TheArtistRose's Journal

TheArtistRose's Journal


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5 entries this month

More racism. and towards me too.

17:35 Apr 20 2010
Times Read: 644

read from the bottom up. and the jewish and any other victims should not ever be forgotten.

That sucks, sorry to sound like a bitch but get over it. He was one of the smartest men in the world, I'm not saying what he did was right because it wasn't..but for real why don't you people let it go that happened a long fucking time ago and it has nothing to do with you now so stfu.

On 15:49:29 Apr 20 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

ok, but i don't like him, he probably killed some of my family members who couldn't go to america.

On 15:48:01 Apr 20 2010 (-0 GMT) xVIRUSx wrote:

Today is his bday.

On 15:08:12 Apr 20 2010 (-0 GMT) TheArtistRose wrote:

why that kimset????



18:23 Apr 20 2010

That was a bit much D:

19:16 Apr 20 2010

A person seeking reaction.

Already had their script prepared.

BTW today is Bob Marleys B-day.

19:17 Apr 20 2010

Should on expect anything less from a person with a user name Virus.

16:16 Apr 21 2010

what the f**k is her problem

03:11 Apr 30 2010

That's crazy and I agree with you. He probably killed some of my family also. But Dabbler is right, what can you expect from someone with a username virus. I know people that have said that those that lost family/friends in 9/11 should get over that too. It's heartless.

00:44 Mar 04 2011

... Ironic. :D

Sorry, how can he be so smart when he did what he did?


Racist is sutpid! on all levels

00:15 Apr 20 2010
Times Read: 654

to day at school i walked into my history class.

i see my friends talking. one is an african american girl, the other russian, with white skin. we are going to college after the last part of the year. its the first day of new classes, first of the last... and they are talking about when they will see eachother again, after the school year ends. the russian girl says i can't go into your hood, there are too many black people there, and i don't want to get raped. the other girls like that won't happen, just say hi to a guy when you see him, he might be cute. and the other responds no.

so my other friend walks in and he is african american too. and i just get pissed, so i say, hey remember my ex? and the girl who felt hurt said yes. the dark big guy, with the tripp pants. and i say yeah,

and then that bitch.......

the russian girl who i wanted to prove a point to says, you had a boy friend? i thougt you were bi. any both of my friends look at her and say what?? she was never bi. and you don't just say that out loud to some one! and i was like yeah.

and that bitch says ok high 5 for being straight. and i'm like no. and my friend says its ok leave her hanging.

then the bitch talks about how she beat up a gay chick. and nobody pays attention.

hey what the fuck is this shit? does this bitch hate the way i dress? or is it because i'm so damn nice to people in general? or.... does she like me?



00:38 Apr 20 2010

Only your true friend will stand by you. Sorry to hear that the Russian girl misjudge you. One must never prejudge someone.

18:23 Apr 20 2010

LOL i know thats bad but it made me laugh .."after the school year ends. the russian girl says i can't go into your hood, there are too many black people there, and i don't want to get raped" thats freakin stupid,thats like saying i cant leave my car in the parking lot of a mexican resturant(shakes head)

03:14 Apr 30 2010

Time to ignore her! Her closed mind is poison to those around her.


Teachers Are Pervs

05:00 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 694

i know that some teachers like me, but ewww. they are teachers,lol. i know some talk to me then try hard not to. that seems sad, because i want them to say hi once in a while. to treat me as a person not a girl. at least the very corrupt school system, gives me a chance to see why they are so corrupt.

Today my home room teacher, which is a perminent sub, said something pervy. he was reading off a paper about school rules. he was talking about how the summers coming and the right clothes to wear. then he leaves off saying and no miniskirts, right rose. and i'm like no he didn't. i wear baggy clothes and tripp pants. why would he say something like that even if it was a joke, if he didn't want to see me wear a mini skirt?

Teachers should behave themselves better. i just wish they could grow up and not try to be us kids.



02:19 Apr 11 2010

I stopped teaching practice because of the lack of respect of the young today.

02:30 Apr 11 2010

sometimes thats what teachers hate. i guess you have to be strong.

18:21 Apr 20 2010

Oh geez,sorry rose,i understand,i always had to go through the same thing in school,if my teacher wasnt an ass hole he was a majot perv,one of the reasons im home schooled now :/


the last post on Vampire Kisses.

04:40 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 695


i notice people don't like gym class on here. why?

i don't know if this helps, but i'll tell you guys about the class i had today.

the teacher is a nice buff guy. hes no perv, hes not gay, his one flaw, wanting everyone to say that hes the best gym teacher! for people who don't know this the typical gym teacher, is a hidden fatso. in the begining of the year it was his birthday. he joked that he wanted a cake. So i bought him a cake, he said ok, you know i was joking right? then he was so happy he said you get an E, (an E is equil to an A), thanks for the cake.

back to my story of today, i'm in vollyball, and the teacher made up new teams today. i'm not that tall, i'm 5'4. however i still kick as.s. i do major rocker style slides, anything to save the ball. the ball heads to the back cause a girl sent it backwards, instead of forwards, so i go out of the quart, slide send it backwards, which is their forewards, cause i'm saving it and the girl in the front bumps it back on their quart, and we win the game!

Now my school is very mixed, it even has a club for gay kids. being in new york people tend to hate less. but if someone does hate at eachother, they' er going to have to deal with me. the one thing i hate are haters. Also being a woman, i grew up to be better than my enemies. if a guys on the quart bring it on! i once beat up a guy in basketball, and he b.itched, in jr. high, to the homeroom teacher, and showed her the mark i gave him, and she just said your just angry cause she beat you. in the mean time, when i went to put on my coat and noticed my nuckle was bleeding. thats because i was pi.ssed and took my anger out on the wall, stupid me, should have just killed the guy right? xp




Vampire Kisses Is Good BUT THe People Suck.......

04:39 Apr 10 2010
Times Read: 696

this next entry will be from there. i don't want to post on their forum anymore. its nothing but wining teen girls. Pluse i hate the author. not the book itself but the author, Ellen. she sort of screwed me out of something.........

ok so the entry above will be me trying to be friendly to them.



12:20 Jul 15 2012

I love your spelling. ♥ And I know, I'm fucking annoying. ;P

I bet VK misses joo. ;)

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