TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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56 entries this month

11:38 Jul 31 2011
Times Read: 536

I suppose I just wanted to get this out. Not for anyone to read really but to write it somewhere.

Thinking about relationships, I have commitment issues. I'm not afraid to admit that! I don't hate men. I'm single and never switching to the "same" side. I just get scared. I'm young, innocent and stupid.

I've tried things out but never got far because I'm afraid of getting hurt. Lust comes last, it's brains and sharing that I seek from a guy. But this isn't some advertisement. I take caution. I just don't want to seem like such a flirt at times with people. I'm not an ass like some people.

One thing that shows up as a warning sign is being controlled. I'd never let that happen to me. Also when some idiots can't respect my peers. Ick. I'm horrid. I'm just as the leo sign describes leos.

Yes, I am silly enough to blame the leo sign too. lol Stubborn, fire, passionate controlling sign and I don't give 2nd chances. Heh. That reminds me I didn't get a newspaper form the 27th. :( Damnit. I usually like reading about my sign then. -.-



11:47 Jul 31 2011

Commitment is a huge thing, it's a good thing to not take it on easily :)


08:43 Jul 28 2011
Times Read: 550

And here I thought you were going to hurt? Should I feel disappointed? I was giggeling. T_T




23:27 Jul 27 2011
Times Read: 559

Yay! Bitching pays off! I'mma get a tatt! I'mma get a tatt! Best birthday ever. >_> Not that the poll for that was too high. xD




Goodbye teenhood

06:42 Jul 27 2011
Times Read: 575

I'm old. Know what I wish for? I wish I was stupid and childish like the rest of the young people out there. I wish I didn't have a brain. How do you guys do it? I'm lost.

Anyway, I just hope to move forward I guess. Nothing special here.



08:39 Jul 27 2011

Happy Birthday to you!

Happy Birthday to you...........

Happy Birthday dear Rose!

Happy Birthday to you...........!

Have a great day you old person you :P

08:52 Jul 27 2011

LOL Gotta love comments like that. xD Thanks Sulks. :P

11:15 Jul 27 2011

Is it your birthday?

Pitches in singing with Sulks~


23:51 Jul 26 2011
Times Read: 588

It's so hard to be mean. It's not an easy thing. I don't enjoy doing things like that but if I don't stand up for myself then no one will. I'll get no respect that way.

Well, instead of them going out to buy junk they realized that I wasn't about to clean up after them any more. Honestly if there's a point when I want to leave then that means something is wrong. And I know they love me somewhere otherwised they wouldn't have cared.

I did some things. Like climb onto something like a monkey to change a light bulb. I don't like climbing unless I'm inside my home. Odd, huh? It's more so the light bulb that scares me.

Anyway, I've taken this day by the nuts but it doesn't help the fact that they make me feel bad in the first place. I need a break from their crap. Everything I ever hear is about someone else. I don't care about your friends. Not to be selfish but I want you to care about the person who cares about you; me. Forget about them.

So, I had cake early. It was a cannoli cream one. Not bad for something that wasn't chocolate. Tomorrow I'll be off to get my non-drivers ID. Then god knows what. I don't know why but I hate birthdays for myself. I'll be loosing my teenhood. T_T So old. I know for damn sure that my childhood was shit. But my teenhood? Eh, it had some growing points. Don't know what my future will bring but I'm really hoping it's freedom. I've gotten tired of being treated like shit. I need a job to save and gtfo.




11:50 Jul 26 2011
Times Read: 594

What to say? Waking up and getting yelled at that I don't do anything, again. You know, I wasted a year helping you guys? Feeling god awful at different points in time too? I don't need to be treated like this.

You know what an ass you are? YOU'RE THE FUCKING PARENT, not ME! -Insert teeth grinding and muted cursing- If I wasn't into wanting to have passed school a year ago then I would have ran away. It's the little things that make me have small choices.

I hate all the name calling too. I'm not your slave, bitch. FOr once you got me cake. It's been a few years because you don't care, you cheap bastard. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, Everything I hear now-a-days is about money. Fuck you! Just plain fuck you. I don't care, all you do is buy JUNK! Cheap, cheap piece of shit. I know we don't have it but I'm sick of thinking about it. God I fucking hate money you mo'fo'.

