I don't. I live a sweetly oblivious existence.
LOL! I wanna go there! Everywhere I go there is the same message...it's overdone.
It's only the voices in your head!!
Well sorry... T_T
Gotta love Urban Dictionary.
It's so bad, in a bad way.
Hardly any good comes from it. :P
Total slang overkill.
Let's start our own eutopia. Sulks, you can be President. I'll gladly follow your lead. Any other takers? hehe
LOL Winter!
Lets go!
The rest can follow hahaha :D
I hate to say that I am a "what you see is what you get" kind of girl. In real life I actually do fail to sympathize with others. I really do prefer my own company to anyone else's.
I get bored though and for that I have VR. I blend in so nicely with all the ijits and people have stopped responding to me so I can be invisible on the network, hehehe
I still wish I could figure out how to make an anti social network though.
LOL Moonkissed! an 'anti-social' network would be so cool! haha!
Yup. I'm afraid I'm terribly boring. I'm no supermodel at all but I do like to pretend :D
I am a mom who actually balances the acts of being at times hyper involved online with properly parenting and supervising my teens because I rarely leave the house.
Seriously; I go outside to smoke, take the trash and walk the dogs. Every two weeks I am forced out to the store and it is always under protest.
Also, is two and a half to three hours to much time to spend on farmville at a time?
Sounds to me like you have the perfect balance there, unless of course you feel it isn't? I do much the same. At times, I'm online most of the day, other times I do things like shopping, work, daydreaming, gardening, etc., etc. My life isn't boring though, it just is normal and I like it exactly like that :)
LOL looks like I contradicted myself by saying in the first comment that I was boring and in the second comment that my life wasn't boring but, I only meant that I had a very ordinary life, nothing startling in it at all haha :P
I am with Moonkissed on this one..what you see is whats goin on.Not ALL of whats goin on,but a part of it..The stuff in my life that I feel like sharing.
And, I dont get bored.
But hey,I do like this entry because it is very true for many.
B-but I AM a brain surgeon...
In the cyber world, we can't be sure of anything. In my journal, I try put my feelings and mind frame along as best I can, but I get the feeling people wouldn't think me possible of writing such things if I were to meet them offline. I'm cripplingly shy.
I have a voice here though, and I use it. So does that fit in with the internet brings out different sides of people thing? In my case I've always thought that way - I just never expressed it.
In essence, I want several people on here to know me inside and out - which won't be possible, I know. I hate the thought of pretending to be what I'm not; alas, why I hate role-players. :P
I think you're right about that Lullaby. Online, I feel freer to write what I want, so I do. I guess the anonymity of it all means that I can express myself better...plus...it's so much easier to delete what I don't like, so it's not always the truest picture of what's in my mind/me at times.
I finally came clean. I actually AM a stripper cow. I only play a social worker in real life.
This is all about sociology and participant observation ... just change into something clean and you're perceived as a different type of person!!
Most people will try put themselves across well out in public - though it somehow seems different online.
I think the internet is what we make of it in the way of social networking sites - because we have the choice to put ourselves out as we want to be seen. We can choose to lie, or be true. Or we can choose to be truthful about lying about being truthfully lying.
With your deleting and editing of entries - people do exactly the same thing with photos, so I don't see the difference. Instead of putting your flesh across, you're showing your mind.
Even deleting an entry/editing it shows about who you are. ;P
still giggling at Joli...
yeah, as always Lullaby, you're spot on with how you see things. We all want to be seen as something, whether it's a truthful something or not.
Sometimes we 'edit' what we put across... sometimes it's us 'unblemished', or even in our 'raw' state. I know I am different here to how I am to people I know in real life...I don't do that to hide who I am either, it's just that here, I can change, or leave out some things about me that I reserve for people I know very well.
I agree with your post. My life is no more interesting than anyone elses. However, the person that I am online is a lot of who I am offline. Great post Sulks!
Well, speaking for myself, my entries are full of a bit of drama because my life really has just that much in it and I am a "tell it like it is" kind of girl. This is my venting platform so I spew it here. I don't have many close friends and I just need to get it out. I truly wish my life were more peaceful, that's what I am aiming for.
Now, about liars and untruths, I have encountered many on here and in fact am living with one I met on VR but I think you know that. I try not to think everyone here is the same but damn there are some good bullshitters online..
I was referring to major drama. You know, folk having mega episodes every few minutes, days, weeks. Folk who aren't ever happy unless what they are doing is bigger and better (or worse) than what everyone else is doing. These are the folk I was thinking of when I wrote this.
...as to liars...well...people lie all the time. The lies that do damage are the lies that are told with bad intentions behind them.
