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The World is ending! NOT!

16:57 Mar 12 2011
Times Read: 699

The World is ending! Not!

By Sylivia

So many people seem to be coming up with the theory that the world is ending because of a few natural Disasters.

The truth is that these people are fanatics and need to do a few simple history lessons and maybe a bit of science to learn that these things have been happening to the earth since the beginning of time and yes they usually happen in cycles which only makes perfect sense as the earth is basically a giant ball that "Cycles" around another ball made of molten lava and gasses. Tsunamis are caused by earth quakes under the sea and earth quakes are caused by the thousands of plates that slip and slide over a core of molten lava. When these plates rub together they cause lets say it together now "Earth quakes" Very good should I hand out lolly pops to all the bible thumpers and global warming fanatics that got the right answer?

tectonic plates Pictures, Images and Photos

Now sometimes when these plates rub together they slide on top of the other plates lip and cause large areas of land to raise up .. Sometimes this causes mountain ranges to form and sometimes this forces molten Lava to rush up and create a Volcano. Sooo when this happens under water it displaces the existing water and creates a? You guessed it " Tsunami" This occurs "Naturally" hence the words "Natural Disaster"

Tectonic Plates of the world

world tectonic plates Pictures, Images and Photos

There are 33 volcanos in Guatemala but 3 are active, Agua, Fuego, and Picaya, Picaya being the most active... that is Agua Pictures, Images and Photos

There are 33 volcanos in Guatemala but 3 are active, Agua, Fuego, and Picaya, Picaya being the most active... that is Agua

lava Pictures, Images and Photos

tsunami Pictures, Images and Photos




8.9 Earthquake Triggers Massive Tsunami off of the Coast of Japan

03:03 Mar 12 2011
Times Read: 709

8.9 Earthquake Triggers Massive Tsunami off of the Coast of Japan

By Sylivia Adelaja

March 11, 2011

The people living along the coast of Japan were in the middle of their workday when an 8.9 earthquake rocked the east coast and triggered a massive six to seven foot wall of water and debris known as a tsunami. It swept over Japans coast lines destroying everything in its path. Waves were reported as far as 6 miles inland. It was the largest recorded tsunami for Japan in over a thousand years according to the USGS .

There was little warning before Thousands of homes and businesses were devastated or destroyed. 88,000 are reported missing and up to 300 bodies have been discovered so far in port city of Sendai alone. The Death toll is feared to be in the thousands according to local police.

A passenger train and a ship carrying one hundred passengers have been reported missing. The fate of these passengers is of yet unknown.

Oil refineries and terminals are burning out of control. Fire fighters are helpless to do anything about them with all the debris and water blocking the roads.

The prime minister of Japan, Naoto Kan is asking that everyone remain calm and vigilant. He promises that the government of Japan is doing everything in its power to minimize the damage and restore order to the chaos that is now gripping the coastal cities and villages.

Nuclear power plants in the area were forced to go into emergency shut down due to the tsunami. Fuksuhima Nuclear power station is fighting to reduce the internal pressure within it’s core where cooling systems have failed due to the emergency shut down.

Over 3,000 residents near the Fuksuhima Nuclear power station have been ordered to Evacuate due to the possibility of a radioactive leak

Fires have broken out in residential structures and businesses through out the coast. These fires burn out of control as emergency workers are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of this disaster.

Train service has been suspended and thousands are now stranded in office buildings and businesses through out the area.

The United kingdom is making ready to offer emergency assistance.

Crews are preparing emergency aid kits for the victims, such as water and blankets and food. They are awaiting word from the Japanese government. British Airways have a plane on standby to transport these items and volunteers at a moments notice.

In a statement issued by the President of the United States, “The US stands ready to help!”

If any good can come of such a horrid disaster such as this it is the show of humanity that reminds us that no matter what our differences are we can and will pull together to help one another in a time of need.



03:12 Mar 12 2011

I cannot by any stretch of creativity imagine the devastation these people are going through.

How terrible. My God.

04:24 Mar 12 2011

When I was watching the news this morning the USGS officially upgraded the earthquake to a solid 9. By noon EST an American Navy ship was cruising toward Japan to assist in any way they can.

05:28 Mar 12 2011

I was awake when the news broke out and watched as the 2nd wave of the tsunami hit... truely heart wrenching :(

I have family living in Tokyo and friends who were on vacation there. Everyone is fine thank goodness but it was a quick and scary reminder of Mother Earth's power

16:13 Mar 12 2011

It is quite scary and reminds me so much of the one that hit Thailand in 04. I lost many friends that day and though I know my friends in Japan are ok I still cry because I have seen first hand what these things can do. Now they are saying that there is a chance of a melt down at 2 nuclear plants .

19:13 Mar 18 2011

Mother Earth is showing humanity that it can get even with us whenever it wants to.

It's too bad that those who have been creating the problem cant it the recipitants of her anger.

Usually it's those who are without fault that pay for it.

But sometimes things occur for a reason, called evolution. Wake up humanity you need to change.

Of all the worlds out their we are the least evolved.

05:13 Mar 27 2011

i feel sorry for these people in it was nature ways

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