I would get a job if I could find anything decent. The day I get to collect enough, I'll run away and then you can say that I do nothing. Your words hurt more than anything. They HURT, because I love you. Love makes us do crazy things like put up with each other.

I had to argue with you so much over an "okay" to get a tattoo. You say it's nothing but it is something, truth is you don't want me to have it.

Well what to say, my birth day is tomorrow on the 27th. One year older. I don't know what to think of it. Seeing as I really hate them, everything about it. Because I've been so let down in the past. No one really gives a shit so why should I?

Well, blah, I have to get my non-drivers ID tomorrow. It's finaly not going to rain.. and that's what we'll do. Reason why I have to wait for a tattoo is because she's a cheap bitch who wants to look at different stores. CHEAP asshole. Fucking money, I hate it.



04:32 Jul 27 2011

Oh Rose.

Least you have cakey goodness to fill the hole?

My parents didn't work for about ten years at one point. We grew up on limited food. I think it gave us a greater appreciation for what he didn't have. Now when mum works, they're all obsessed with money.


There may also be another reason to look around for tattoos, because, well, it can be better to go somewhere of a better rep. Remember that it's safer. If she wants to be "cheap" - tell her that AIDs isn't fun. :P

It's a small tattoo, tattoos are $50 per half hour in town here; though that may differ on the artist.

Also, try get a quote on the tattoo price... because I'm fucked in that department lol.

Don't let them spring a huge price on you. :x

06:27 Jul 27 2011

AIDs was one of her reasons. Truth is that she doesn't want to get me much. Like I said before, I know we don't have it. We never did. We have even less now... but.. I want something that'll last and not break. >:( Know what I mean?


05:41 Jul 26 2011
Times Read: 602

I hate your friends so much. I don't even know why you hang out with them when they act like idiots. Their kids are all fucks ups too. I don't like their kids and those are friends that I grew up with. So yeah, I took the right paths so far but I like how you make me feel as if I don't do anything. You're one to talk. All I do is take care of you.

You know why I don't go out with you guys as often though? Because it turns into "Alright, who do I have to kill around here!?" and I'm tired of it. I don't need the stress. It's enough that I don't express myself enough that it makes me sick but you idiots never stop. I'm sorry but kindly fuck off and leave me to myself. I swear I have a head ache from you people.




21:56 Jul 25 2011
Times Read: 609

One of the boys laying on my back when I'm trying to nap is so cute. xP When Were Wolfy marches on it though it tickles. haha Cute kitty. :3

My hand is starting to act up again so I'll rest for a while.




08:17 Jul 25 2011
Times Read: 619

Fucking hand spasms. It's annoying me! I don't even know why I have it?



08:19 Jul 25 2011

You need more calcium and magnesium...Especially magnesium.

08:58 Jul 25 2011

Odd. I could do with more milk but still odd. o.o Pretty sure I've been eating well the past week. Maybe it's all the damn stress from people..


04:18 Jul 25 2011
Times Read: 621

Back! I know, it's like that was FAST! I thank someone in my coven for getting me back here. :P




04:05 Jul 24 2011
Times Read: 640

I wish I were dead, well no, there's a difference from wishing and wanting. I wish, so don't freak. I'm freaking enough as it is. My sister is one god damned prick. Fucked up my computer system and now I have to get it fixed.

I have a very limited time at this computer cafe'. Walked about 30 plus city blocks just to get here at night. Not to mention there are black outs in different areas of Brooklyn because of this damnable heat wave. Heh, why didn't a car run me over or something. >_>

So.. blah, looks like it'll be the way things used to be; rather boring. My Birthday plans are screwed too. I'll just play in the street or something. I was yelling " I hate you." so much today. Hahah Fuck, fuck, fuck.....

Anyway, Mr. and Mrs.CM, I'mma be off for a while. You know damn well that I'll be back, just not any time soon.

My FB has blocked friends from posting or commenting on my wall. I'm just not up for a Birthday. Makes me feel bad and shit. My luck for this week has been so fucked. /:

How to end this.. um, have a nice day everyone? lol That is all.



15:50 Jul 24 2011

i know how you feel.

16:37 Jul 24 2011

Oye! don't be too long then.


