TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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50 entries this month

01:45 Jul 31 2012
Times Read: 492

I wish I could cam. My lisp is gone. :/

Ah well, someone will cheer me up later when I get back home. :3

Bit my balls for the first time. Y-ouch. o.o



07:15 Aug 01 2012

HA! Sounds like when I was getting used to my fangs. Nearly sliced my own damn mouth open a couple times!


01:17 Jul 31 2012
Times Read: 493

Figured I'd be on for a few while I can. The end of the week will be busy for me. Going to have fun Wen- Fri. Half of that will be with family. The other half, hah, we'll see. ;) Let's call that super mega fun time!




computer cafe'

01:38 Jul 30 2012
Times Read: 506

Guess I'm spending this last 5 min, writing.

I think people think I'm an asshole. I can live wit that. They also want me to be happy. Which I am. Sucks cuz, I haven't really drawn much. I need to feel bad to draw. Amazing, isn't it?

Came down with a fever yesterday, took care of it, feeling awesome today. Got myself an ice cream. I can move my tongue a lot more. I can't eat anything spicy. Tried to eat a smilpe salad the other day. 'Tis hell. Like salt in a wound.

Ta-ta! Till we meet again missed journal.



19:05 Jul 30 2012

Get better soon Roser!


01:09 Jul 30 2012
Times Read: 510

I think things will go a long way. I hope, because it all seems like a sweet dream. ♥

We're gonna have fun next Wen. Taking him to the most awesome punk store ever. ;D

Hah. I screwed myself. No kisses because of cooties! D:




05:39 Jul 28 2012
Times Read: 520

Haven't been on, not by choice. It didn't rain. Wtf?

I changed plans last minute and went on a date. Tbh, didn't know him well. Never met, knew he was a Brooklyn boy. Had added him to FB, explaining how I couldn't talk. When we got to know each other more, I thought, "Too good to be true. WHERE WERE YOU ALL MY LIFE?"

Heh, he said that to me later on. He can't read my mind. We get along so well. He's a cook/baker, also. If he masters the art of making a cannoli, I'mma marry him. LOL!




Oh my...

01:11 Jul 25 2012
Times Read: 532

Can't seem to write how I feel. Don't want to get my hopes up. All I can say is, you've got a nice face. >__>' Your shyness is cute. Age, perfect.

Please don't rain Friday. ;_;

Fuck, I still can't call this one (Totally new guy.). I do like the fact that I don't have a bf at the moment. Imagine how it would suck to have one and not be able to kiss them for weeks? Would be fun to test out on a French Kiss when it does heal though. >__> Yes, I did just write that.



03:06 Jul 25 2012

Your coyness is cute lol.

Have fun and don't worry about kissing - two weeks and mine didn't hurt at all. Notta twinge. :P Hell, a week is long enough. :P


Satsang Saturday?

17:10 Jul 24 2012
Times Read: 536

Wonder if any of her old friends still go.




09:06 Jul 24 2012
Times Read: 546

I need a muzzle or something. I don't know when to stfu. People who do the usual arguing with me. My tongue feels like an arm that's given up after an extreme workout.




07:08 Jul 24 2012
Times Read: 548

I feel like a bird. Tilting my head back to swallow the potato mush yogurt mixture I've concocted.

Water is a blessing. ♥

I could live off that.

Here's a post for those who don't have me added on FB.




13:43 Jul 24 2012

Man that's so beautiful:) ...


02:47 Jul 24 2012
Times Read: 558

The assistant there was flirty. Why didn't I say anything back? :\ He's cute god damn me.

Anyway, the piercer said since it's double he'd charge me 50 (Most piercings are 30 each). I had a discount card for 5 bucks off because I got my septum last month. Altogether, 45 bucks.

Now to talk about it- well.. o.o Not really much pain. Didn't tear up because it's not the nose. I could feel when the needle came out but, it wasn't a bad pain. It was more of a hahaha, ow, lol, kind of pain. o.o A little annoying, I can't talk, I can't pronunciate my words right. Sometimes I'm plain frustrated and I want to say, "Oooh ohh ahh ahh!", like a monkey.

Damn it, I want to speak monkey on cam! >:(

Katie, you're right about the straw thing. I was thinking about buying a slushie but got myself a bag of ice. I don't think I can handle sucking yet. o.O



03:21 Jul 24 2012

Straws were agony. xD Spoons are good, straws... no way lol.

I cried for both piercings, but then again, I'm a whimp. ;D The talking gets worse. It's like having cotton wool in your mouth for a few days but after a week, it's normalish sounding again.

