know I wasn't going anywhere fun, or meeting anyone, but, eh, I like being me. I haven't had a decent pair of gloves in such a while. They make me feel powerful because when I help my mom out, there isn't a strain from her chair.


Went to the allergist and they couldn't find what I was allergic to yet. I go back in a month for more testing.

I also looked at the fish in the pet shop. I may get a red tailed black shark. Those guys looked really cute. The Siamese fighting fish looked.. deadish.



15:14 May 10 2012

Very cool studs.



17:16 May 09 2012
Times Read: 774




02:38 May 09 2012
Times Read: 775



22:11 May 08 2012
Times Read: 778

I've been meaning to quote this book for some time. Don't mind the randomness of this entry. It's one of those books that I enjoyed. The first quote is something I've been known to say in life a lot.

Isn't hate merely the result of wounded love?

Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club

Now you see,' said the turtle, drifting back into the pond, 'why it is useless to cry. Your tears do not wash away your sorrows. They feed someone else's joy. And that is why you must learn to swallow your own tears.

Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club

And I think now that fate is shaped half by expectation, half by inattention. But somehow, when you lose something you love, faith takes over.

Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club




21:40 May 08 2012
Times Read: 779

That feeling when your sibling is almost as tall AND as big as you. ._. They grow up too fast.





03:06 May 08 2012
Times Read: 780



01:40 May 08 2012
Times Read: 786

At times I wish I hadn't acted so irrational so I could be more vindictive to you. ♥

Damn, I love that line. o.O




"Ello, Gov'na"

00:21 May 08 2012
Times Read: 788

You're annoying. Not only that, I think you have some serious issues. One doesn't just talk about race all day. All damn day. Instead of asking what's wrong with you, I won't talk because I like holding my tongue. Keeps me mysterious.




13:16 May 07 2012
Times Read: 795

Thinking of getting a fish. They are, not me. I'm always afraid of things dying on me. That's why I stick to cats. Those guys have 9 lives. haha.

They'll either get a gold fish or a Siamese fighting fish. I sorta want them to get a fighting fish more. :P



14:54 May 07 2012

I like fighting fish.

I have a terrible habit of accidentally killing off fish though. :(

01:43 May 08 2012

Pet rocks never die. ;)

01:45 May 08 2012

I have a few stones actually. :P Love Tiger's eye.


06:34 May 07 2012
Times Read: 804

My ass hurts.

Maybe I've done my fair share of walking instead of being lazy. Usually it's my ankle that I limp on when I'm done sleeping. lol Now it's just my lazy ass. :P Y-ouch, and yes, I did have to write about it.




05:14 May 07 2012
Times Read: 807

Dear "Black Harry Potter" as you proclaimed,

No one cares about your talk of kids, sexual references or thoughts. You talk too much and can get some dumb American chick knocked up. This one thinks you're a retard.






04:28 May 06 2012
Times Read: 814

I didn't get any comics. They ran out. I did have a fun time though and I got a few buttons. That's all they had. Some with the batman symbol and one with flash, I think.

On the subway some kid asked if I was Rose. He told me he remembered me when he was a freshman and I was a senior back in high school. Said that school has changed a lot. Of course everyone remembers me. I was a fucking legend. People lied about how good a friend I was just to be cool, I was that popular. lol Miss those days. Feel bad for my sister because it sounds like a fucked up school now. How can they change the pretty colored halls? D: HOW WILL THEY EVER FIND THEIR WAY?! D: Oh well, I don't go there anymore. >.>

After that I transfered to another train and these idiot people started playing horrible music. I booed them and then yelled that they sucked just before my stop. I laughed so hard that my sides hurt. lol

I went shopping to feel better. Got myself a new pair of Tripps. Surprisingly, neon green tinted. And I usually hate green. o.o New gloves and lots of junk to eat. So damn full. xD




You hurt me in my hurty place. My feelings. ._.

22:11 May 05 2012
Times Read: 820

┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Still pissed. So fucking pissed. I beat up a pillow. lol Ahh! Beats killing the hole in my wall behind me. I thought better of you as a friend when I should have known better. I already saw all the warning signs. Man this sucks. Go fuck yourself and your idiotic friends. Go get jumped and play in traffic. Meh. ._.

Okay, vampire girl's going to cheer herself up and make freaky friends. Buh-bye online rant! Off to the awesome village! :3 Where the freaks play.




21:55 May 05 2012
Times Read: 821

Well that sucks. Now I knew why I was feeling worried. Uneasy. You can never count on friends these days. It's always a once in a life time thing to have a true friend. This is why I hate everyone. I never count on anyone because they fail. I can have all the luck in the world and someone's bound to fuck up. Thanks for proving that to me.

Fuck you. I'm leaving without you.




18:51 May 05 2012
Times Read: 832

Can't wait for the trash can painting next year. This year mine was ruined. The rain got worse and made the colors run together. My octopus never had a chance at wining.