11:14 Jul 23 2011
Times Read: 650

One of those moments where I hurt. Where I just need to get away and go to sleep. Sometimes I wish the peacefulness and happy times of which I once imagined existed. Everything just hurts. I need time. But I rush into things. Everything I write about tends to fall into this circle. I'm pressured into things. It's stressful. Yet, I fail. Looked down upon sometimes.

I've turned so rotten and I wish it would stop. I long to feel happy again. Maybe that's why I want things so much. But this is life, no one gets what they want unless they have hope. I've lost.



11:23 Jul 23 2011

Sleep, little flower. :P

It'll be easier to think when you wake up.


10:13 Jul 23 2011
Times Read: 651

It's far too much. I don't know why. I could blame the heat but I just hate a lot of things at the moment. I blame the uneasy feeling of upcoming events.

My right eye hurts. I want to rub it but I know if I do it'll only make it worse. x__x Just my luck.




00:26 Jul 23 2011
Times Read: 657

Was looking in my past entries of last summer. Trying to see the pain and how I over came it. With just about everything that happened that year. Even.. the surprising few words of caring comments.. from strangers. I was what, about level 70 in July last year? ahaha I had another profile back then too. Though I no longer have it.

On the plus side, I found some of the cute things I used to spend time collecting. This is so me sometimes. Lol

seras victoria Pictures, Images and Photos




14:57 Jul 22 2011
Times Read: 667

Ugh, I wish if a person was blocked then they wouldn't have access to seeing and joining a FB event.

On another note, it's hot. Not just plain hot but stupidly hot. With that bad air quality thing going on. Ah well. Not that I matter much.

Lastly, I wish more people would listen to me. Why must I always fight for what I want? She better get me my gift, not because of what she wants to give me but because it's the only thing that'll make me feel like I wasn't such a waste of space every time the 27th comes along. Selfish much? Hell yeah, why shouldn't I be?



03:58 Jul 23 2011

Be selfish! :P I hope you get your way.

Also, can we remove that disgusting piece of trash from the event? Cause seriously - even tentacles have standards.


07:51 Jul 22 2011
Times Read: 671

Got back from the Monkees concert a while ago. There was a nice breeze for such a hot day. They made jokes about their rivals and it was a sight to see! Well, guess I'm getting boring. lol Not much of a good journal entry.



15:02 Jul 22 2011



07:56 Jul 21 2011
Times Read: 691

Hope again.

Anyway, enough of my mindlessness.

I am going to see the Monkees live! :D :D :D And for free. :D That is all. :3 I know. >_> I'm so excited. xD ♥



13:39 Jul 21 2011

Yay!! Monkies, have fun!! :)


18:21 Jul 20 2011
Times Read: 705

I'm sorry, you'll never know, only they know. Because I can't bring myself to say anything. Because sometimes the world fails. There is no such thing as having freedom of speech at times. The world is a LIE because sometimes a cover up is worth more than doing what's right. Of course I think it's a let down. Of course there is nothing I can do. In the end, I know a whole lot better. Not everyone is human. And now, not everyone is going to be so nice. What a waste. I need a new spot.




17:19 Jul 19 2011
Times Read: 710

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OWJhZEIwZHlaSHJrdnF5 dDNKa3 lHZkVOYWVEM3 oreHc2 c01 Wa3 Z4 REszQnBuK2 4 1 Mkg4 NFpYT1 dpTjZuVkN4 M2





02:20 Jul 18 2011
Times Read: 716




16:58 Jul 17 2011
Times Read: 718



03:15 Jul 17 2011
Times Read: 730

Whoever has me added to YIM, don't answer it. I was hacked today. Whoever it was I caught in time. (With a little help from a friend.) Only they spammed some dude and got them stood up for a date. -___-' I loathe YIM. I will, never, never use it. I mean c'mon, why the stranger danger date? Mo'Fo' hacker! I have half a mind to kill my account.