03:44 Jul 24 2012

Ugh, I don't even want to eat yet. Talking is the hardest part. xD


Tongue butchering

17:06 Jul 23 2012
Times Read: 567

Not time yet. Have to go out and complete some errands. I have about 6 hours to chill anyway and no one says I have to be there exactly at that time. So, I could end up with it really late, like the midnight kind of late. Depends.

You know what sucks? People my age with a driver's ID get it sent to them. I don't drive so I have to go there and pay 5 bucks for the DMV to change it. Just to get the pesky, "UNDER 21" removed.

Oh well, I don't want to drink. Can't after the tongue is done. ;)



20:23 Jul 23 2012

You had me thinking that I missed your Birthday for a second there, can't be having that ;)

22:09 Jul 23 2012

Warning - I couldn't use straws afterwards. I thought I'd numb my tongue after I got it done with a thickshake from McD, and it was absolute agony trying to use the straw.


22:29 Jul 22 2012
Times Read: 572

I saw someone trying to copy my idea on VF. I was a little pissy, but then there's my ego. They can't compare to my work.

Logged in today to see, " Omg that's so good and I'll see if anyone will want them", and "Wheres me artist when I need her?". Oh yeah! I feel awesome. :3




08:53 Jul 22 2012
Times Read: 591

One of those nights where I shouldn't have watched my fill of morbid humor. :/ 1,000 ways to die is a good show, loved the milf milk one, but it's also gross. Now I'm paranoid about getting my tongue pierced. ;_; Reading up on infections... D:

It's not going to be bad, right?

You know what can save my mind? I just got in a new request from VF. Drawing them will save my sanity. xP



13:22 Jul 22 2012

I was pretty damn lax about cleaning my tongue piercings. I didn't use sea salt at all because we just lain didn't have any and the stores in town didn't have any that wasn't in a grinder.

I washed every day with non-alcoholic mouthwash and an antibacterial/antiseptic/anti-inflammatory as well, before bed and in morning... but they tell you to rise mouth after everything you put in said mouth that's not plain water, and I didn't do that.

Mine's healed really well. ;P It's also only supposed to take a month to fully heal.

Hey, Roser? If the marks don't look accurate to you, tell him, and don't let him pierce it until they're even. Re-piercing will be a bitch.

You'll be eatin' baby food. ;P

13:44 Jul 22 2012

I can always count on you to make me feel better. ♥

I'll be sure to look it over!

14:01 Jul 22 2012

I know how it feels to be freaking out. Not nice. :P


19:50 Jul 20 2012
Times Read: 598


Looked up the weather for next week, "T storms". I can always count on it to rain. Fuck you too mother nature. Fuck you.




19:21 Jul 20 2012
Times Read: 599

Damnit. xD It's raining all day and the first thing they'll cancel is the concert. I wanted to still go but the others don't want to get caught in the rain like last time. I don't blame them. I'd go myself but it's awkward being alone. So I'll chill here for a while.




19:01 Jul 20 2012
Times Read: 603

"Squeeze" and "The Romantics"? I'm unsure if I've heard of them. Going to their concert today because they decided that this one will be on Friday (Today) instead of the usual Thursday. I'll be in the area anyway for the fire works.

Can you believe it'll be a week till the 27th? >_>' I'm getting the best present on Monday, maybe. Not sure if I will. This cow plans to butcher her tongue. lololol. :x



19:10 Jul 20 2012

Have fun Rose! I remember the Romantics, they had like 2 hit songs back in the day ;)


23:19 Jul 19 2012
Times Read: 610

Why are people always nice on their death bed? What makes them want to forgive just before they kick the bucket? These are the things that make me wonder.

I forgave him months ago for what he did. That rotten stuff that was done in my life because of his ill will to do such things. Years ago.

He finally remembered my birthday. Which is the most selfish thing of all my years. My birthday. I'm usually the worst, cranky-est, bitter person on that day. This year feels different. Like though I can expect nothing, it's those little surprises that make me happy. First gift I got this year- A shirt from Puerto Rico. :) The Quebradilla Pirates! ARRRGGG! >:D Has an awesome skull on it.





10:03 Jul 19 2012
Times Read: 618

I thought this was interesting to read up on. Happens a lot to me. Though nothing more than one to three at most.

-Insert vampire joke here, I guess- Heh.




08:17 Jul 19 2012
Times Read: 621

Loool, she was jokingly being a ball buster because of how I eat now. "Only aliens do that! Go live on your alien planet with all the other aliens!"

