TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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15 entries this month

13:57 Mar 21 2015
Times Read: 945

I'm tired of being a second class friend to people. If you don't want to be friends, fuck off. If you have an elite group of friends and treat others like crap, don't freaking bother me.

Needed to get that off my chest. Woo lol.


Now then. Happy spring! It's still winter hell out. Which freezes my phone and makes me less productive. After this weekend, I'm going to try my best to turn my life around once more.

Life takes steps. I know my idea, very well.



21:42 Mar 21 2015

I want you as a first class friend. Cause you are first class

02:26 Mar 23 2015

You're awesome! Definitely first class!


14:05 Mar 16 2015
Times Read: 955

I'm going to finish a birthday present request from a relative and then I will be working on my group logo. It's going to be a universal design but one that I'm sure my group will like. By universal, I mean, one that I can use in multiple groups depending on which site I'm on.

Although it's based on a group that I hope to turn live (And with New York residents only), I would enjoy people's output from across the world.




14:07 Mar 14 2015
Times Read: 977

Here is my vr power punks group. :) Its not very set up at all but the fantastic thing about groups is that I can invite anyone and everyone. It'll be nice and open too. :)


Come join! :) My home is your home, now help me paint it!! :D



04:55 Mar 16 2015

grabs a can of spray paint, here let me ad some graphitti :P

10:43 Mar 16 2015

Awesome!! :)


13:45 Mar 14 2015
Times Read: 979

Although I'm still looking for new coven members, I am contemplating starting my own group on here.

Now, I know that every website has their own rules, so I will have to change pace according to each site. However, my goal is to share ideas, create hot passionate art and grow along with other people.

I'm looking to collaborate a new group crest. Perhaps I will ask my awesome, talented friend, Myth. He helped make my current art crest look like gold! :P

It will be a universal crest if I make it. Hmmmm. Its time to start sketching out ideas.




17:35 Mar 13 2015
Times Read: 992

I'm simply not well with words, but here it goes. This entry is way over due because I was trying to find a time where my pals wouldn't jump in and ask if I'm writing about them. And if you think I am, then I don't want to be associated with you anyway, so if I make you mad, good, don't speak to me.

:P That solves that! Lol

The topic- feminist values.

What I often see harshly criticized is this topic of feminism and that our culture doesn't need it. Or this new movement meninists (I hope I spelled that right). People are taking things out of proportion.

Times are changing and although some may think we are "there" yet with being equal, think again. And I am not attacking men, I am saying that both sexes these days are equal in ignorance. I've read it, I've even seen it and it makes my blood boil.

But to my fault, people have often told me I'm too competitive.

I'm also not going to attack cultures but you may not have known how mixed I am.

Now that that's finished, here's the real point-


I wish I could give my mother full credit but science proves I'm half my mother and father. Theoretically speaking, and I'm no scientist, is it the sperm that makes me what I am or the egg? Where does my spirit come from? I will never know and it doesn't bother me. I'm proud of who I am.

But what if I was born and raised by my dad and not part of the soul I am now? What if I was living in the middle east, just another sad statistic of repressed women, abused and controlled by the men or people who live there?

I'm not trying to paint the middle east as a bad place entirely. I know there can be good people out there. What I know for a fact is that my father was abusive. And what my life possibly could have been, I don't take for granted.

I also don't hate the opposite sex. Just because there are bad fathers out there doesn't mean every dad is bad. I'm only trying to prove that the feminist movement to help women not become repressed is a good movement. I agree with it.

I always felt like I had to prove myself growing up. Like I needed to be strong. I don't know where that came from. Maybe that sense of self was found at an early age.

My dad wanted a boy. I'm the daughter he didn't deserve. He ignored me till I drove him nuts in court on purpose. I don't miss him. I haven't seen him since I was 7. I lived a very happy life, with my small family.

There are some experiences in life that made me rethink how people think. Like that one teacher in middle school who said, "I'd never ask a girl to bring over text books. Girls are weak." I found myself so angry that day.

Or the very short time I worked at Nathan's. They wouldn't teach me things only men did in the kitchen because I was a woman. I had to prove myself, months later just to show them I was capable equally to my male coworkers. Not to mention I was harassed by a male AND female coworker to the point where I quit. I'm not into women, but it doesn't mean I can't stop one from being a jerk, too.

Yes, I do have a right to feel human and get angry at such repression. I don't act out aggressively on it. It just motivates me to aim higher, do better and hope that one day men and women all over the world will treat each other with more respect and worth.




16:10 Mar 12 2015
Times Read: 1,003

I have big plans for the spring / summer. Yesterday my favorite zine got back to me. They will perhaps use my art in the future issues as themes change. I trust them because they actually took the effort to like my page and that means they will be updated on me. It would be a dream to get into the indie scene. Some of the best movies and stuff have been made from zines and comics.

I realize I have a long road ahead of me.

I told my bf the other day that I have nothing but illogical expectations and I'll never stop chasing my dreams. He's okay with it lol.

I've been over thinking about the past a lot. The anxiety I faced being bullied by teachers all my life. I used to go to therapy. But teachers are not the reason why I started. My parents divorced.