19:23 Jul 16 2011
Times Read: 733



03:22 Jul 16 2011
Times Read: 743

Sometimes I wish you'd leave me alone. Can't I take a nap without you talking behind my back? Sis, you really want me to end up leaving because of your crap? After all I do help take care of you. You'll never learn, but I love you. I have to. :P




01:28 Jul 16 2011
Times Read: 745

Ever have one of those moments where you can't get someone out of your head? Someone you once loved. God, I'd have thought a crush from over a year ago would have left me but Jason's in my damn dreams. This can only mean one thing. Do a million people searches till I get tired and give up. >:D





07:47 Jul 15 2011
Times Read: 756

So we got back from the Joan Jett and the black hearts concert. Got to see some Girl in A Coma too. o: It was really nice. To see it live and feel the music. The changes suck. /:

It used to be in a big park where people could bring a chair and see it for free and they'd have some small give always. They had to move where they did the concerts because of some assholes that wanted to sue them for noise. So it was move them or not have them at all. People can see it for free but they're too far to really enjoy it. They've always had the 5 dollar seats but still. Being all the way on the boardwalk sucks for them.

You know damn well that the regular hippies and punks went though. lol They always somehow remember me. O.o Just those people that sometimes stop me in the street and say "I know you." xP

My mother is in a chair when she goes out so she got good spots because of it. Though she had some friends meet her there. I hate her friends. Lolol They're annoying as fuck. I'm going to use my last days as an angry teen to my advantage. >_> "Oh you wanted to sit here? I don't think so. :)" "Bout time I stood up for myself. Asshole, idiot friends of hers.



10:13 Jul 15 2011

At least you had fun. God, it's been so long since I've been out to a concert or something. Fuckers, making all the concerts around here 18 and over and (no god damn joke) over $400 a ticket.


I'm glad you've enjoyed yourself. You looked forward to it. The Monkees will be great, I'm sure. :P

10:31 Jul 15 2011

♥ I can't wait for the Monkees. And anything is better than 400. O.o Plus they don't allow smoking or drinking. So it's for all ages. o:


19:02 Jul 14 2011
Times Read: 767

I never realized how much I should have asked for help back then. Yet, because of typing on a keyboard, I feel as if I can truly feel. I still have my doubts about things, but your encouragement. I can't thank you enough. >__





19:30 Jul 13 2011
Times Read: 769



22:58 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 774

Damn right.




22:21 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 779

There are some things I miss at times. Having someone care for what I want. In ways which I can't explain. I can only hope that with age I'll be blind enough to settle with everything. Or stupid. One day I wish to be stupid enough to find some dolt. I hate whining. Sometimes I just enjoy sleeping it off and embracing dreams.

Man I need to get out more. It's just hard caring for loved ones. Who am I to blame or complain? I mean, last year she mattered, they both did. Love is that strong. Strong enough for family to go through hard ships. They say I don't do much these days... but sometimes I wonder if they forget. -Sigh-

Sometimes; I think I grew up too early.

Dreaming and doing are two different things. I've been trying to break my chains since I turned 18. And it's given me night mares. What happened to the hope which I once held onto?

It started a long time ago where I hated thinking about that day. No one really cared. No one wanted to be friends. Even people who I thought were friends were nothing but hurtful.

Thinking back on it, Lilly had always tried to hurt me. Even when I was too young to notice. Took me a broken tooth to realize that.

I go on to erase half of this nonsense rant. Only to say, that even though things may seem crappy at the moment, the feeling of not being the only one seems warm.

-Interrupted rant-

Heh, Just got off the phone with (mom) her. I barked back. "Shut up. Just because you're aggravated doesn't mean you have to talk to me like that." And she said please and thank you.

God, All I want is to be nice... why do I have to fight for what I want? /: It kills me.



22:33 Jul 12 2011

STFU and listen to music! >_>

20:05 Jul 14 2011

no matter what...... ignor the nut cases, and just smile...lol nice slowly follows :)


09:17 Jul 12 2011
Times Read: 799

TLDG looked up my name on UD. :P Sounds sort of true. xP Hahaha! Me having dark hair and eyes. That sort of thing.