So I asked why she would be so mean if her sister was once one. She said, "WAS. You don't see her eating now, do you?" I said, "Well, she's lost a hell of a lot of weight."

Talking about the dead like that. Hah, family moments are sweet. :3




07:30 Jul 19 2012
Times Read: 625

Why is it that all my friends message me when I'm up? By that I mean, I'm way up past anyone's bed time and they never sleep too. Does that make me normal or everyone's as fucked at sleeping as I am? xD





07:28 Jul 19 2012
Times Read: 626



07:57 Jul 18 2012
Times Read: 638

Something I thought was cute- A close friend of my mother's had another kid. I was too tired from what I had done during the day to visit. So, sister and mom went to see them without me and the one person they missed/asked for was me. Sweet. :3 Now I feel bad for not going. >_>;




07:33 Jul 18 2012
Times Read: 643

Some days it's hard to say what you want. When that happens, just go with the flow of what you want anyway.

Heh, so now that's all over and done with. "You don't want the pork? What are you a vegetarian? You're doing this just to fuck with me! Meat is the only thing we're eating now. (Said jokingly)"

Good for them~ I could care less. I'm finally happy with my choice now and it hasn't been much time. I don't miss anything at all.




06:17 Jul 17 2012
Times Read: 658

Dear interwebz,

I am bored tonight- bring me teh lulz plz.


Okay, that was fun. >.>



09:45 Jul 17 2012

Oh my, I can roll my tongue ... please don't hurt me!!

14:16 Jul 17 2012

I was the one asking. I can roll mine, apparently those two couldn't. xD


14:59 Jul 16 2012
Times Read: 669

About a year ago, when I turned 20, I had a new love for bod mods. It isn't much to say that things have changed. The once scared shitless of piercings Roser, now enjoys them. It's the help of friends (Mostly Katie) who let me get over my fears.

Something I noticed about it all, how much I want to draw myself again. An artist spends a lot of time looking in the mirror. It's one reason why our own faces sometimes reflect what we do draw when drawing other faces. Piercings can give such wonderful expressions. o:



15:05 Jul 16 2012

Speaking of fears - my tongue was one of them. It was like a personal goal - to not only get something that terrified me, but to get it twice. Hahaha, I think I succeeded. :P

15:06 Jul 16 2012

And drawing your own face is good. It's a treasure trove of inspiration.

15:09 Jul 16 2012

Nothing but envy! D:

It is sort of like that. To overcome goals.


08:55 Jul 16 2012
Times Read: 673

I'm such a chicken for some simple things. I need to call my friends before Friday. I need to plan ahead. I need to sleep for once and not waste my day. x_x That's the hardest part. Sleep, the best idea yet!

Most importantly, I need to make it to the post office tomorrow. xD





08:52 Jul 16 2012
Times Read: 674




08:37 Jul 16 2012
Times Read: 675



08:09 Jul 15 2012
Times Read: 719

Bet she's figured it out but isn't sure. Gee what a change. Maybe I can have a positive affect.

I've written about this somewhere else but felt the need to express the date I made it official. It's just that, some people go nuts when you write about food. I hate seeing it myself because people make such a big deal out of it when it should be more of a personal, life choice. Not a trend or fad. I really want to be serious about it. Here's to not jinxing myself.



12:04 Jul 15 2012

I know exactly what you mean. It's like... I want to change but don't want to roll out the fanfare for it, because it IS personal and it's something that doesn't need to be trumpeted out.


05:20 Jul 14 2012
Times Read: 735

How long till the others notice or I break this phase? To like suddenly not like some of the foods you used to love. It's been about 5 days since that belly ache and now my want for certain foods makes me want to vomit. While other foods are all I want. Heh. Maybe I'll keep up with the way I'm going. I'll decide if it lasts over a month.



09:04 Jul 14 2012


If you start craving pickles and ice cream, call me. :x


20:46 Jul 14 2012

Haha, I'd eat that even if it wasn't a joke. >.> No way I'm pregnant but I'll probably accept my fate if I write about it in a month. lol

12:01 Jul 15 2012

All I want right now is a double cheese burger.


12:02 Jul 15 2012

Oh - if it's a boy, name it after me; Jesus. :D

17:18 Jul 15 2012

Okay Christ! ;)



01:20 Jul 14 2012
Times Read: 743

He's cute. No, no, must not fall for this. But, I wanna, even if it goes no where.

Hmm. I'm really picky. So torn apart by people in recent days. "ROSE chill wit me!" D: I'm busy though. D: Fuck it, I so need to call them soon. :P Been over a whole year since I gave up, time to re-start.



