THEmanTHATshouldntBE's Journal

THEmanTHATshouldntBE's Journal


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00:14 Aug 20 2010
Times Read: 901

Finally school let out. I was walking home. Then I was I was being chased by Mike Conner, the toughest bully in school. I looked over my shoulder and saw him advancing on me. I go to look forward and BAM! I ran into a stop sign. Last thing I remember was Mike standing over me about to finish me off.

I awoke sometime later in a strange place. It looked like a barn or something to that sort. The blanket I was covered with looked like plain sheep skin. I was questioning my surroundings, then my state of mind. I wondered just how hard I was hit on the head.

Soon after, a young woman wearing a dress from medieval times walked in. I started to think, either I am seeing things or I am dreaming. I asked her to pinch me as hard as she could. After her doing so, I yelled and slapped myself on the forehead.

I had a talk with the young woman to try and find out how I got there. She told me an interesting story of how their local wizard mispronounced yet another spell. It turns out he was trying to summon more water for their crops. Being the age of thirteen and knowing some spells, I went to if the wizard, named Abor, would let me join him. He agreed and I became his apprentice.

With my knowledge of the herbs they use, I was able to mix them and show him new paths of spell casting. I only knew the basics of the stuff from my time, so he still had a lot to teach me. I asked him to write down the spell that had brought me there so I could study it. He did so. I looked at it and asked him what language it was. He said, "It has not a name, for it is a dead language."

A decade passed and I have learned many things. I am in top physical condition, have learned the entire "dead language"; started working on spells of my own. Abor was like the wonderful father I never had. The young woman whom I met whence I first traveled here is now my wife. We bore two children, one male, one female. My son's name is Kandal, name after a castle I heard about. My daughter's name is Belle, French for beauty. They are an amazing set of twins at the age of five, already following in my footsteps.

The very next morning I awoke. I found my wife and son dead, my daughter was missing. I rushed to find Abor to set up for a tracking spell. To my luck he was missing too. In his sleeping quarters, I found what looked like my daughter's doll that she had made. Certain thoughts began to race through my head. I confronted my king and ask that I have one hundred men and two months supply of rations, so that we may set out on a quest. It took sometime, but he agreed to give me half of what I asked for and enough gold to buy three oxen. We bought two oxen to load supplies on and the others carried by their owners, switching out every two days.

Two weeks and a day past. We weren't far behind them. It seems like they were being followed by something, something big and unfamiliar to my eyes. Another day past, I found cinder marks where they teleported. Some of my men, having been trained by Abor, helped me out with an even more powerful tracking spell. Three days passed to complete the ritual, but it was worth it. We found them roughly three hundred miles South East of were they teleported, it seems he was trying to go back to our kingdom.

I questioned his actions. He spoke of a beast that wanted to kill my family. This beast was to fix the past that I broke.

I asked, "Why wasn't I touched by the beast?"

That's when Belle spoke, "I saw him trying to slash at your heart, but when he did, his hand crumbled to smoke and ash. That's when Abor rushed to save me. I was crying."

I dropped my head and examined my chest. Then I saw ashes.

Belle pointed to it and said, "that's where he tried to slash you, Father."

I dropped to my knees and began to cry. My daughter came over to me and kissed my cheek.

Abor, his other followers, and I sent the others home. Of course I kept my daughter by my side. We plan to hunt the beast and contain it. From what I could tell it was from nine to ten feet tall. Weighed at least six hundred pounds and had a pretty good running stride, thirty maybe forty miles. Knowing what the beast will do if it finds my daughter, I began to teach her cloaking and protection spells. Also levitation, if need be.

A week passed, no sign of the beast. My daughter had mastered the levitation spell. She is still working on the protection spell. She has almost mastered the cloaking spell. We laid down that night to get some rest. There was a sound South of where we pitched camp. Assuming it was the beast, I set out to capture it. I woke up some men, and together we went to investigate the noise. An hour passed, we found nothing but clawed trees and broken branches.

There was a scent in the air. It smelt like rotten apples. The scent always seemed as if it were behind us. I sat down for awhile to try and focus my mind. I started to nod off to sleep. I dreamt of a fire. People running around, a child crying. The place looked like I knew it. People wearing strange clothing. Metallic objects that looked like carriages. Faintly I started to remember. It was my home that I left so long ago. I woke up and started screaming. I wanted to draw the beast's attention. Out of nowhere it came to me. Ten feet tall, he approached us. He stopped and sat down in front of us. The beast had reasoning.