I was very bright for my age. I won't get into the typical 90's I should have been in the movies, childish pranks I pulled on my dad just to make him not fight for custody. Mostly because they were too good. I should have been Matilda lol.

I guess I bring him up because I've been dying to change my last name for years. He doesn't deserve me or for me to have his name. When people ask me for art, I hate if they mention the name. I'm The Artist Rose. I want people to get used to the title name.

Now to get back to teachers, I don't hate them all. My grandmother was a college teacher in math, who designed the benefit system at Colombia university back in her day. My grandfather died when my mother was ten. He had his Dr degree, did ocean engineering, taught and worked on parts that went to the moon. And here I am, dumbass of my generation, who refuses to take college and hardly reads due to my dyslexia. I can read and write but I hardly pick up books. I read oddities, zines, short things that catch my interest, blogs, etc.

Back to the teachers who gave me anxiety. As a little girl, I didn't know what this feeling was. I couldn't talk, choked up feeling, my heart racing, all around panic. This happened mostly in art. I told you once about my middle school art teacher who left me out of the year book.

In high school, the AP herself took a project I reached and made by my own accord, using science to create an optical illusion inside using mirrors. She took it and said, you know what this is? This is garbage. I could throw this away.

Can you believe that abusive piece of shit?

There was another time we had to do found object art and they wouldn't let me create a sculpture out of cat hair I pulled off of my cat brush. No matter what I did, I was WRONG. So I bought a science board. One of those tri board things and created a giant zine. Presented it in class about how I was going to fail because of the teacher. It was so good and funny the class loved it. I got a big fat F. LOL

I sadly no longer have that but I have the mini zines I made based off of it at the time.

My therapist always used to tell me art is subjective. No help, sorry lol to say that, still love you though therapist. :) lol

A lot of my stuff would go missing in art class sometimes. Think the teachers stole it.

Back to my big plans and to bring this entry to full circle - I'm going to practice the art of asking. It's hard to work a job, support my family, pay rent, bills and art for free. Part of my art is to have people pay what they want or free. The concept is taken from Amanda Palmer's book, the art of asking. I will do this in the NYC streets. Wouldn't be the first time I asked for money.

Back in 2013 I lost everything. I was losing my apt, I lost my ex, I lost my close friends. People were abandoning me left and right. There were days I was literally starving, walking miles to job training, which got delayed in half a year, otherwise I wouldn't have been so poor.

We'd ask just to make ends meet. It was the best year of finding out who I was and what I wanted to do in life. Back then, Amanda's book didn't exist. We (my family and I) watched her Ted talk. And I'll never forget how far I've come and what journey I'm going to explore.

I'm going to be someone.

I'm going to help people.

I'm going to love.


for better or worse








air I breath.

I love you everyone.

if you made it this far in reading. :)



04:10 Mar 13 2015

holy wow girl that was alot to write :P i think that's great that they will show your art, what zine is it, ah yes i am looking forward to the spring too



14:39 Mar 10 2015
Times Read: 1,006



01:21 Mar 10 2015
Times Read: 1,013

I'm in the PEN video at the 45 mark from when I went to see Amanda. You can see my face. And you can tell from my high voice I was scared shitless LOL!


Seriously though, hard core fans should watch the whole thing. She gives a lot of good advice. I love the fact that she wrote the book drinking coffee and wine. I always thought in my head that, that's what artists do.

I plan to work more on my art when the weather gets warmer, in coffee shops around the city.

If I could ever accomplish fame, I'd look back on this video and giggle at how star struck I was. And that I forgot to actually ask what I wanted to ask lol.



12:19 Mar 10 2015




13:38 Mar 08 2015
Times Read: 1,031




13:04 Mar 08 2015
Times Read: 1,036



17:46 Mar 05 2015
Times Read: 1,054

Happy Purim everyone! Here's my costume. :) We're not celebrating much because of the weather, but I'm still wearing it for fun. :)





02:10 Mar 05 2015
Times Read: 1,064

I started the real life art group on Facebook. :) No plans yet but its exciting. :)

I had such a busy day that i didn't have time to write anything. Its gonna be a busy week. All i want to do is rest.

Hopefully i get the art group running more often by the summer. Winter months will get tricky. And by next year, i want things to expand.

Is it weird that I think next year will be better? I'm just not feeling it this year.



03:01 Mar 05 2015

very cool and not weird at all


12:18 Mar 04 2015
Times Read: 1,074

I really fucked up by not asking. Sigh lol. I'm in a funk, I've been in a funk and I want out so badly. I'm not gonna give up. I'm strong.

I really want to make big plans. Like an art group once a month. Then maybe I can add more as I get more people.

I want to blame the weather but its been a number of things. Like my hormones out of wack lol, being a normal woman, and it always being dark and gloomy out. Just more excuses. Also feeling like I have no friends in real life. I can always chat on the internet, sure, but I want to go out,make new friends and make friends that stick. :)

Recently, an old friend of mine added me on Facebook. I'm happy about that this morning. :)




22:47 Mar 02 2015
Times Read: 1,086

If you want to see the painting of Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer, you can check out my Facebook page.





22:27 Mar 02 2015
Times Read: 1,087

I'm going to see Amanda fucking Palmer tonight!! And I have a gift for her. So excited!!!! She's a god. A god I tell you! :P



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