09:03 Jul 14 2012

Go have fun :o



14:37 Jul 13 2012
Times Read: 749



07:43 Jul 13 2012
Times Read: 751

It was fun to see The Village People live along with Rose Royce. Songs like the carwash, disco inferno and many more. Of course, Macho Man, which suddenly got cut off and they had to re-start and YMCA. I almost wanted to dance. Almost. I can't dance. >.>

We saw a few friends. Didn't plan to meet up with them, bumped into them. :P

The bus ride home was nuts! This old crazy lady was talking about odd modern day crazy stuff. Shouting about getting raped and cops, then calling people fascists. So my mother says, no, I'm a sadist and I'm your mistress so you're going to do what I say and shut up for the rest of the bus ride. The woman really did shut up. O.o THAT is why I want to be just like mommy when I grow up. :3 ♥ Hehehe!



17:56 Jul 13 2012

Wow, does that ever bring back memories...loved the disco era, good times.

09:04 Jul 14 2012

I'm so jealous. :x


17:17 Jul 12 2012
Times Read: 771

Sometimes I think, where the hell did I get the balls to post that? Then I think of the time I posted this cookie and realized people should expect this kind of humor from me. v_v



22:17 Jul 12 2012

Would that be a referral to your FB post? lol


08:05 Jul 12 2012
Times Read: 774

I also went shopping for something else. Took a look in Trash, just to look and not buy anything and omg, they had yummy stuff on sale. Tripps with hand cuff chains, accented in purple. -Drooooool- It was too big and I don't even have money for the discounted stuff. xD Oh well, that's life for you. Haha :P




06:31 Jul 12 2012
Times Read: 775

Ugh, somehow sucked that sucker into a heart shape. D: Wtf?




19:00 Jul 12 2012


19:02 Jul 12 2012

"Talent", no way. lmao. XD

12:05 Jul 15 2012

"Hey man, the last guy I licked ended up all balls and no boner."

Lmfao. :x

17:51 Jul 15 2012



02:16 Jul 12 2012
Times Read: 778

So I got this ummm... Lollipop and I know I can't post a picture of it here. Hahahaha! It's shaped like a penis! :D

I also met some dude who asked me if I was a stylist. Damn, I must have looked pretty today. I told him I was an artist and gave him the link to my site. :P Hopefully I'll have more work to do. I know I've got two people to draw soonish. I have a concert to go to tomorrow night. Might see the Village people live for free along with what ever other band comes by to play in Coney Island.




20:14 Jul 11 2012
Times Read: 780

So I joined another contest. The voting starts on my birthday. hehehe, so if you wanna e-gift me something, then vote when I post it. ;P

Can't post it yet though, they have to judge all the pieces that pass in before the voting.

I made my own FaceBook page last night. I'm hoping it'll get some shares when I post stuff that people say they saw on there. It'll be connected to my website.

Some people ask about my artwork on here. And here's the link. That should sum it up. Doing projects for the people because I can and it feels good. :)



22:19 Jul 12 2012



00:42 Jul 11 2012
Times Read: 794

Came back from an x-ray and the foot doctor. They can't do much they said and even if something is hurt, chances are it would have to heal on it's own and nothing more. Which sounds good to me as long as I'm taken care of.

Don't know what will happen once I turn 21 and have to re-do my insurance. It doesn't sound bad right now when I don't like the doctor they gave me as a regular doctor.

Funny thing happened when my mother and sister went to their cafe'. This old man who must have worked there asked if I spoke English and then said he's never seen pants like mine before. My pants are these. Lol (Note to everyone else, woah at the price, I got mine for much less, same pants though.)

When we leave I ask my mom why the hell would someone ask if I knew English? xD Do I look foreign? Or am I some sort of alien? O.o

lolol Mom replied, yeah and you've got antenna coming out of your nose.



02:20 Jul 11 2012

Hahaha, I know that feeling. I remember one night I was cruising down the street decked out in this coat and as I passed these two black dudes, one of them says "Oh shit...it's Blade!"

02:33 Jul 11 2012

Damn, I miss my old trench coat now, Justin. It was small and didn't fit but made out of leather and yummy. lol


05:21 Jul 09 2012
Times Read: 803

I feel like hell tonight. So mother fucking sick. It'll all go away soon. x_x



05:28 Jul 09 2012

What happend?