That's the good thing about life sometimes. The drama here can never compare to life drama. But who wants to write about drama where everyone can see it? Like when people say "I know how you feel." Are they you? There's no way that they can know how you feel in the end. Even if you tell your deepest darkest secrets to your friends. Though they can support you and that's always a good thing.
To be honest, sometimes I'm afraid to write about my day. Knowing anyone or anything can look it all up and read it. Yes, I'm slightly paranoid.
Of course everyone lies. Who is going to tell their friends or family members that they look fat in that dress? lol It is indeed only the lies that cause harm that get to people.
lol I haven't watched that south park yet.
Though I must say, whenever someone says I'm evil, I tell them it's not evil, it's live. Gotta be evil to live.
well hello Stranger! LOL
LOL @ acute! Right angle there.
My head hurts :-(
Hello Sulks, Stranger Danger here. ;)
What's reality? lol
HA! Heheh Bloodlife, is it really that bad? ROFLMAO!
Smiling softly, Emmy leaves you a deep red rose..
Oh the memories..!
Watch Nell if you haven't already seen it~ It deals with some of the afore mentioned. The main character's mother was a victim of a stroke (among other things) and had incredibly slurred speech, which is what the character learned to communicate in.
I will do, thanks. It sounds terribly interesting.
The different ways people communicate without recognisable language is highly fascinating to me :D
It is to me, too. :) I want to learn as many languages as possible.
I wish they ran a linguistics course here. >:/
A free-tuition online university:
I haven't looked through it for Linguistics at all but they do plenty of courses. You never know, you might find something that suits you :)
I'm going to do a course from it shortly, just haven't finalised which one I really want to do yet. Decisions, decisions...LOL
The beauty of it is that you do it all from the comfort of your own computer, at your own convenience and pace. It worked for me simply because - although the UNI I studied at wasn't that particular one- the method of study was the same. I really loved NOT having to hang around with fellow classmates which is what happens in the physical environment/ traditional classroom LOL
it could be.
I've often noted to people - remember when you were a child and you ran everywhere? There was no walking - you ran. Sprinted. Went from place to place as fast as you could, and never felt tired or winded.
Where does that energy go?
I dunno Birra. Could be the weight of responsibility is too heavy for us adults to run freely. I kinda miss having my kids, and we played on the beach from morning to sundown, I'd give anything to have that time again with them.
You certainly seem...full of...ummm... 'energy' though. :P
I still play like that some times. :)
Wanna color with me?
LOL Req. Yes!
Must admit, I do always try to make time for some silliness, even if it's just pulling funny faces at strangers :D
Req... only if it's naughty things. Or Hello Kitty. :P
Children are so carefree. They don't have to worry that there's not enough money, that their hair looks messy.
Growing up kills dreams and maybe... sobers people up to the point where fun seems like a hindrance? Like it's just a luxury that no one can afford? It costs time and money, the things older people worry about most. :P
I think so Lullaby. I never want to be too old to play. I'm just gonna go roll down a hill, play hide-and-seek in the supermarket, and paddle in the public fountain just because it's fun :P
Make sure you color OUTSIDE those lines!
LOL! yes Joli! and make the sky green and the grass pink too :D
I will never tell my kid to 'grow up' when she's being silly and I hope (wish) she never does.
Nope, I hope she remains full of fun too :)
On 14:34:51 Jun 29 2011 (-0 GMT) A****** wrote:
need to ask something.
after reading a comment you left, I need to ask:
"Will you accept that there are those of us, many of us, who find there a few admin here, who are intolerant and abusive, with their use of 'power'?"
PAGAN blocked your sorry ass after having the above conversation with you...
...so you journaled about PAGAN...no big deal it just confirmed you were someone I couldn't possibly see eye-to-eye with...and I (Sulks) had a little giggle about that...when you threw a pissy-fit and deleted all the comments disagreeing with your opinion (which by the way, you are perfectly entitled to) I only giggled more...what made Sulks block you was not the fact you journaled about Sulks or PAGAN even, but because you had the audacity to send Sulks yet another whiney-ass message after insulting her integrity (twice) in your whiney-ass journal.
What the fucking fuck is wrong with you man?
Blocking is done for a reason: the other party does not, repeat DOES NOT wish to receive a message from someone for whatever reason.
Message or comments. :P
You have a right to add people to a friends list or a blocked list. The thing is, people forget that there's a block button for a reason.
He honestly doesn't get it. He thinks it's all fine and good to have someone else message you around the block to ask why you'd done it in the first place, and yet he still messages your alternate...
Hate to say it but he reminds me of a CM he once gave his Coven to...
