13 entries this month
06:43 Jun 28 2020
Times Read: 1,161
I unfortunately can't post my most recent work because although a quick sketch from fine art, it's got tiddies with nipples. Omg lmao
Anyway- I'm excited for tomorrow. A friend invited me to an artist workshop on zoom. So we can draw dancers together.
And on the 4th of July I was invited back to a zoom art show- only this time instead of showing regular art, I'm going to have a live performance. I'm going to be a snake charmer. :D
I know my girl Mantequilla is up for it. She's my best snake.
03:44 Jun 25 2020
Times Read: 1,184
I was in another art show through Zoom. It was a lot of fun. I like my little art office corner.
14:33 Jun 23 2020
Times Read: 1,234
Fuck if it doesn't sound like being an attention whore. Just kind of a shame no one gives a shit about stuff like they used to unless you're popular. Or full of drama on here.
01:36 Jun 22 2020
Times Read: 1,263
Amber cat. Did this for a friend for fun. Before paint and after. Watercolor and ink on paper.

16:13 Jun 18 2020
Times Read: 1,300
I was writing a letter to my pen pal. So I decided to draw my cat as a doodle. Practiced my penmanship with a brush pen, as you can see some of the letter before it was finished. They're going to be so surprised hehe.
Cat is ink, finished cat has watercolor.
My cat and I look alike now. Shes got that long plume like tail. And I've got my hat.

01:59 Jun 17 2020
Times Read: 1,326
I bought myself an authentic pirate hat. It was pricey but totally worth it. Even the plume is attached the right way. I can't wait to wear this at events one day.

07:17 Jun 15 2020
Times Read: 1,363
I finished a comission yesterday.
Khoshekh comission. Watercolor, ballpoint pen and brush pen on paper.
Going to mail it out tomorrow.

Painted Edwyn, an orange cat from France.
Watercolor and ink on paper.

Also : was in a zoom art show yesterday night. It went very well. Got invited to the next one.
With the money I got from the past 2 commissions, I bought myself a real pair of red converse chuck taylors. Also ordered myself a blue cavalier hat. Can't wait to wear it!
And the shoes are absolutely beautiful. I've never seen such quality before. I'm used to garbage knock off brands.
07:08 Jun 15 2020
Times Read: 1,364
14:47 Jun 11 2020
Times Read: 1,391
Tribute to a cat on Twitter. Ballpoint pen on paper.
05:47 Jun 10 2020
Times Read: 1,419
Did a brush pen portrait of two cats. Brush pen has a different feel.
Sold it and bought myself a new pair of converse shoes online. Can't wait to get them. I've been wearing boots since October. (Not counting work shoes.)
The other cat is a quick ballpoint ink sketch. (Cat from NZ)

16:55 Jun 09 2020
Times Read: 1,433
It was so much fun last night talking on air with my comic buddies. I'd post the YouTube link but it contains foul language. So. much. fun. :,)
04:03 Jun 06 2020
Times Read: 1,474
I'm very behind on posting my newest art.
First one is en plein air again. I wanted to capture the wooden planks covered in moss outside. Eventually had to head in because it was cold. Watercolor and ink on paper.

This is a Homestuck fan art. Vriska sitting on a pink toe tarantula (Avic Avic). This pose is known as the sitska.
Watercolor, marker, ink and brush pen on paper.

Did this piece today. A Tentacle. Watercolor and ink on paper. Really had fun with this. Perhaps I'll make this a sticker.

03:54 Jun 06 2020
Times Read: 1,478
Premiere Sire (126)

Venerable Sire (132)

Sire (102)
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07:13 Jun 28 2020
sounds like fun
08:21 Jun 28 2020
11:34 Jun 28 2020
EGADS! Not titties!
08:16 Jul 07 2020
Put smile emojis on the nips and post it anyway. ;)