Usually dark haired and dark eyed. A Rose is a person who is daring, fun loving and extremely active. Though she may come off as snobby, she is truly just shy with people and takes her time getting to know someone but if she likes you then she will be the best friend you could ever have. Knowing a Rose is a blessing in your life because once you get her out of her shell, she is a sweet, loving and caring person. Never doubt a Rose's trust because no matter what, she always has your back. Rose is the type of person who is impossible not to envy. With her perfection and sweet ways. She just has that X factor you dont find in any other girls! A really loving girlfriend who you could bring home to met your mother!(usually your whole family will fall in love with her then too) , she just has that effect on people, and she will always put a smile on your face no matter what mood your in!. No stranger to advances from men/women as there is usually a queue lined up trying to get to her, her sexual energy is unreal/amazing so you can understand why this is!! She is completely faithful and honest the best girlfriend/wife you could ask for. Usually dont give second chances so dont piss her off!!

All in all a remarkably beautiful individual inside and out!!

That girl is so nice! She must be a Rose!

Random man:(Q)That girl is the most beautiful/sexy/amazing/gorgeous person i have ever seen who is she???

Rose"s friend: Oh thats my friend rose something special isnt she!!



09:20 Jul 12 2011

I saw my name and thought shit I'm in trouble now lemme go see what I did now lol

09:22 Jul 12 2011

LMFAO. XD Naw! TLDG is fun! :D Never bad in my books. :D

09:52 Jul 12 2011

Thank goodness..I was scurred lol kidding :p

11:50 Jul 12 2011

you know, if I had been asked to describe how I saw you, all this would have been what I would have said about you, and there's more:

You're honest, intelligent, observant, creative, clever and funny too. A great person to know :)


20:48 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 820

So this being sick thing is going to stop cause I said so. v_v I'm going to see Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, then see the fire works the next day for free. That's Thursday for the concert and Friday at C.I.

Next week I'm going to see the Monkees. :D



21:07 Jul 11 2011

.... I'm afraid we can't talk anymore. >:(

21:20 Jul 11 2011

Awwws. xD They used to have a stand to buy stuff. I never got much except for the Blondie concert I went to a few years ago. Got a button I misplaced. o: DOn't know what it will look like this year. They slightly changed the loaction.


00:52 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 841

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •





20:59 Jul 11 2011


You flatter. :P Seriously though, I don't blame you.


00:50 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 845

Working on a fun table to pass the time. :P Might stick it on one of my profiles if I like it.





00:46 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 846




00:31 Jul 11 2011
Times Read: 851



21:26 Jul 10 2011
Times Read: 856

You can be so hurtful sometimes. The times I needed you, the times I was jealous for you being there for her more. I'm stupid for feeling bad. Some have it worse. I've just been in bad moods this week.

Okay, so, what is it that I want? I've already give up hope on getting a camera. Really, what I want is something you'll hate. But I don't know, I feel that if I don't have it, I won't feel happy about growing old. Maybe I need hope again to enjoy myself but I really want something. Why will I bother to hold onto hope though? Well, maybe because in the end it'll be okay.



22:06 Jul 10 2011

Hope you will be ok :P


11:15 Jul 10 2011
Times Read: 869

I know why I've been feeling sick now. And I also read up on some stuff. I just need some rest among other things. z___z

Well, good to understand more I guess. :P




12:32 Jul 09 2011
Times Read: 884

I'd kill for some meat right now. Not pork, not chicken, I want beef. lol That is all.



15:17 Jul 10 2011

Dead cow is yum. ♥


06:35 Jul 09 2011
Times Read: 901

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •


N0t6 T0JBOW5 lRFBqcHF5 MjB0QWdWZWxGZlB5 eXByaDI3 TmtiZ3 JrWmJTNDk5 cXJqM2 5 aOE1 YbVdpT2 l5 V0RvMzI4



06:37 Jul 09 2011

LOL! oh so true! It will stop a few creepers and that's a great thing :D

06:42 Jul 09 2011

lol In case anyone is wondering; I'm just playing with these entries first. xP Nothing big. :P I just want to understand them more.

13:56 Jul 09 2011

Ah it works. Now i will have to use that bloody damn key.

12:15 Jul 10 2011



01:50 Jul 09 2011
Times Read: 931

Aww damn glicthes. Still love the idea behind it. :P



01:53 Jul 09 2011

Me too, I can't wait :P

01:55 Jul 09 2011

It can take passive-aggressive behavior to a whole new level!

