I dont know why I just thought of this but I remember reading a long time ago that...
That having a thorough sex session burns that same amount of calories that are in a double cheeseburger from McDonalds.
No matter how hard I try to stay out of drama she always finds a way to me. Seriously though, tonight has been absolutely absurd. Let's just say if anyone ever lays a hand on my child their heads will be rolling on the fucking ground.
No matter how hard I try to stay out of drama she always finds a way to me. Seriously though, tonight has been absolutely absurd. Let's just say if anyone ever lays a hand on my child their heads will be rolling on the fucking ground.
I'm sad, the Tool concert is this weekend and I am not going. Not only were tickets 75 a pop but the show also sold out in just under 15 mins. Boo!
So I have a very good friend that paid for this account for me some time ago, It's ends on the 24th and I am seriously considering just deleting when it is up. So If for some reason I get the urge to do so when this happens, then to whoever reads this...
It was nice knowing ya, and peace out!
So my sis and nephew are here for a week and I gotta say I am so loving the fact that my nephew is such an artist.
On another note, my son had his first playground accident yesterday. Fell a couple feet off of a playground bridge onto the ground face first. I'm just glad that it is was on rubber cement and not on regular cement. He's got a very nice knot just above his eye but he took like a champ. Cried for about 5 mins then he was back running around and such.
Oh my fucking god! Unless you are dumb, deaf, and blind there is no reason why two adults shouldn't be able to notice:
...20 mins of a loud ass door bell that sounds like fucking doomsday ringing for 20 mins +
...6 fucking calls to your precious cell phone
...5 rocks being thrown at the window that you are sitting right in front of
Seriously though, I go outside to get a drink from the fridge in the garage and as I come back the door is locked, I go through all of this, including walking around the block to a friends house in the middle of the night in my damn pj's and it took an hour just get you to open the stupid door! Uggg sometimes I really do loath people.
15:09 Jun 18 2010
I think they should include this in their advertising!