TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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man lover!!!!

23:48 May 30 2010
Times Read: 583

ok, so i've read a lot of journals and profiles that have talkes about what gender they love. well I just wanted to tell all of you cool cats and daddyo's that Rose is 100% plain , square , straight and is never going to change that. so yeah, bite me, see if i care. :P

ok so heres a conversation with a friend on vr which i had a nice time talking about the subject to. how you understand me better after you read it. :) read from the bottom up.

why? is it something i said?

On 21:34:20 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

i guess i should of looked at your profile better. i feel really bad now >.

On 21:26:33 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

hey what did i do wrong? :P

i'm a modern woman, thats my problem, lol

On 21:22:46 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

haha, now i can see why some people are lead the wrong way about your sexuality. =) too funny. my one gay friend would do that too me cuz hes my ex boyfriend which is kind of weird. i feel like i turned him gay but he says that i didnt. wat ever. but he'll tease me about stuff so some people think that hes straight, but hes not at all. lol

On 21:19:29 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

:P you know what i do? i play it like, oh you thought that "I" was asking someone like "you" out. ha! you must be mistaken.

see, i plan out these things. i even have some nice pick up lines for guys too. i'm such the player. LOL

On 21:16:06 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

your welcome. and yea life is full or rejection. and i hate it so damn much. but ive grown to learn to accept it now. that even say if you have feelings for someone that doesnt mean that there going to have the same, you can talk to the person about it. and if they like you back then cool, if they dont then oh well, theres nothing you really can do to change that.

On 21:12:03 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

thanks. man its like they get all pissed at me sometimes and i'm like what did i do? i only wanted to be friends. :P

well thats life for you, full of rejection. i think its the rejection thing. no one likes it, but its bound to happen. know what i mean?

On 21:08:02 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

oh no i didn't read what you wrote being against them. i was just kinda putting in my two cents, i do that a lot. :) umm for some advice, now i would just say, hey i respect what you are, and your a cool friend, just i don't roll that way,.. or yah could say. Maybe if i was gay i could get with you, but im not so its not gonna happen. its pretty much being upfront and saying you don't have a problem with people with a bi, gay, sexual orientation, but that's just not what you are. and if there not understanding what your saying and are still getting all pissed off, apologize that there pissed off and that there's nothing you really can do to change your sexual identity

On 21:01:08 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

yeah i'm glad you said that. see thats what i wish i could tell people sometimes. it doesn't really matter what gender you love, they fuck you so if you get pissed its cause they are people. and by the way i didn't seem agenst gays did i?

see i have some friends who are gay and bi and i think nothing of it. its just when i reject them they end up yelling at me that i hate gays or something. but its not true. i don't hate them, its just not my thing. i hope they can understand that. have any advice about how to turn someone down with out making them pissed at me?

On 20:55:07 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

haha. my best friend is gay, so i dont discriminate agianst it at all. and im bi but i just cant seem to give up dick for good other wise i would probly be a lesbian, because guys just make me pissed off, good friends, but always play games with my mind when it comes to more serious stuff, but what am i saying. woman do the same shit.

On 20:50:58 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

god you just made my day. you the first one on vr to ask me. and i will say no. never. :) you see even if i wanted to, it just wouldn't work. too many woman in my life have been ass holes, and thats just friends, and i'm just not attracted to them. my heart beats faster for guys. they are just so hot! :P

and i have to say this joke. don't get mad. "if i wanted to fuck a woman, i would have fucked myself"

On 20:42:13 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

haha that would be the shit. so hey i gots a question dont feel the pressure to answer, but are you gay or bi? just wondering. im a courious person. :P

On 20:41:21 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

god i so want to do that! damn i should get some of my guy friends and make a movie night. then tease and try to look like i want to bite one, lol. but instead bite into a soda can as usual.

On 20:38:50 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

haha. wow. im pretty sure it was in hostel two they showed one guy getting his dick cut off. I laughed at the scene. when the guys i was watching it with pretty much sreamed and held there junk in agonizing pain.