LOL Pantomime thats exactly what he did haha
*face palm*
Aaaaah. Like a fresh breeze on a scalding day :)
I LOVE this song Joli. I'm just delighted I found it again because I'd forgotten how great it was.
I love this song. I have the Tears For Fears version, though I much prefer the original. It's so beautiful.
Aww That horrible person Rose! Hahahaha! I guess she won't be getting porn links any time soon for her birthday or something. lol Such a child she is.
O.o If I'm correct, he's someone who asked Lullaby who she was on another profile when it was clear that she announced it on there. I guess his words are more important than others since he has to delete them.
As for PAGAN, she's sweeter than most. Admin have a right to have friends too. (After all they are human) Whoever is friends with PAGAN or lucky enough to talk to her is one lucky person in my view.
VR without rules would be one corrupted place. People seem to forget that this site is better than most. Even admin follow rules. Admin from other sites would kick someone out in a heart beat. People do not realize how good they have it here. With all the new changes; who wouldn't become addicted? I sure have. :P
I left this comment on his journal and because I know he'll delete it here it is:
the absolute truth is: PAGAN is Sulks.
Now...un-add me you whiney old git. I put that comment above just for kicks.
maybe I do appear to kiss-ass and thats your opinion. If you can't deal with ME having my opinion that they are actually a decent bunch of people, then you're more of a silly old (creepy) man than I thought you were.
Delete or don't delete my comments. I really don't care.
God, how many ways can they spell that differently?
He'll whine about anything - and his favourite subject of all time? Admins and their "power abuse". Like I said in his journal before he promptly deleted it - Admins and people in general have feelings and don't have to deal with his shit.
At least you didn't block him on both accounts - you weren't malicious at all.
I wanna know what "getting nowty" is. :P
LOL CM, me too!
Something cooler than the bracket thing?
way cooler :P
I took a difficult test without studying and got a reasonable result. I figure now that I know what I am up against, if I study for it I can take it again and do well LOL
Yay! That's one step ahead of me anyday. I never study. x:
I'm sure you'll pass soon enough:)
Give me all your candy before you die!
-Shoots you with a water gun- ;)
Now now, keep in mind that at times, one word is better than some of the so called pick up lines that get sent to you. See! Now don't you feel better? lol
heh. You guys!
What?! My pick up lines don't work?
>.> Now they tell me...
You probably read more journals than I do. Journals used to be odd to me. The only journal I own is the ones I have here on VR.
And sometimes when I read other people's journals the same thing happens to me. This may be a vampire site but some people can be so human.
Thats exactly right Rose. People here are wonderful people.
You are right, It's a beautiful day.
You're a lovely breath of fresh air, yourself.
Besides, you wouldn't have known what to do with £140 million!! lol
LOL! Thats just it! I wouldn't have. I'd be happy with a tenner me :D
I like this. :P
I'm so bad with gambling - I haven't and will not go out and do it because I know I'll have a problem stopping. xP I play games on the xBox and get so addicted to the chance factor...
The excitement would have been the worst. Thinking you'd hit it big time... and bam. :( :P
LOL Lullaby I'd even planned a couple of Lifetimes. Pah.
Oh well :D
You could have bought me a four pack....
hell Theban, I'd have bought you a six-pack if I'd have won LOL
I know this nice little charity... :)
I'd have loved to Joli :)
11:42 Jul 31 2011
That last line. I envy you. Much too often I think I'm controlled by my head and not my heart.
11:57 Jul 31 2011
That's so well said. Never change.
12:05 Jul 31 2011
dammit. I wish I could edit these things without losing comments...
There are people who might wonder if I care about things too much, if I care about others at the expense of me. Well I don't. I care about me most of all.
That's maybe why I can care so much about the other stuff.
12:15 Jul 31 2011
you're amazing ... wish everyone could feel like this and see the beauty in life
13:27 Jul 31 2011
I'm glad that you are ruled by your heart. I feel that our heart and our compassion is what separates us from the monsters that lurk all around us.
Well done!
17:24 Jul 31 2011
LOL this is not me looking for praise. This is a response to something that made me mad yesterday because it appears that folk didn't get what I was trying to do.
We are all different. Our responses to things are different. I admire folk who try and fail yet keep on trying, believing they will fail, a thousand times more than those who try and with no apparent effort do just 'fine'.
These people who are 'fine' have no concept of just how hard it is to keep on getting up and trying again, over and over. These people who strive yet know continuous failure, have my admiration, and I care about them the others probably don't need me to care, nor maybe even want recognition for being 'fine'.
So...I wanted to spare a thought for folk who will probably never succeed in being 'fine'.