It spoke, saying his name was Goldar. He told me there is only on way I can return home. I asked what that was. When he answered, my eyes were in a stare upon the beast. I began to shake all over. I couldn't do it.

"I would rather die by my own hands then to kill my daughter," I replied to him.

Goldar stated, "Alas, have you forgotten your mother? Your sweet sister, whom you would give up the world for?"

"I have my own family now," I said.

He smirked, looking over at one of the men.

"You call a daughter and a few dozen men a family?" Goldar said with a little sarcasm.

I replied, "from what you have robbed me of, is not what I bored that is still alive my family? She was once of my flesh, the bond between me and my dead wife. Who was killed by your claw. Now, if you must mock me of what little I have left of a family, 'because' of your actions then it would be my honor to allow it."

Then I dropped to my knees, slamming my fist into the ground breaking the Earth while doing so.

"I understand you killing my son, but why my wife? She is of this time," I asked.

Goldar responded, "Simple, she was readying herself to bore yet another son. If he had been born, the end of time would take place upon him becoming a man."

I questioned, "So you kill my son and try to kill my daughter for a different reason?"

"No," he answered. "They were to help in his reign of destruction."

"Kandar and Belle would never do such evil. Why do you plague me with your lies beast spawned from Hell?" I said bitterly.

The beast sighed and growled from within.

"Humans are the most pitiful beings on this planet. They go through so many emotional stages. It is easy to stray from the path of goodness," he said very certainly.

"I have to agree," I said, "but that doesn't mean everyone will be that way. Can you explain what events would cause this to happen?"

"Your unborn son was nothing but a shell, a portal if you will." said the beast. "Once reaching manhood, that portal would have cracked open. This gave way for evil to slip into him. Noticing this, your son and daughter would have confronted him. Resulting in a battle..."

Snapping of twigs startled me. It was Belle.

"I've heard what he was saying." she said, "Can I sit with you and hear more?"

I nodded.

He began to speak again, "As I was saying, resulting in a battle between your children. your youngest son killing the eldest, then your daughter giving her life to take your other son's life. With his death, the portal smashes open causing ever ounce of evil to be poured upon the Earth."

"Where was I?" I asked.

"In the very Earth you stand upon," he said.

"When did I die?" I asked with eagerness.

"How do you think Belle and Kandar noticed your son was evil?" he asked, "After his twentieth birthday, he led you into the forest, saying that he wanted to go hunting."

"How can I trust you? Why did you try to kill me, and if you my son, why would you try to kill Kandar, Belle, and me?" I asked with disgust.

He looked at me.

"I only killed one of your sons." He replied, "Father, I was born with magic. Time is nothing to me."

I lifted my head and stared at him with fiery eyes of fear.

"Like you," he started to say, "I am from the future. I knew my death was upon me. So I came here to ensure my survival. I placed my unborn self in a body or a woman far from here. Once I am born I shall teach myself such as you taught me."

He reverted to a human form, looking just like me. With a few minor details, different hair color, different eye color. He is a bit more muscular.

"If you will excuse me, I will be off," said my son.

So he left. We tried to track him, but failed in the process.

Still one thing puzzles me. What role, if any, did his mother play in his death? I now see the mistakes he is trying to fix, his death by his siblings. Since that he has made himself known, he will have to become more powerful. He knows I will not let my guard down.

"Gather everything. We must go back to our kingdom." I told everyone.

Saving himself leads to more questions. Will he sacrifice himself once his younger self becomes of age, so he will be able to lead the destruction or the world? If he saved himself in the future, why would he come to the past? Did he do so to ensure his life? Maybe for deeper reasons, revenge upon something that hasn't happened, and under the circumstances, won't anymore.

He is of my flesh. I must have trained him. We may be on the same level. He might have been things that I have not learned. Meditation is needed.

"Tell Belle and the others I will be gone for three days and two nights," I said to Abor.

He replied, "You must retrieve supplies."

Pointing to my sack, I said, "All I need is in there. Some powders, a few herbs, and drinking water. The rest I can find on my own. Goodbye, protect Belle for me."

"Will do, keep safe," he told me.

So, I grabbed my stuff and started to dash into the woods. I shall camp in the same spot I encountered my demon of a son.



04:26 Jun 20 2011

Consider writing a book. I'd read it.

12:55 Aug 22 2014

If you wrote a book.. I'd read it :)

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