Luck was on my side though. I'm waiting on my friend to call but I suppose I should change into better clothes. I stopped in at work and they said I didn't have to work so I didn't. It wasn't even supposed to rain but it did. It rained for me. >.>

Being on here, meh. It feels off like I shouldn't be on. Just one of those days.



19:04 May 05 2012

What kind of paint did you use on the trash can?

I'm trying to think of what would be waterproof once dry, but my mind is currently at a blank...

19:19 May 05 2012

I have no idea. They supplied it for us. It was a trash can event thing for adults, families and school kids. Not many showed up because of the rain.


11:24 May 05 2012
Times Read: 838

Scared myself in the shower before. I forgot I put in a few sprays of temp red hair dye and when I went to shampoo my hair, it was dripping red. I thought.. am I bleeding? o.o Then was like oooohh. Duh. lol



19:02 May 05 2012



03:28 May 05 2012
Times Read: 845

Did all her chores! :3 Poor kiddo was sleepy tonight anyway. Thought I'd do her a favor because she was behind on them. Besides, you know how kids are? Always willing to make the mess than clean it. :P I randomly love my sister. xP

I'm excited! Time for me to take a nice cold shower and head to bed. I have to get up early to avoid the train delays and sign up for the trash can painting. It's going to be a bitch to fit everything in on time on one day but I'll manage. That'll give me two hours to paint and then get my butt to work. Work, depending on how many people will show up, is how much time I'll spend there. Hopefully it'll be dead and I can leave early. I'm going to take my break at around 4 if I can help it and call my mother by then to inform her. That way she can pass the message onto my friend if I'm going to leave by 4pm or 8pm. 8pm sounds harsh but.. it's better than nothing. Being in the city that never sleeps has it's advantages. The comic store I like closes by 1am. That'll give me enough time if I leave late. My friend is the same age as I so I'm sure he'll be able to tag along late. If not.. ah, fuck it, I'm still going. Nothin' is going to stop me. >:D Fun, fun, fun! All day long. I have a feeling that I'm going to need coffee. :P

Also was gonna write about reaching the 1,000 mark in a few days but unexpectedly hit it today. xD I feel honored because even though it's just a number, it shows how random, fun and cool some people are and I appreciate it.




01:10 May 05 2012
Times Read: 848

You know the scene where the Grinch's heart grows a few sizes? Yeah, I feel super nice today. Going to do everyone else's chores and organize stuff that no one asked to be fiddled with. I don't think this side of me lasts very long so take advantage of it. >.>




20:27 May 02 2012
Times Read: 851

Came back from the doctors after I did more tests. Then I throw up. Lulz. That is some funny stuff right there. Don't feel sick at all till after, okay, yeah, awesome. :D




15:43 May 02 2012
Times Read: 853

Hah, well fuck, I might be sick, nothing that bad. Just something that had to do with one of my tests. I have to spend my day at the doctor's instead of what I wanted. -.- Great! I managed to get myself sick!




00:32 May 02 2012
Times Read: 859

Nothing cheers me up than reading other people's stories, for better or laughable-worse-how-retarded-can-you-get reasons. lol

Woo! I got different little bottles of blood filled. More than ten, though I didn't count. xP Then I had to pee in a cup. Which I'm good at... it's just hard to pee when I don't have to. lol I was like "Pee, damn me! Pee!" XD

I'm going to spend tomorrow in China Town at that awesome store for art supplies. :) It's like being a kid in a candy shop!




19:10 May 01 2012
Times Read: 862

Heh, I've been a PMSing cranky bitch all day. Funny, when you end up talking to another about piercings and junk and even though they don't like it, they don't seem like they'd kill you for anything. I want Summer to come faster. Need something hide-able.




15:47 May 01 2012
Times Read: 864

She says I should go in Saturday because I can't afford to take the risk. Grr. I need to look for something else as a safety net. I feel like having a little kid fit, though I won't. God damnit. I WANTED THAT SATURDAY FOR ME! >:(

The weather might play into my hands well. I'll have to cross my fingers and ask that day.

Today it's raining. Woke up to thunder. So nothing much, except the blood tests I needed to do for the doctor's. That shouldn't take long. Tomorrow should be my day off. Maybe I can do something fun then, depends on what other have in mind. So bummed about Saturday. Can't miss free comic book day, man. :|




13:38 May 01 2012
Times Read: 867

Wish I had known about the art contests that one art store had, sooner. Not saying which store because when they have another competition, I don't want to compete against more. Hah.

Apparently it's every month. ^.^ No lame-o photography and crap or digital media, I mean, not that it's all that bad, it's not allowed. haha, so awesome! The winners get to be on a hall of fame and get coupons to redeem for their art supplies.

Secretly, I wish I worked there to be frank. >.> I love supplies so much.

Looks like today is the first of May! Though I think they start it 5 days into the month. Time for me to go through all my work. :P




00:21 May 01 2012
Times Read: 596

I hope I'm not doing a bad thing this Saturday. It's their fault- I know I'll feel guilty, fuck it.

I wish I had something more enjoyable, not that this isn't. I need something that's more me. I want to stop by China Town soon and see if I can get what I need.



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