08:19 Jul 09 2012

Hope u feel better soon...fluids ...tons of um...ur body needs it to flush whatever its fighting:)


04:05 Jul 08 2012
Times Read: 812

Your features remind me of my aunt. Not any real aunt, just someone I've known long enough to be family. o.o Thought I'd write that here along my artist journey of tonight. Bet my mom will question me. "Did you just draw ***?" No, just a request as always. lol




Codes to live by

03:03 Jul 08 2012
Times Read: 817

Draw with your heart. Smite with your talent and charm with passion.




01:42 Jul 07 2012
Times Read: 818

Ugh, so moody today. It shows in my work. I start one drawing, I start another and then another and never finish one thing. I need to find my inner peace of today if I want to get at least one drawing done.




19:10 Jul 06 2012
Times Read: 824

I cannot begin to tell you how much this site helps me in learning HTML and other network things. Woo! Added something onto my "site" port. That has nothing to do with this site. :P




05:51 Jul 05 2012
Times Read: 828

We went to Coney this 4th. Last minute planning you would say. Saw some fireworks. Too many people there. Was hard to even move around.

Along the way to catch the bus, we spotted a man selling baby turtles. My mother called over some of the cops there but they had an attitude and ran off to take care of something else. She also called someone on her cell for a bit and the man selling them was being a prick. "Why is she busting my chops? I'm a veteran, I've been in the war for this country and you're going to report me for this?" Tryin' to be all up in her face about it, I told him to back off because she's on the phone and doesn't need him harassing her. So his excuse for breaking the law is okay because he served this country? Pfttt. Why is that even an excuse in his reasoning?Zero points of respect there.

Selling baby turtles in the street like that is against the law. For anyone who wants to read up on why- http://www.humanesociety.org/issues/exotic_pets/facts/baby_turtles_children_090204.html

So if you see that going on in the street, do what's right and report them.




20:53 Jul 04 2012
Times Read: 835

My mom was talking to my uncle and he was cheering her up. She told me he said, "I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy." I laughed at that one. lol Had to google it too. >.> Google said it's a W.C. Fields quote.



12:21 Jul 15 2012


Some says I'd rather the lobotomy.


18:36 Jul 04 2012
Times Read: 837

I was watching a "fight" and "breakup" on facebook. I thought, damn, where the hell is my popcorn? The drama there was way more interesting than any boring stuff on here. lol

Oh, and the jokes that could have been made! Oh!

Girl:"I want someone to be attached to me."

Him:" Sorry, babe, I've got aids." lmfao That was a real status and I don't know which is worse... the fact that he's always cheating on her, or the fact that she makes herself out to sound desperate in every two month relationship she has.

Then after she presses the single button, "I don't need love for anyone but myself!" "I don't want to talk about it!" Meanwhile, she's liking all her status.

Lol, jerk off. It's like a damn soap opera!




4th of July

07:02 Jul 04 2012
Times Read: 843

lol I sent something I shouldn't have as a message but it made me feel better.

Mom and I talked about my aunt who I wrote about in the entry below. How she cared about us, visited a lot, different memories. We both felt bad, but we did so in a way that it didn't last long and we were together, missing her, from when she passed, ten years ago.





16:51 Jul 03 2012
Times Read: 847

I miss you so much.

Little memories, like the song you loved, "You are my sunshine", we'd all sing that together. I know it's been years. I'm odd, it takes me years, years to realize someone's gone. To everyone else it's the 4th of July, to me, I hold onto thoughts.

One day I want to make that painting someone described to me, that you made. I bet it was awesome.




08:05 Jul 01 2012
Times Read: 858

Something I'm sick of seeing on the boardwalk this summer season are all the annoying Jesus feaks who harass people. (This entry shouldn't offend anyone unless you're a snob who enjoys pushing your views at people.)

Last Friday as we were looking for a bench to stop at. This man with his little booklets was pushing them at a man who was already sitting there. The man sitting there was wearing a yamaka; this should make it aparent to anyone that he's a religious man who doesn't want to be bothered with the guy holding the booklets. Then he starts pushing his bullshit at us untill we told him we'd call over a guard to make him leave us alone. The man sitting on the bench acted like we saved him. lol

I overheard a woman in their religious group talking to a woman about "How there's Buddhism and many other religions, but you have to pick the right one. The other's are wrong." Wat. Seriously? What's wrong with those people? I'd respect them a lot more if they didn't harass people. All I heard from them after that was "Jesus has bloodshed" this and "Jesus Bloodshed" that. Insert period joke comment here. I wish they'd leave the boardwalk alone. People come out there to have fun, not talk about how they're 'sinners'. Where do they get off disrespecting Buddhism anyway? o_O



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