On 05:47:25 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

i love it when they show men with their dick getting bit off. makes me want to do the same, lol

On 05:42:19 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

yes the blood of others. like one of my fav horror movies is hostel two. the lady bathory scene. tehres a girl hanging from chains on her feet and the lady in the tub thingy was cutting her and blood was poring all over her. hahhhhhhh

On 05:24:20 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

yeah why is that? i get turned on by the blood of others? its like some weird shit man. far out stuff

On 05:18:06 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

i dont like it when people lable me as a freak becuae i have a shit load of piercings and like odd things liek i get turned on by horror movies . LOVE EM

On 05:14:52 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

thanks, guess i found a person who understands i'm sick and theres no turning back, lol

On 05:05:35 May 30 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

haha your not a freak. and your not gross. i think ur pretty kick ass

On 05:39:22 May 29 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

*thinks about how many times shes heard people tell her whatever floats your boat* ok, lol

yeah so i'ma freak! my friend called me gross and i said thank you. LOL

On 05:36:45 May 29 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

haha its all good. at least im not alone on here. I like the same. most think is weird. but hey wat ever floats your boat they say, and well thats what does the job for me :)

On 02:11:49 May 27 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

hey i'm a freaking weirdo. LOl, my friends sometimes think i'm carzy on here. :P and no i didn't lie, i know its what i like. to see other men in pain.

On 02:00:27 May 27 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

haha i think even if people said that they wernt one or the other i belive that it would be a lie because i think everyoe has a weird fetish that has to deal with pain if it is having people tear up your back or bite you. haha my two favorite but either way heyyy . haha sorry im a bit odd and i dont no if you see that from talking to me.

On 20:27:43 May 26 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

yup! :P and i like it cause i'm a sadist. LOL

On 20:13:38 May 26 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

oh damn. hahaha. sounds like my kinda thing. either way is fun. but thats just my opinion

On 07:16:56 May 22 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

ok, sorry i don't usualy say that i was just in a rush to anwser my messages, lol.

ok it has to do with sex. s stands for sadist and m stands for masochist.

sadists enjoy watching others pain and masochists enjoy receving the pain.

On 07:13:01 May 22 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

oh i suoppose i can but i would get too many things taht would come up i think

On 21:48:44 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

google it, lol

On 21:14:49 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

i dont wanna feel stupid here or nothing but whats that????

On 21:10:34 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

lol, its about S&M

On 21:01:16 May 21 2010 (-0 GMT) BrIaNnEbRuTaLiTy wrote:

oh wow i really like that song. too sweet. its like pshycadelic rock in a way. one of my favs. sorry if i spelt words wrong. :/ not that good at spelling :)




enough already.....

02:53 May 27 2010
Times Read: 591

fuck cybering. i mean you guys don't even know how to write a good story. what makes you think your going to get a piece of this? i mean its ehough that i have to deal with this shit in real life i have to flirt online too? wtf? god,.. grow up.

and as for girls. if i wanted to fuck a girl i would have fucked myself. yuck, i'm not agenst gays so don't go and play yourself, i just don't want to flirt with people in general. got it? and one last thing, enjoy the song. ^_^





00:08 May 14 2010
Times Read: 618

why do people on here talk about killing themselves? i have went through a lot of shit in life and have never once have i thought about that. Mabey its cause i smile too much, i just wish people would be more reasonable. find the good out of hell. :) and bite back. anyway heres a song for all you depressed gouls and guys out there. i just saw it today and liked it. i have been trying to look at new music anyways, LOL. have a nice day! ;)



03:01 May 14 2010

Some want the attention and some have lost hope.they feel they have nowhere to turn and that they are alone in their pain.I always get sad when I see someone who is giving up and dont feel they have any options .

21:07 May 23 2010

Oh, wow...I love that video. Didn't stream very good but it sounded great! I will have to see if I can find anything else on that band. I am mostly like you, though. I don't get it either. My life sucks and I smile throughout it. Cheer up world! It could always get worse! I know many suicidal idiots. It seems so self-centered to me. I could never do that. I am always trying to better other people's lives, and rarely have time to be miserable about my own. There is something to be said for that. When I do get depressed, I find something to interest me and take my mind off of it. I have found it doesn't come back too often if I keep myself amazed by SOMETHING, even a wind rustling through the leaves in the park works admirably. Thanks for the bite. Now, I have a new band to check out!


Jenna Karro

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