01:59 Jul 09 2011

At the moment it's the same as another type of coding. I think it will do some good because I don't want everyone to read my entries at times yet I still want it to be there. I can think of a few I'd like to re-post from about a year ago. hahaha.


01:34 Jul 09 2011
Times Read: 951

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •





01:42 Jul 09 2011

It really doesn't seem to work that well. If you click on "Leave a Comment, you can see the message un-encrypted.

01:46 Jul 09 2011

Haha! That sucks. XD


13:02 Jul 08 2011
Times Read: 973

I hate how if I don't ask for something to eat and I take it on my own it's "stealing". Yet you two stuff your fat faces.

I'm tired of it. I'll take what I want. I don't care anymore. I'm the kind of person that still asks if I can go to the bathroom. . .

What about the food from that place was my reply. I have rights to something which you didn't pay for. /: Yeah. I thought so. I hate getting treated like this. Then knowing that you'll end up being nice. It fucks with me too much. Why do you do this? I mean it's come to that. Where we've had to get food from there ut do you really have to be such an ass about everything? I won't eat everything you guys want. The hot dogs from that other store were yucky. I will not eat it. So it's my fault that I when I want something else?

Stupid rants. Just get out of my head. I'm sure I'll be happy by tonight.



13:06 Jul 08 2011

I still ask for the smallest thing, too. My brother doesn't - he just takes anything he wants.

I know how that feels. :/

Tell her how you feel.

13:17 Jul 08 2011

I do tell her how I feel. She ends up saying I'm hurtful.

13:47 Jul 08 2011

... Tell her she's hurtful!


10:52 Jul 08 2011
Times Read: 976

I guess it's just that this place has been an addiction. A good one. And when those words are thrown at me I get defensive. There's nothing I've wanted more. Is it because of everything I've learned here? In a way yes and no. Because I've learned to feel again and because of the help getting to learn simple things like coding.

I hate this most sometimes. "You're older. You're the adult. Blah blah blah."

I've helped you out so much. With the chair and everything. These days I take it easy. Everything is "Listen to your mother." I've been doing that for years and sometimes it end up getting me hurt. You don't even encourage me anymore. You fucking joke around and then call me stupid for taking it seriously. I get such toxic thoughts sometimes. Been shutting off emotions for years because of that. I hope you enjoy losing me everytime you fuck up. Look who the fuck is talking when you haven't done much but fuck up in life. And yet it's all my fault for helping you. For being on here. For trying to keep sane.

I hope you know I would have ran by now if it wasn't for this. To try and help myself.




05:19 Jul 08 2011
Times Read: 983

I just wish someone would tell me everything would be okay. God someone get rid of these feelings.



08:26 Jul 08 2011

Emotions make us human - and we all need to feel sometime. Take a breath, deal with what you need to, and everything will be okay.


10:06 Jul 07 2011
Times Read: 998

Oh god I feel sick. -Cold sweats-

I've had an ear ache all day and everything else. Ugh. Feels so blah. Why am I getting sick in the summer?! T___T Why?



10:47 Jul 07 2011

Eek :( Oh no..summer colds are the worse! Hope you get to feeling better soon hon :)

11:51 Jul 07 2011

Thanks! :)

14:07 Jul 07 2011

Why does anyone get sick in the summer.

Sorry you are feeling yucky Rose :(


12:46 Jul 05 2011
Times Read: 1,010

I feel really awesome today. I have no idea why. I've just been feeling super. Even after yesterday's shit. lol

No, I'm not in love or anything but I'm almost back to myself. :P Least my summer self. Burn, burn, burn. ]:)

Hmm. For today I will trick my mom into letting me out to do an errand for her. While I'm out I'll be sneaky as to doing something for myself.

Sprayed two blue streaks in my hair. Not much cause I don't want to turn blue. Other than that, I have to remember my file names! C****1. That's the file I need. Without the *. >_>



14:47 Jul 05 2011

... C1? O.o File names? o.O


14:48 Jul 05 2011


14:50 Jul 05 2011

FAIL! And I said no. I'm single. O.o



10:18 Jul 05 2011
Times Read: 1,011



05:33 Jul 05 2011
Times Read: 1,019
















Let me out! ._.

Well, I guess the only funny part is that I cursed in front of my mom. I was fucking trapped in my room for hours! T_T



07:22 Jul 05 2011

Trapped bird with fluttering wings.


