What is with all of these profiles that are showing up here on the profile list but when you click on them, they say the user does not exist?
So I am trying to figure out why the kittens are going beserk and finnaly I go look.
HAHAHAHA the drugies.. They managed to get the bag of catnip down from its shelf, no I am not going to try and figure out how, and tossed it to the floor.
Apperently in the liberation of the bag they got a whif of what was in it.. Now someone is rolling himself over the damn bag and then running off to bounce off the walls.
Weirdos.. oh look.. he is back again...and it looks like he is ready to pounce. Yep I was right he did and oh look he got his friend the other cat to join him.
SO ok I go and pick up the bag, they have CHEWED holes in it. No wonder they are going nuts. Might as well give them the damn thing now, the package is ruined. HA.
The bastards... they chewed the bottom off the bag.. I even hid it.. they tracked it.. Who said cats could not function as trackers?
My cats once broke into a big bag of stored kibbles and fed off if for weeks, at least. I couldn't figure out why they started caring less about dinner until I found the bag, which was on top of an 8-foot-high set of storage shelves. One of the cats was climbing up every day to knock kibbles down the wall and under the shelves for both of them to eat. All's fair when a kitty is hunting....
05:30 Nov 18 2008
Remember the change? WHen you delete your profile, it will be visible for 30 days, in case someone changes their mind about deleting. So the ones that you click on and say, "No such user." Apparently have self deleted already.
07:25 Nov 18 2008
Oh yeah... Thanks for reminding me. :D