TheAlchemist's Journal


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3 entries this month


18:42 Oct 23 2007
Times Read: 541

I don't know where you guys/gals live, but here, people are so fucking closed minded.

'People' try to pick on me at work because I don't fit with them, or more accuratly, I'm not one of them.

A fucken idiot who looks like he's got Down syndrome tried to make fun of me because I wear nail polish. It was so funny I couldn't respond. For fuck's sake, look at a mirror and commit suicide.

Three worthless cockroaches trying to make fun of a wolf, because he's not one of them. I really hope anarky breaks soon here, where there will be no laws to protect these loosers.





21:37 Oct 19 2007
Times Read: 543

Interesting day: what do people call a guy who works 13 hours in a single day? I turned into a workaholic, since I enjoyed it…well, the money should be good.

Oh, there’s this guy at work who keeps trying to pick on me because I’m ‘a Goth’ or ‘a puff who wears make up’. This guy is hilarious; he really makes my day seem shorter. For example, he was trying to make fun of me because I use a concealer to hid spot marks and applies face mask and moisturiser…and according to him, a man who wear women product is queer…funny, I always though that these were face products not women products, but I guess the genius who spends all his money on junky party stuff knows best. He’s so much a genius, he thinks I am a rocker because I listen to Terminal Choice and Blutengel. Anyway, he was shouting in the lab how queer I am, because I use a concealer. I replied, ‘well, I can use a concealer to hid a spot (pimple mark) I may have, for you to hide yours, you need poly filler’ he really got offended, he just went out of the lab. Fucken party junkie, I hate the whole lot of you, useless mother fucking cockroaches.

Anyway, fuck the idiot, maybe I’m lucky enough and he dies during the night. I am SO tiered. Need to sleep so bad!




Fucken women!!!!

04:42 Oct 06 2007
Times Read: 560

It's 5:30am and I have just arrived home from Paceville. Well yeah I'm a bit too drunk...it'[s taking me ages to write this entry. I'm so pissed up I just want to kill something...anything. 3 girls were hitting on me today and guess what...they have fucken boy friends. Why the fuck are you hitting on me if you want to stay commeted to your partner. I guess people in malta think guys with lipstick are attractive? i don't know. fucken hell...I'm so drunk and so pissed up.

Funny how people's percpective change in a few moments.

There was suppose to be this 'gothic night' in the club called The Alley today. It was so crap. There was this girl wearing PVC skirt, a guy wearing a long skirt and me wearing bondage top & trousers. All the other people were wearing black or camo's.

So I went into the men's bathroom to check if my lipstick was still on....and...no mirror, so I went into the women's. There was this chick who looked at me and said 'ermmm sorry, taf li hawn tat-tfajliet hux?' which means 'ermmm sorry, you know this is the women's bathroom right?' Daaaa. So, as we were going out, I opened the door for her and held it open, to which she replied 'ahh, wearing lipstick and gentle, I know why you were in the ladies' now'. I didn't slam the door in her face just because she made me laugh..it was kind of funny. Afterwards I met this gorgeouse girl named Stef. After about 30minutes talking I asked her if she's single...to which she replied 'no sorry dude, I've been with my boy friend for 7 years' (disapointment number 1 ).

I was at coconut and met this friend of mine who used to train ninjutsu with me. He was with a lady friend who commented on my lipstick. For some reason, she ended up applying it for me...suddenly, she drew a smiling face on my cheak..which was quite funny. After she removed it, we were chatting and asked her if she was going out with my friend, which would be a one major stop sign. She said that they were just friends though so I continued the chat. Suddenly, my friend grabbed her hand and pulled her inside. Was her treatened? Fuck I have no clue (disapointment number 2 ).

There was this girl who pulled me by my straps to dance with her. After a quick chat, I asked her if she's single or not and she said 'well I'd better tell you straight, you're an attractive guy but I'm too old for you'...apparently she said she was 36 years old...(13 years older than me). I don't believe her though. (disapointment number 3)



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