18:50 Jul 04 2011
Times Read: 1,033

I have a bad habbit of opening my mouth and saying what I want to. My mother's friend was over again today. Mom had a small disagreement over the phone with him. I think they're all dolts. Well, my mother isn't, she just needs someone like me to vent to and explain how stupid everyone is. She'd do the same for me. lol It's a friendship we have at times. :P

I'm in my room again. With these really happy thoughts. I've been really happy these past days. Don't know what's gotten into me but I enjoy it. Even when I'm angry; I end up happy in the end.

So I hare him arguing with her from my room. Then I hear him say that shit out loud. /: "Rosie is so D-, she never smilies." PFTTTTTTTTTTTTTT I was so fucking pissed after he said that. Here I am, in bed, almost asleep, with very awesome thoughts and he says that crap? Fuck that. He wants to see an angry "sad" looking girl? I'll just show him my angry side. Never talking to him again. v_v For all he knows, I disappeared.

Heh, and no one calls me "Rosie". He can go fuck himself. v_v



18:58 Jul 04 2011

heh, and now he's annoyed me too for annoying you :P

19:04 Jul 04 2011

Lol. I've been holding my tongue because it'd be rude to tell a guest to "gtfo" when he's supposed to help someone fix something. x:

02:36 Jul 05 2011

Unfortunately my mum took people seriously when they said that about me and I landed in a chair with a psychiatrist...

Just ignore him. Or tell him that kicking him in the crotch would make you smile. :P

05:45 Jul 05 2011

Listen, the guy's a nutter. I explained it all to my mom after I was out of my room. T_T


02:23 Jul 04 2011
Times Read: 1,037

I've gotten over 9 hours of sleep. My mother's friend was over. He's supposed to be hanging out with her and helping her fix the pipe. My game plan is to hide in my room like a good girl so I won't end up saying anything stupid. Why? Because for years he's been talking behind my back to my mom on the phone. Years. "Why is she this? Why is she that? Is she...?" (Not filling in the blanks for that, but still. -.-)

So he's coming back soon. Like really soon. I just spent a few minutes to bitch about it here. =] Lol

I feel really well rested though. O.o




12:19 Jul 03 2011
Times Read: 1,050

Not a lot has made me happy for a year. Slowly things are getting back to normal for me. If there ever was a normal anyway. I haven't really felt happy but it's the small things that have helped me heal. The really small things like believing in people again even if it is just a small amount of people. I can express it and not hold back.

I wasn't a monster per say, but I learned how to hold back on emotions enough to make me feel sick if I were sad. I didn't want to admit it, but now I can cry. Without that choking feeling.

Now I do go to bed, even if it's for a small amout of time. I enjoy it. I don't randomly put a pillow on my face in my sleep. I pile on blankets and hug onto any pillow in reach. Then slowly close my eyes and find soft warm thoughts.

What the fuck is wrong with me?



13:40 Jul 03 2011

Its the small things that make the biggest difference to our happiness I think.

Believe in yourself too: you make a difference to this place for me, its good to know that you're around :P


15:38 Jul 02 2011
Times Read: 1,061

I'm so glad that Lullaby commented before. I grew up with Astro Land, not Luna Park so I didn't really understand some of Coney Island's past. Apparently, even though the first Luna Park was closed down for years, it made chain parks in other places and countries.

I've been doing a lot of research on Coney Island recently. That's defiantly something to add in there. The reconstructed park might not be the original but it's in the right place. The people from the 80's- 2010's will always miss Astro Land though. I guess people were angry about the change when they took down things like the famous rocket ship that sat on top of a store. Everyone loves the Cyclone roller coaster though so it wasn't removed. I think it might be a land mark. Just like the Wonder Wheel at Deno's Park.

I was even angry when they took Astro Land down; because for one yeaar the replaced it with these people who weren't from this state (You could tell with their southern accents, but that doesn't give jobs to the people who need it in the area) and the wiring to things were all over the place. That was the year it was "Dream land". Yuck!

So to take a new look on things, it makes me want to explore Luna Park even more. :)



16:05 Jul 02 2011

That is actually really true for here, too. Luna Park was closed if I'm not wrong, or they were closing it.

