If Wal-Mart is lowering prices every day, how come nothing is free yet?
Been feeling blah lately. Like I can't muster the energy to do anything important in life. There is a cloud of depression that has settled over me that I can't seem to get rid of. I hope things get better cause this sucks.
Parents are coming over for dinner. I am making a pot roast. The house is already smelling very very good.
This week at work, its been hell. Makes me want to pull my hair out.
some weeks are that way.just hang in there ..it will get better.
Know the feeling:)
Hang in there.
05:00 Jun 09 2010
cuz they raise the prices when you're not looking....bastards.
05:01 Jun 09 2010
LMAO yes why?? Things should be down to the free mark by now... I agree.
06:42 Jun 09 2010
It should be so lowered now to where they're paying you to take their merchandise. LOL
08:02 Jun 09 2010
they do!..i have had free samples of cheese and crackers, hillshire farms sausage (chedder worst) ect....
09:59 Jun 09 2010
You should see who they exploit to maintain the current prices...
Just have a quick think about it...
16:16 Jun 09 2010
hey that's a good Question to bad Sam,s not still alive so we can ask him.
07:21 Jun 10 2010
and why do they have a legless mentally challenged individual handing out smiley stickers, if that worker-bee never smiles?
04:50 Jun 11 2010
well i know they went UP on earbuds in electronics. dammit. lol
16:05 Jun 28 2010
Dey lower prices every DAY, yuh see. But in de night, when de sun drops low, dey raise dem up again! Feel dey is tricky, dem Wal Mart fellas.