One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.’
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather: ‘Which wolf wins?’
The old Cherokee simply replied, ‘The one you feed.’
This is such a lovely story: so simple and yet so true. I think each and every one of us has these two wolves running around inside us. The Evil wolf or the Good Wolf is fed daily by the choices we make with our thoughts. What you think about and dwell upon will in a sense appear in your life and influence your behavior.
We have a choice, feed the Good Wolf and it will show up in our character, habits and behavior positively. Or feed the Evil Wolf and our whole world will turn negative: like poison, this will slowly eat away at our soul.
The crucial question is “Which are you feeding today”?
Well I hurt some I care about very much. I made a choice in my life and he doesn't like my decision. I will always care about him, even if he chooses to believe me or not. I have my reasons for doing what I do. Hopefully one day he will understand.
Hearts and flowers, ribbons and lace, the look of love upon her face. A happy heart that's hard to hide, this woman is soon to be a bride.
Making some changes in my life. I know this will be for the better. Some people in my may not like it but I am tired of pleasing others before I please myself. My new attitude is going to be: if you don't like the person I am, then get to stepping.
My house smells like crisp fall nights and unicorn smiles....what? Actually it smells like warm chicken soup.
Yes I warned cat to be careful with her messages. I did not say any names. Sorry if she knew it was you. What I think you did was wrong. Sending VR members your converstations then making front of her. NOT cool. I don't want drama. If doing the right thing, by warning someone is wrong. Then sorry.
This site is nothing but drama anyways. Which is why I don't talk to anyone on here. Here is a news flash:
You have no friends on here, because there is always someone talking about someone.
I did nothing but warn someone. Like I said sorry if this person knew who I was talking about. But if you send a conversation to a bunch of people on vr, she would have found out anyways.
Let this be a lesson for all you people out there that likes drama. Be careful who you send messages to, because guess what. That person will send it to someone else and then everyone will eventually see it.
I am tired of people using me for what I am and then never giving back anything in return. You are either my friend or your not. Friendship goes both ways. You have to give to receive, two way street.
Its easy to say your someone's friend, but your actions say otherwise.
hopefully things get better for you
Action do indeed speak louder than words!!
In the end the truth of a persons modivation alway come to light, if you are loyal, honest, and faithful time will reflect that. If they lie and decive you then when you need them you know because you'll find only excusses as to why they weren't at your side.
14:07 Oct 25 2013
Yes, indeed. Oh, the good and positive to answer. :)