I'm pretty sure it's been reopened. :)

I've heard of the Cyclone too - they may even have a reproduction of that here somewhere lol. I'm almost positive I've seen a "Cyclone" rollercoaster that looked nasty.

... Astro Land was a place in a Crash Bandicoot game I played with mini ninja Penguins everywhere.

I'll assume that's not the same place. xD

16:16 Jul 02 2011

Yup, I was reading up on it. :) Said something about a ride that burned down there. o:

lol I love Crash more than Spyro. Plus Nina is the best fail ninja ever. >_> I don't think it's the same place since that's a video game. xD


Please forgive my spelling. I'm tired.

05:08 Jul 02 2011
Times Read: 1,065

Ah I was cranky today. Broke a brush in two before I left. Just wanted to kill something.

We went out and got the pipe, the stopped off at a few other shops. But hey it wasn't all that bad. I got some bangles. I'm a sucker for them. Like if you broke one of mine I'd probably cry over it. I don't know why. Maybe it somehow reminds me of my aunt. I got a few shiny ones and a few fake rings that look silver but aren't. Got a lion head, a rose ♥ and an ocotpus. xD I wish I could take pictures of them. they're pretty. :) I also got this spike like bracelet and eventhough they aren't real metal spikes they're to drool over! (I enjoy spikes. x:)

After that we took the bus to Coney Island and saw the fire works by 10PM. I felt like a 12 year old for those few minutes. Too bad we didn't check out Luna Park yet though. I would still like to see the changes. There's this new roller coaster and I wanna go on it once. >_> Scare the shit out of myself. Lolol

While we were heading to the bus stop we ran into an old home girl. Haha, Fucking shorty now bitch. It's funny how she respects me more. I don't know if it's because I'm bigger than her or because I look scary. :P Anyway, I'll always hate her. :D Wish I coulda' went to the punching bags and made small bets. lol I used to love beating older mens scores. I'd win 99% of the time unless they were just that much stronger than I. xP

-Yawns- Aww damn, I missed getting a few people I wanted. Oh well. Not my day huh?

Now to look up when the free summer concerts are. I could look in the Brooklyn news paper but I'm too lazy. I'll just look it up online.

Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Oh yeah. When I got back a guy rated me. O.o With this:

"Like the profile, can you let me know what Thorns Of The Rose is? In the meantime, I hope you like my little poem, it was inspired by your profile.

Smell Of Death

A rose rotting in a vase,

Drained of sustenence,

Withering fast,

Fading like a morning dream

Of scented melody,

A requiem, a midnight mass,

Prayer hands, unclasped,

Reaching out to grasp,

Holding on,

They grab only thorns.

The smell of death lingers,

Within bleeding fingers!

I kiss the cold, velvet petals,

The last vestige of summer,

Fading in the mist,

The cold breath of winter,

As darkness falls,

And midnight calls

His twelve chimes.

The shadows gather in ghostly dance,

In candlelit romance,

A flickering tongue of light.

The smell of death embalms me,

Preserving my misery!




Jul 01 2011

| Block |



08:15 Jul 02 2011

Lmfao. Octopus! XDD

I hope you get to go to one of the concerts. That'd be nice and fun - and go to Lunar Park! We have one of those here in Sydney. :P


21:47 Jul 01 2011
Times Read: 1,073

Well the pipe is broken. We have to go out and buy someting to replace it. I get so stressed between my sister fucking me up and then crying to everything else she ruins. Then that piece of shit Siamese doing something stupid. Ugh. I could stragel someone. But I won't.

My sister tells me, "Oh I don't want to play, I just want to keep hitting you." -.- Congrats! I so give up. This is why I don't want kids for a good long time.




02:49 Jul 01 2011
Times Read: 700

My god that story line was so sad. I must be getting soft. A story line like that hasn't made me feel bad since that show where a person's sister died. I've grown over this past year; into a total softy.

I think it was the fact that the girl felt alone and did somethng I should have done years ago. Yet, I didn't do such foolish things. Although that birthday scene and her with that pet and all that. Ugh, sad! T__T



03:24 Jul 01 2011

I've known you for a year, Payne calls me Mush... sorry about that. :P

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