Is it so hard to take one's head out of one's own ass and ask ... why would he put an under eighteen sentance in his profile? I guerentee you all, it's less than a bleeding paragraph so if you missed it, you obviously don't belong amongst the living and have less than a gnat-in-heat's attention span ... I'm so bleeding tired of all these pre-teens trying to contact me, leaving notes and all this bolocks. It's bloody hard enough to maintain a stable relationship with any Typical female let alone the fact that the ones that seem to be attracted to the single picture I posted happen to have barely gotten past their first training bra. no offense ladies but please, Please realize that it's rather tiring looking in on thoughts posted to my profile and finding that not only have you posted that you're under the age of say -17- but it seems to range between 13-16. I didn't think that I missed a point when I said specifically that youngsters aren't allowed to put their two cents in when concerning me and mine. I prefer the attentions of woman not only my own age but sometimes my senior. At present time I find that they are not only more interesting but better people to occupy a thought over, given the fact that they in all likelyhood have been through exactly, if not More than what I have already been through. so again, I'm asking nice.
Your Birthdate: July 22 |
While sometimes employing unorthodox approaches, you are capable of handling large scale undertakings. You assume great responsibility and work long and hard toward completion. Often, especially in the early part of life, there is rigidity or stubbornness, and a tendency to repress feelings. Idealistic, you work for the greater good with a good deal of inner strength and charisma. An extremely capable organizer, but likely to paint with broad strokes rather than detail. You are very aware and intuitive. You are subject to a good deal of nervous tension. |
Thank you for the rather warm, if not brief welcome that each of you has given. I appreciate it.
The first entry to anything should start off with a telling of the author. My name is Cole. I am a member of the US Army and I work very hard for what little pay I recieve twice a month. I should be attending college to start my bachelors in Information Technology here in September.